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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1002

1002. Working Signs. That this signifies persuasions by means of fallacies and sophistries, is evident from the signification of signs, as denoting testifications and persuasions, and thereby also confirmations (concerning which see (n. 13:1-13). By it also were signified confirmations by reasonings from the natural man.

The reason why such things are signified by signs is, that it is said that they were to go away to the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle, which signifies to excite dissensions and combats against truths in the whole church.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] From the things so far adduced a conclusion may be formed as to what good arises from chastity in marriage; consequently, what the good works of chastity are that are done by a man who shuns adulteries as sins against God. The good works of chastity are those which concern either the married partners themselves, or their offspring and posterity, or the heavenly societies. The good works of chastity that concern the married partners themselves are spiritual and celestial loves, intelligence and wisdom, innocence and peace, power and protection against the hells, and against the evils and the falsities therefrom; and they are manifold joys and felicities to eternity. All these are possessed by those who live in chaste marriage, according to what has been said before.

The good works of chastity that concern the offspring and posterity are, that so many and such great evils do not become innate in families. For the ruling love of parents is transmitted into the offspring and sometimes into late posterity, and becomes their hereditary nature. This is broken and mitigated with parents who shun adulteries as infernal, and love marriage as heavenly.

[3] The good works of chastity that relate to the heavenly societies are, that chaste marriages are the delights of heaven; that they are its seminaries; and that they are its securities. They afford delights to heaven by means of communications; they are seminaries of heaven by means of progeny, and they are securities to heaven by power against the hells; for diabolical spirits, at the presence of conjugial love, become furious, insane, mentally impotent, and cast themselves into the deep.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1002

1002. Doing signs, signifies persuading by fallacies and sophistries. This is evident from the signification of "signs," as being attestations and persuasions, and thus confirmations (See n. Revelation 13:1-13), which signified confirmations by reasonings from the natural man. This is the signification of "signs," because it is added that they were "to go away unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to battle," which signifies to excite dissensions and combats against truths in the whole church.

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] From what has been thus far presented what the good is that results from chastity in marriage can be inferred, consequently what the good works of chastity are that a man does who shuns adulteries as sins against God. The good works of chastity concern either the married pair themselves, or their offspring and posterity, or the heavenly societies. The good works of chastity that concern the married pair themselves are spiritual and celestial loves, intelligence and wisdom, innocence and peace, power and protection against the hells and against the evils and the falsities therefrom, and manifold joys and felicities to eternity. Those who live in chaste marriages, as before described, have all these. The good works of chastity that concern the offspring and posterity are that so many and so great evils do not become innate in families. For the ruling love of parents is transmitted into the offspring and sometimes to remote posterity, and becomes their hereditary nature. This is broken and softened with parents who shun adulteries as infernal and love marriages as heavenly.

[3] The good works of chastity that concern the heavenly societies are that chaste marriages are the delights of heaven, that they are its seminaries, and that they are its supports. They supply delights to heaven by communications; they are seminaries to heaven by producing offspring; and they are supports to heaven by their power against the hells; for at the presence of conjugial love diabolical spirits become furious, insane, and mentally impotent, and cast themselves into the deep.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1002 (original Latin 1759)

1002. "Facientes signa." - Quod significet persuadentia per fallacias et sophistica, constat ex significatione "signorum", quod sint testificationes et persuasiones, et sic quoque confirmationes (de qua (supra), n. 706, 824); hic persuasiones per fallacias et sophistica, nam agitur de illis qui per ratiocinia confirmant fidem separatam a vita; et quia hoc fit per fallacias et sophistica, per quae simplices persuadentur, ideo per "facientes signa" hic significantur persuasiones et confirmationes per fallacias et sophistica: quod persuasiones fiant per fallacias, supra ostensum est, ubi de "bestia ascendente ex mari" (cap. 13:1-13) actum est; per illam etiam significatae sunt confirmationes per ratiocinia ex naturali homine. Quod talia significentur per "signa", est quia sequitur, "ad abeundum ad reges terrae et orbis totius, ad congregandum illos in proelium", per quae significatur ad excitandum discidia et pugnas contra vera in universa ecclesia.

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Ex hactenus allatis concludi potest quid boni ex castitate in conjugiis resultat, consequenter quid sunt bona opera castitatis quae fiunt ab homine qui fugit adulteria ut peccata contra Deum; sunt bona opera castitatis quae concernunt vel ipsos conjuges, vel prolem et posteritatem illorum, vel societates caelestes. Bona opera castitatis quae concernunt ipsos conjuges, sunt amores spirituales et caelestes, sunt intelligentia et sapientia, sunt innocentia et pax, sunt potentia et tutela contra inferna, et contra mala et falsa inde, suntque gaudia multiplicia, ac felicitates in aeternum; quae omnia sunt illis qui in castis conjugiis vivunt, secundum praedicta.

[3] Bona opera castitatis quae concernunt prolem et posteritatem, sunt, quod tot et tanta mala non connascantur familiis; amor enim regnans parentum traducitur in prolem. et quandoque in seram posteritatem, et fit illis natura hereditata; haec frangitur et mitescit apud parentes qui adulteria ut infernalia fugiunt, et conjugia ut caelestia amant. Bona opera castitatis quae concernunt societates caelestes, sunt, quod casta conjugia sint deliciae caeli, quod sint seminaria ejus, et quod sint firmamenta ejus; delicias praebent caelo per communicationes; seminaria sunt caelo per prolificationes; et firmamenta sunt caelo per potentiam contra inferna, nam spiritus diabolici ad praesentiam amoris conjugialis fiunt furibundi, vesani, ac impotes mentis, et projiciunt se in profundum.

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