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属天的奥秘 第9739节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9739

9739. As thou wast made to see in the mountain, so shall they make it. That this signifies from the correspondence of Divine things in heaven, is evident from the signification of "the altar seen in the mountain," as being a form that corresponds to Divine things in heaven; for "Mount Sinai" denotes heaven (see n. 8805, 9420); and the forms which appear in the heavens correspond exactly to the Divine celestial and Divine spiritual things themselves which belong to good and truth. That these things are thus rendered visible before the internal sight of angels and spirits, can be seen from all those things which have been already stated and shown about the representation of heavenly things in natural forms (n. 1619, 1971, 1980, 1981, 2987-3003, 3213-3227, 3475, 3485, 6319, 9457, 9481, 9574, 9576, 9577). The Divine things to which the altar corresponded are those which have been thus far described.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9739

9739. 'As it has appeared to you on the mountain, so they shall make [it]' means in keeping with the correspondence of Divine realities in heaven. This is clear from the meaning of the altar that 'appeared on the mountain' as an outward form corresponding to Divine realities in heaven. For Mount Sinai means heaven, 8805, 9420, and the outward forms that appear in heaven correspond completely to actual Divine celestial and Divine spiritual realities, which belong to goodness and truth. The fact that these realities are presented in this visual way to the inner sight of angels and spirits may be recognized from all that has been stated and shown previously regarding the representation of heavenly realities within natural forms, in 1619, 1971, 1980, 1981, 2987-3003, 3213-3227, 3475, 3485, 6319, 9457, 9481, 9574, 9576, 9577. The Divine realities to which the altar corresponded are the ones that have been described up to now.

Latin(1748-1756) 9739

9739. `Quemadmodum visum tibi in monte, ita facient': quod significet ex correspondentia Divinorum in caelo, constat ex significatione `altaris visi in monte' quod sit forma correspondens Divinis in caelo, mons enim Sinai est caelum, n. 8805, 9420; et formae quae in caelis apparent correspondent prorsus ipsis Divinis caelestibus et Divinis spiritualibus, quae sunt boni et veri; quod haec ita reddantur aspectabilia coram visu interno angelorum et spirituum, constare potest ex omnibus illis quae de repraesentatione rerum caelestium in formis naturalibus, prius dicta et ostensa sunt, n. 1619, 1971, 1980, 1981, 2987-3003, 3213-3227, 3475, 3485, 6319, 9457, 9481, 9574, 9576, 9577; Divina quibus correspondebat altare, sunt quae hactenus descripta sunt.

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