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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1009

1009. And they see his shame. That this signifies, nor thence in filthy loves, is evident from the signification of shame, as denoting filthy loves. For by shame (pudor) is meant that part of the body which is covered by the breeches, and is the region of the genitals, which are called pudenda, from scandals and adulteries. The nakedness of these is meant by walking naked. And because the genitals of both sexes correspond to the loves of heaven in general, and correspond when they are clothed, therefore they correspond to the loves of hell when they are not clothed, or naked. For garments signify truths clothing, and the flesh of that region of the body signifies the good of love; and good without truth is not good, neither is truth without good truth (concerning which see just above, n. Exodus 28:42, 43; 39:28). Breeches of linen signify truths covering.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] He who abstains from adulteries from any other motive than that they are sins, and against God, is still an adulterer. As, if any one abstains from them from fear of the civil law and its punishment; from fear of the loss of fame, and thence of honour; from fear of diseases from them; from fear of upbraidings at home from his wife, and thence of intranquillity of life; from fear of chastisement from the servants of the injured husband; from poverty or from avarice; from infirmity arising either from abuse or from age, or from impotence, or from disease; indeed, if he abstains from them on account of any natural or moral law, and does not also abstain on account of the Divine law, he is nevertheless interiorly unchaste and an adulterer. For he, nevertheless, believes that they are not sins, and, consequently, he says interiorly that they are lawful, and so he commits them in spirit, although not in the body; therefore after death, when he becomes a spirit, he speaks openly in favour of them, and commits them without shame.

It has been granted me in the spiritual world to see maidens who accounted whoredoms as wicked, because contrary to the Divine law; and also maidens who did not account them wicked, but nevertheless abstained from them because of the ill-fame attending them, which would turn away their suitors. I saw the latter encompassed with a dusky cloud in their descent to the abodes below; but I saw the former encompassed with a shining light in their ascent to the abodes above.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1009

1009. And they see his shame, signifies and thus be in filthy loves. This is evident from the signification of "shame" as being filthy loves. For shame (pudor) means the part of the body covered by the breeches, the region of the genitals, which are called pudenda, from scandals and adulteries. "Walking naked" means the nakedness of these; and as the genitals of both sexes correspond to the loves of heaven in general, and this is their correspondence when they are clothed, so when they are not clothed, that is, when they are naked, they correspond to the loves of hell. For "garments" signify truths clothing, and "the flesh" of that region of the body signifies the good of love, and good without truth is not good, as truth without good is not truth (See just above, n. Exodus 28:42, 43; 39:28), "breeches of linen" signifying truths covering.

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] He that abstains from adulteries from any other motive than because they are sins and are against God is still an adulterer; as for instance when anyone abstains from them from fear of the civil law and its penalties, from fear of the loss of reputation and thus of honor, from fear of resulting diseases, from fear of upbraidings at home from his wife and consequent intranquility of life, from fear of chastisement by the servants of the injured husband, from poverty, or from avarice; from infirmity arising from abuse or from age or impotence or disease; in fact, when one abstains because of any natural or moral law, and does not at the same time abstain because of the Divine law, he is still interiorly unchaste and an adulterer, since he nonetheless believes that adulteries are not sins, and therefore in his spirit, declares them allowable, and thus he commits them in spirit, although not in the body; consequently after death when he becomes a spirit he speaks openly in favor of them, and commits them without shame. It has been granted me in the spiritual world to see maidens who regarded whoredoms as heinous because they are contrary to the Divine law, and also maidens who did not regard them as heinous and yet abstained from them because the resulting bad name would turn away suitors. These latter I saw encompassed with a dusky cloud in their descent to those below, while the former I saw encompassed with a shining light in their ascent to those above.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1009 (original Latin 1759)

1009. "Et videant pudorem ejus." - Quod significet et inde in spurcis amoribus, constat ex significatione "pudoris", quod sint spurci amores; nam per "pudorem" intelligitur pars corporis quae tegitur femoralibus, et est regio genitalium, quae ex scandalis et ex adulteriis vocantur pudenda: horum nuditas intelligitur per "nudum ambulare: et quia genitalia utriusque sexus correspondent amoribus caeli in genere, et tunc correspondent quando induta sunt, inde correspondent amoribus inferni quando non induta sunt, ita quando nuda: "vestes" enim significant vera induentia, et "caro" illius regionis corporis significat bonum amoris, et bonum absque vero non est bonum, sicut nec verum absque bono est verum (de qua re videatur mox supra, n. 1008); et ubi non est bonum amoris, ibi est malum, seu spurcus amor. Quoniam "nuditas" illius partis corporis significat amorem spurcum, seu lascivum adulterii,

ideo Aharoni fuerunt femoralia ex lino, quae super carne ejus erant cum ministrabat (Exodus 28:42, 43; 39:28);

"femoralia ex lino" significabant vera integentia.

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Qui abstinet ab adulteriis ex alia causa quam quod sint peccata, et contra Deum, usque est adulter; ut si quis abstinet ab illis ex timore legis civilis et ejus poenarum, ex timore jacturae famae et inde honoris; ex timore morborum ex illis; ex timore jurgiorum domi ab uxore, et inde intranquillitatis vitae; ex timore verberum ex mariti laesi servis; ex egestate, aut ex avaritia; ex infirmitate oriunda vel ex abusu, vel ex aetate, aut ex impotentia, vel ex morbo; immo si abstinet ex lege aliqua naturali aut morali, et non simul abstinet ab illis ex lege Divina, is usque tamen interius incastus et adulter est; nam nihilo minus credit quod non sint peccata, et inde illa declarat licita in suo spiritu, et sic in spiritu committit illa, tametsi non in corpore; quare post mortem, dum fit spiritus, aperte loquitur pro illis, et absque pudore patrat illa. Datum est in mundo spirituali videre virgines quae scortationes reputaverunt nefandas, quia contra legem Divinam; et quoque virgines quae illas non reputaverunt nefandas, sed usque ab illis abstinuerunt propter diffamiam, quae averteret procos; has virgines vidi cinctas fusca nube in descensu ad inferos; illas autem cinctas candida luce in ascensu ad superos.

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