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属天的奥秘 第9742节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9742

9742. At the corner of the south southward. That this signifies that it is in the light of truth, is evident from the signification of "the south southward," as being where truth is in light (see n. 9642). That the court was on this side, was because those who are in the court of heaven, that is, who are in the ultimate heaven, are in the good of faith, and the good of faith arises by illumination from the light which is from the Lord. The light which is from the Lord is the truth of faith, and when this becomes of the will, it is called the good of faith. With those who are in the outer court, a new will is formed in the understanding (n. 9596), for the formation of which it is necessary that they be in the light of truth. From this it is that the court was made "southward" relatively to the Habitation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9742

9742. 'On the south side, southwards' means that it dwells in the light of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the south, southwards' as a place where truth dwells in light, dealt with in 9642. The reason why the court lay on that side was that those who are in the court of heaven, that is, in the lowest heaven, are governed by the good of faith, and the good of faith comes into being through enlightenment provided by the light which comes from the Lord. The light which comes from the Lord is the truth of faith, and when this truth is integrated into the will it is called the good of faith. With those who are in the outer court a new will part is formed within the understanding part of their mind, 9596; and to enable it to be formed there it is necessary for those people to dwell in the light of truth. This explains why in relation to the dwelling-place the court was made 'on the south side, southwards'.

Latin(1748-1756) 9742

9742. `Ad angulum meridiei ad austrum': quod significet quod in luce veri, constat ex significatione `meridiei ad austrum' quod sit ubi verum in luce, de qua n. 9642. Quod atrium ab illo latere esset, erat causa quoniam {1} qui in atrio caeli sunt, hoc est, qui in ultimo caelo, (o)illi in bono fidei sunt, et bonum fidei existit per illuminationem (c)a luce quae a Domino; lux quae a Domino est verum fidei, hoc cum fit voluntatis vocatur bonum fidei; apud illos qui in atrio exteriore sunt, novum voluntarium in parte intellectuali formatur {2}, (o)n. 9596, quod ut formetur, necessum est ut in luce veri sint; inde est quod atrium factum sit `ad angulum meridiei ad austrum' respective ad habitaculum. @1 quia$ @2 formatum est$

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