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属天的奥秘 第9891节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9891

9891. Upon the edge thereof which is toward the side of the ephod inward. That this signifies the conjunction and preservation of the middle part, is evident from the signification of "the edge of the breastplate which is toward the side of the ephod inward" as being conjunction with the middle part of heaven, and thus preservation; for by "the ephod" is signified the Divine truth in the spiritual heaven in the external form (see n. 9824), thus heaven in externals; and "the edge which is toward the side of the ephod inward" denotes the middle part; for the subject treated of is the conjunction of all the goods and truths of heaven with the ultimates there, and from this it treats of the preservation of the whole and of all its parts. [2] All goods and truths are represented by the twelve stones of the breastplate, and the names of the twelve tribes upon them. The conjunction of these with the ultimates of heaven is represented by the binding of it to the ephod in six places; in two places at the shoulderpieces above; in two at the middle part; and in two at the shoulderpieces underneath above the girdle. By this is representatively exhibited the preservation of the whole of heaven and of all things there. [3] The conjunction of the breastplate at the shoulderpieces above, represents the preservation there of celestial goods and truths; the conjunction at the edge toward the side of the ephod inward (that is, at the middle part), represents the preservation of spiritual goods and truths; and the conjunction at the shoulderpieces underneath over against the joining above the girdle, represents the preservation of the natural goods and truths which proceed from the two former. For the goods and truths of heaven are in a threefold order; those which are in the highest parts are called "celestial;" those which are in the middle parts are called "spiritual;" and those which are in the lower parts, which proceed from the former, are called "natural" (of which below).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9891

9891. 'On the edge of it which is on this side of the ephod, inwards' means the joining to and preservation of the middle part. This is clear from the meaning of 'the edge of the breastplate which is on this side of the ephod, inwards' as a joining to the middle part of heaven, and so the preservation of it; for 'the ephod' means Divine Truth in the spiritual heaven in an outward form, 9824, thus heaven in outermost things, and 'the edge which is on this side of the ephod' means the middle part. The subject is the joining of all the forms of good and the truths of heaven to the last and lowest things there, and thereby the preservation of the whole and all its parts.

[2] All those forms of good and truths are represented by the twelve stones in the breastplate and by the names of the twelve tribes inscribed on the stones there. The joining of them to the last and lowest things of heaven is represented by the tying of the breastplate to the ephod in six places - two at the shoulder-pieces above, two at the middle part, and two at the shoulder-pieces below, above the girdle. From all this the preservation of the whole of heaven and all its parts is demonstrated in a representative fashion.

[3] The joining of the breastplate at the shoulder-pieces above represents the preservation of the celestial forms of good and truths there; but the joining at 'the edge on this side of the ephod, inwards', or to the middle part, represents the preservation of the spiritual forms of good and truths. And the joining at the shoulder-pieces below against the join above the girdle of the ephod represents the preservation of the natural forms of good and truths coming forth from the celestial and spiritual ones. For the forms of good and the truths of heaven exist in a threefold order. Those on the highest levels are called celestial, those on the middle levels are called spiritual, and those on levels below are called natural coming forth from those celestial and spiritual ones; these will be dealt with below.

Latin(1748-1756) 9891

9891. `Super ora ejus quae citra ephodum introrsum': quod significet conjunctionem et conservationem partis mediae, constat ex significatione `orae pectoralis quae citra ephodum introrsum' quod sit conjunctio cum parte media caeli, et sic conservatio, per `ephodum' enim significatur Divinum Verum in {1}caelo spirituali in forma externa, n. 9824, ita caelum in externis; et `ora quae citra ephodum' (x)est pars media; agitur enim de conjunctione omnium bonorum et verorum caeli cum ultimis ibi, et inde de conservatione totius et omnium ejus partium; [2] omnia bona et vera {2} repraesentantur per duodecim lapides pectoralis, et per nomina duodecim tribuum illis inscripta ibi; conjunctio illorum cum ultimis caeli repraesentatur per alligationem ejus ad ephodum {3}in sex locis, binis ad umeralia superius, binis ad mediam {4} partem, et binis ad umeralia inferius supra cingulum; inde sistitur repraesentative conservatio totius et caeli et omnium ibi; [3] conjunctio pectoralis ad umeralia superius repraesentat conservationem bonorum et verorum caelestium ibi; conjunctio autem ad oram citra ephodum introrsum seu ad mediam partem repraesentat conservationem bonorum et verorum spiritualium; et conjunctio ad umeralia inferius contra juncturam supra cingulum repraesentat conservationem bonorum et verorum naturalium a binis prioribus procedentium; nam bona et vera caeli in triplici ordine sunt; quae in supremis vocantur caelestia, quae in mediis spiritualia, et quae in inferioribus naturalia procedentia ab illis, de quibus infra. @1 Regno$ @2 i coeli$ @3 tribus in locis,$ @4 i ejus$ @5 quod significet$

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