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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1008

1008. Lest he walk naked. That this signifies that he may not be without truths, and hence without goods, is evident from the signification of naked, as denoting to be without truth, and thence without good (concerning which see n. 240). For those who are without truths are also without goods, because all good is procured by means of truths. And, moreover, good without truth is not good; neither is truth without good, truth; for in order that truth may exist, it must be conjoined to good, and in order that good may exist, it must be conjoined to truth. There is indeed such a thing as truth without good and good without truth; but still truth without good is dead, so also is good without truth. For truth has its esse from good, and good its existere by means of truth. From these things it is evident that by walking naked, is signified to be without truths, and thence without goods. That to walk, signifies to be and to live may be seen, n. 787.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

[2] The reason why adulteries are held in less abhorrence with Christians than with the Gentiles, in fact, than with some of the barbarous nations is, that in the Christian world, at this day, there is no marriage of good and truth, but a marriage of evil and falsity. For the religion and doctrine of faith separated from good works is a religion and doctrine of truth separated from good; and truth separated from good is not truth, but when interiorly examined is falsity. And good separated from truth is not good, but when interiorly examined is evil. Hence there is in the Christian religion a doctrine of falsity and evil, from which origin the lust of and inclination to adultery from hell flows. This is why adulteries are believed to be allowable, and are practised without shame in the Christian world. For, as said above, the conjunction of evil and falsity is spiritual adultery, from which according to correspondence natural adultery exists. For this reason adulteries and whoredoms, in the Word, signify the adulterations of good and the falsifications of truth. Hence Babylon is called the whore in the Apocalypse; also, Jerusalem in the Word of the Old Testament, and the Jewish nation was called by the Lord an adulterous nation, and from their father the devil. But on this subject see from the Word (n. 141).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1008

1008. That he may not walk naked, signifies that he may not be without truths, and thus without goods. This is evident from the signification of "naked," as meaning to be without truth, and thus without good (See n. 240); for those who are without truths are also without goods, since all good is acquired by means of truths; and moreover, good without truth is not good, and truth without good is not truth; that there may be truth it must be conjoined to good, and that there may be good it must be conjoined to truth. There may be indeed truth without good and good without truth; but truth without good is dead, and so is good without truth. For truth has its being [esse] from good, and good has its existence [existere] by means of truth. All this makes clear that "to walk naked" signifies to be without truths, and thus without goods. That "to walk" signifies to be and to live may be seen above n. 787.

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] Adulteries are less abhorrent with Christians than with the Gentiles, and even with some barbarous nations, for the reason that at present in the Christian world there is no marriage of good and truth, but a marriage of evil and falsity. For the religion and doctrine of faith separated from good works is a religion and doctrine of truth separated from good; and truth separated from good is not truth, but interiorly regarded is falsity; and good separated from truth is not good, but interiorly regarded is evil. Consequently in the Christian religion there is the doctrine of falsity and evil, from which origin a desire and favor for adultery from hell flow in; and this is why adulteries are believed in the Christian world to be allowable, and are practiced without shame. For, as has been said above, the conjunction of evil and falsity is spiritual adultery, from which according to correspondence natural adultery exists. For this reason "adulteries and whoredoms" signify in the Word adulterations of good and falsifications of truth; and for this reason Babylon is called in Revelation a "harlot," and Jerusalem is so called in the Word of the Old Testament; and the Jewish nation was called by the Lord "an adulterous nation," and "from their father the devil." (But on this see above from the Word, n. 141)

Apocalypsis Explicata 1008 (original Latin 1759)

1008. "Ut non nudus ambulet." - Quod significet ne sit absque veris, et inde absque bonis, constat ex significatione "nudi", quod sit absque vero esse et inde absque bono (de qua (supra), n. 240); nam qui absque veris sunt, illi etiam absque bonis sunt, omne enim bonum comparatur per vera; et praeterea bonum absque vero non est bonum, nec verum absque bono est verum; ut verum sit, erit conjunctum bono; ac ut bonum sit, erit conjunctum vero: datur quidem verum absque bono, et bonum absque vero, sed usque verum absque (bono) est mortuum, ita quoque bonum absque vero; nam verum habet suum esse a bono, et bonum suum existere per verum: ex his patet quod per "nudum ambulare", significetur absque veris esse, et inde absque bonis: quod "ambulare" significet esse et vivere, videatur (supra) (n. 787).

[2] (Continuatio de Sexxto Praecepto.)

Quod adulteria minus abhorreantur apud Christianos quam apud gentiles, immo apud aliquas barbaras gentes, est quia in Christiano orbe hodie non est conjugium boni et veri, sed conjugium mali et falsi; nam religio et doctrina fidei separatae a bonis operibus est religio et doctrina veri separati a bono; et verum separatum a bono non est verum, sed interius introspectum est falsum, ac bonum separatum a vero non est bonum, sed interius introspectum est malum: inde est in religione Christiana doctrina falsi et mali, ex qua origine influit cupido et favor adulterii ab inferno; inde est quod adulteria credantur licita, et exerceantur absque pudore in Christiano orbe: nam, ut supra dictum est, conjunctio mali et falsi est adulterium spirituale, ex quo secundum correspondentiam existit adulterium naturale. Ex eo est quod "adulteria" et "scortationes" in Verbo significent adulterationes boni et falsificationes veri; inde est, quod Babylon dicatur "meretrix" in Apocalypsi; similiter Hierosolyma in Verbo Veteris Testamenti; et quod gens Judaica a Domino dicta sit "gens adultera", et "ex patre diabolo." (Sed de his ex Verbo videatur (supra), n. 141.)

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