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属天的奥秘 第984节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]984. The fact that filling the earth means [that the good effects of charity and the true ideas of faith increased] in the outer self is established by the symbolism of the earth as the outer self, which several earlier sections discuss [16, 27, 82, 909, 913].
The case with the good impulses of charity and the true ideas of faith in a regenerate person is that they are implanted in the person's conscience. Since they are implanted through faith — that is, through "hearing the Word"{*1} — they first lodge in the person's memory, which is part of the outer self. When the person has been reborn, and the inner self is active, fruitfulness and multiplication follow the same pattern; the good impulses of charity make themselves evident in the feelings belonging to the person's outer self, and the true ideas of faith do so in the memory. In both places, they increase and multiply.
Anyone who has regenerated can see what this multiplication is like. Regenerate people are always gaining new confirmation from the Word, from their rational side, and from facts they have learned. All three of these give them greater and greater assurance. This kind of multiplication is one of the effects of neighborly love, an effect the Lord alone produces, working through that love.

{*1} "Hearing the Word" is an allusion to Romans 10:17: "So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the Word of God." [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 984

984. That to "replenish the earth" signifies in the external man, is evident from the signification of the "earth" as being the external man, which has been already shown several times. In reference to the goods of charity and the truths of faith in the regenerate man, it may be observed that they are implanted in his conscience; and as they are implanted by means of faith, or by the hearing of the Word, they are at first in his memory, which belongs to the external man. When the man has been regenerated, and the internal man acts, the same takes place with respect to fructification and multiplication, the goods of charity putting themselves forth in the affections of the external man, and the truths of faith in his memory, increasing and multiplying in each case. The nature of this multiplication may be known to every regenerate person, for things that confirm constantly accrue, from the Word, from the rational man, and from knowledges [scientifica], by which he becomes more and more confirmed, this being an effect of charity, the Lord alone doing the work through charity.

Elliott(1983-1999) 984

984. 'Filling the earth' means residing with the external man. This is clear from the meaning of 'the earth' as the external man, dealt with several times already. In the case of someone who is regenerate the goods of charity and the truths of faith have been implanted in his conscience. And because they have been implanted by means of faith - that is, through hearing the Word - they lodge first of all in his memory, which belongs to the external man. Once he has been regenerated and the internal man is active, fruitfulness and multiplication follow too; goods that stem from charity reveal themselves in affections that belong to the external man, while truths of faith do so in his memory, where they grow and multiply in both places. Any regenerate person may know the character of this multiplying, for things of a confirmatory nature are coming in all the time, both from the Word and from the rational man, as well as from known facts, to confirm him more and more. It is the outcome of charity, with the Lord alone working by means of that charity.

Latin(1748-1756) 984

984. Quod per 'implere terram' significetur apud externum hominem, constat a significatione 'terrae' quod sit externus homo, de qua aliquoties prius. Bona charitatis et vera fidei apud regeneratum se ita habent, quod implantata sint in ejus conscientia; et quia implantata sunt per fidem, seu per auditionem Verbi, primum insunt ejus memoriae, quae est externi hominis; cum regeneratus est, et internus homo agit, tunc fructificatio et multiplicatio se similiter habet; bona charitatis se exserunt in affectionibus quae sunt externi hominis, et vera fidei in memoria, et ibi et hic crescunt et multiplicantur: qualis sit multiplicatio, quisque regeneratus scire potest, semper enim confirmantia accedunt, tam ex Verbo quam ex rationali homine, ut et ex scientificis, ac ita magis et magis se confirmat; quod est charitatis effectus, operante solo Domino per charitatem.

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