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属天的奥秘 第9918节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9918

9918. Pomegranates. That hereby are signified memory-knowledges of good, is evident from the signification of "pomegranates," as being the memory-knowledges of good (see n. 9552). That pomegranates were put upon the skirts of the robe, was because "the skirts" signified the ultimates or extremes of heaven and the church, and the ultimates or extremes of the church are memory-knowledges, as is evident from what was said above (n. 9915, 9917), about the successive order of goods and truths in the heavens and with man. The memory-knowledges of good and truth which are signified by "the pomegranates," are doctrinal things from the Word, which are memory-knowledges insofar as they are in the memory which is in the external or natural man. But when they enter into the memory which is in the internal or spiritual man, as is the case when the man lives according to them, then doctrinal things as to truth become of faith, and doctrinal things as to good become of charity, and are called spiritual. When this is done, they almost vanish out of the external or natural memory, and appear as it were innate, because they are then implanted in the man's life, like all those things which through daily use have become as it were of his nature. From this it is evident what memory-knowledges are, and what purpose they serve; consequently what purpose the doctrinal things of the church serve so long as they are kept solely in the memory; for so long as they are kept in the memory only, they have a place beneath intelligence and wisdom; and they do not ascend, or enter into the life, until they become of faith and charity in the internal man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9918

9918. 'Pomegranates' means factual knowledge of good. This is clear from the meaning of 'pomegranates' as factual knowledge of good, dealt with in 9552. The reason why pomegranates were placed on the hem of the robe was that 'the hem' meant the last and lowest or most external things of heaven and the Church, and the last or most external things there consist in factual knowledge, as is clear from what has been stated above, in 9915, 9917, about the order in which degrees of good and truth follow one another in heaven and with the individual human being. Factual knowledge of good and truth, which is meant by 'pomegranates', consists of matters of doctrine drawn from the Word; these matters of doctrine exist as factual knowledge to the extent that they are present in the memory which resides in the external or natural man. But when they pass into the memory which resides in the internal or spiritual man, which happens when a person's life is led in accord with them, the matters of doctrine that have to do with truth become matters of faith, and those that have to do with good become impulses of charity, and are called spiritual. When this happens they virtually disappear from the external or natural memory and seem to be as though instinctive, because they have been implanted in the person's life, just as anything through frequent practice becomes second nature. From all this it is evident what factual knowledge is and what use it serves, consequently what use matters of doctrine serve so long as they are retained merely as items of knowledge. For when they are retained merely as items of knowledge they occupy a position underneath intelligence and wisdom and do not rise up or pass into life until they become matters of faith and charity in the internal man.

Latin(1748-1756) 9918

9918. `Malogranata': quod significet scientifica boni, constat ex significatione `malogranatorum' quod sint scientifica boni, de qua n. 9552; quod malogranata in fimbriis pallii' posita fuerint, erat causa quia (x)`fimbriae' significabant ultima seu extrema caeli et Ecclesiae, et ultima seu extrema ibi sunt scientifica, ut constat ex illis quae de successivo ordine bonorum et verorum in caelis et apud hominem, supra n. 9915 et 9917 dicta sunt. Scientifica boni et veri, quae per `malogranata' significantur, sunt doctrinalia ex Verbo; quae scientifica sunt, quatenus in memoria, quae est in externo seu naturali homine; quando autem intrant memoriam quae est in interno seu spirituali homine, quod fit cum vivitur secundum illa, tunc doctrinalia {1}quoad verum fiunt fidei, et {2}quoad bonum fiunt charitatis, ac vocantur spiritualia; cum hoc fit, evanescunt paene e memoria externa seu naturali, et apparent sicut innata, quia insita {3}vitae hominis; quemadmodum omnia quae per diutinum usum traxerunt quasi naturam Inde patet quid scientifica et ad quid conducunt, proinde ad quid doctrinalia Ecclesiae, dum modo scientifice tenentur; cum enim modo scientifice tenentur, tunc infra intelligentiam et sapientiam locum habent, nec ascendunt seu intrant vitam priusquam fiunt fidei et charitatis in interno homine. @1 veri$ @2 doctrinalia boni$ @3 ipsi vitae$

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