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属天的奥秘 第9920节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9920

9920. Upon the skirts thereof, round about. That this signifies in the extremes where there is what is natural, on every side, is evident from the signification of "the skirts," as being the extremes where there is what is natural (see above, n. 9917); and from the signification of "round about," as being on every side; for where "the skirts" signify the extremes, the whole circumference which consists of the skirts, signifies the whole extreme, consequently, everywhere, or on every side.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9920

9920. 'On its hem round about' means in the most external parts, where the natural is, in every direction. This is clear from the meaning of 'hem' as the most external parts, where the natural is, dealt with above in 9917; and from the meaning of 'round about' as on every side. For when 'the hem' means the most external parts the whole circumference of the hem means all the most external part, consequently everywhere or in every direction there.

Latin(1748-1756) 9920

9920. `Super fimbrias ejus circumcirca': quod significet in extremis, ubi naturale, undequaque, constat ex significatione `fimbriarum' quod sint extrema, ubi naturale, de qua supra n. 9917, et ex significatione `circumcirca' quod sit undequaque; nam cum fimbriae significant extrema, tota circumferentia quae ex fimbriis, significat {1}omne extremum, proinde ubivis seu undequaque ibi. @1 omnia extrema, proinde circumcirca significat$

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