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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1001

1001. (Verse 14) For they are the spirits of demons. That this signifies false reasonings from hell, is evident from the signification of the unclean spirits like frogs, as denoting reasonings from mere falsities against Divine truths (concerning which see just above, n. Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; Isaiah 13:21; 34:14; Psalms 106:37; Matthew 4:24; 8:16, 28, 31; 9:32, 33; 10:8; 12:22; 15:22; Mark 1:32, 34, 39; Luke 4:33-38, 41; 8:2, 26-40; 9:1, 37-42, 49; 13:32; Apoc. 9:20; 18:2.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

The angels derive all their beauty from conjugial love, thus each angel derives it according to that love. For all the angels are forms of their affections, because, in heaven, it is not allowed to feign with the face things that have no relation to the affection, therefore their faces are types of their minds. Whilst, therefore, they have conjugial love, they also have love to the Lord, mutual love, the love of good, the love of truth and the love of wisdom. These loves with them fashion their faces, and show themselves as the fires of life in their eyes, to which, moreover, innocence and peace are added, this completing their beauty. Such forms are the forms of the inmost angelic heaven, and they are forms truly human.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1001

1001. Verse 14. For they are spirits of demons, signifies false reasonings from hell. This is evident from the signification of "unclean spirits like frogs," as being reasonings from mere falsities against Divine truths (See just above, n. Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; Isaiah 13:21; 34:14; Psalms 106:37; Matthew 4:24; 8:16, 28, 31; 9:32, 33; 10:8; 12:22; 15:22; Mark 1:32, 34, 39; Luke 4:33-38, 41; 8:2, 26-40; 9:1, 37-42, 49, 13:32; Revelation 9:20; 18:2).

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

From conjugial love angels have all their beauty; thus each angel has beauty in the measure of that love. For all angels are forms of their affections; for the reason that it is not permitted in heaven to counterfeit with the face things that do not belong to one's affection; consequently their faces are types of their minds. When, therefore, they have conjugial love, love to the Lord, mutual love, love of good and love of truth, and love of wisdom, these loves in them give form to their faces, and show themselves like vital fires in their eyes; to which innocence and peace add themselves, which complete their beauty. Such are the forms of the inmost angelic heaven; and they are truly human forms.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1001 (original Latin 1759)

1001. (Vers. 14.) "Sunt enim spiritus daemonum." - Quod significet falsa ratiocinia ex inferno, constat ex significatione "spirituum immundorum similium ranis", quod sint ratiocinationes ex meris falsis contra Divina vera (de qua mox supra, n. 1000); et ex significatione "daemonum", quod sint quae ex inferno; illi enim in inferno "daemones" vocantur, qui in cupiditate falsificandi vera sunt, quod fit imprimis per ratiocinia;

inde per "daemones" et "daemonia" in sensu abstracto significantur cupiditates et falsitates, ut constare potest ex locis in Verbo ubi nominantur (Ut Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomius 32:17; Esaias 13:21; 34:14; Psalms 106:37; Matthaeus 4:24; 8:16, 28, 31; 9:32, 33; 10:8; 12:22; 15:22; Marcus 1:32, 34, 39; Luca 4:33-38, 41; 8:2, 26-40; 9:1, 37-42, 49; 13:32; Apocalypsis 9:20; 18:2).

(Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Ex amore conjugiali est omnis pulchritudo angelis, ita secundum illum cuique angelo: omnes enim angeli sunt formae suarum affectionum, ex causa quia in caelo non licet mentiri facie quae non affectionis ejus sunt, quare facies illorum est typus animi illorum; dum itaque illis est amor conjugialis, est amor in Dominum, est amor mutuus, est amor boni et amor veri, est amor sapientiae; hi amores apud illos facies illorum formant, et se sicut ignes vitae in oculis eorum sistunt, quibus se insuper addit innocentia et pax, quae pulchritudinem illorum complent. Tales formae sunt formae angelici intimi caeli, ac sunt formae vere humanae.

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