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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1019

1019. (Verse 19) And the great city was divided into three parts. That this signifies that everything of the doctrine of truth from the Word was dissipated, is evident from the signification of a city, as denoting doctrine (concerning which see n. 223). The reason why all things of doctrine from the Word are denoted is, that it is called a great city. And the reason why everything of the doctrine of truth is denoted is, that it follows that the cities of the nations fell, whereby are signified everything of the doctrine of good; for doctrine treats of the truths that are predicated of faith, and of goods that are predicated of love. Therefore is it said, the doctrine of truth and the doctrine of good. It is also evident from the signification of being divided into three parts, as denoting to be dissipated. The reason why being divided into three parts denotes to be dissipated is, that three signifies all, whole, and full; and when these are divided, dissipation follows. That three signifies all, whole, and full, and is said of truths, may be seen above (n. 5:2).

[2] The explanation of the Eighth Precept of the Decalogue, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," now follows.

By bearing false witness, in the proximate sense, is signified to lie against the neighbour by accusing him falsely. But, in the internal sense, to call what is just unjust, and what is unjust just, and to confirm it by falsities is signified; and, in the inmost sense, to falsify the truth and good of the Word is signified; and, on the other hand, to verify the falsity of doctrine, by confirming it by fallacies, appearances, fictions, scientifics, falsely applied, sophisms and similar things. Such confirmations, and the persuasions resulting therefrom, are false testimonies, for they are false declarations.

It is therefore evident that not only the false witness before a judge is here meant, but also the judge himself who makes what is just unjust, and the reverse, in perverting the right; for he equally with the witness himself acts the part of a false witness. Also every man who causes what is straight to appear crooked, and what is crooked to appear straight. The same is the case with the prelate who falsifies the truth of the Word, and perverts the good thereof. In a word, every falsification of truth, as well spiritual as moral and civil done from an evil heart, is false witness.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1019

1019. Verse 19. And the great city was divided into three parts, signifies that all things of the doctrine of truth from the Word were dissipated. This is evident from the signification of "city" as being doctrine (See n. Ezekiel 5:2)

(The Eighth Commandment)

[2] The eighth commandment of the Decalogue, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," shall now be explained. "To bear false witness" signifies in the sense nearest to the letter to lie about the neighbor by accusing him falsely. But in the internal sense it signifies to call what is just unjust, and what is unjust just, and to confirm this by means of falsities; while in the inmost sense it signifies to falsify the truth and good of the Word, and on the other hand to prove a falsity of doctrine to be true by confirming it by means of fallacies, appearances, fabrications, knowledges falsely applied, sophistries and the like. The confirmations themselves and the consequent persuasions are false witnesses, for they are false testimonies. From this it can be seen that what is here meant is not only false witness before a judge, but even a judge himself who in perverting right makes what is just unjust, and what is unjust just, for he as well as the witness himself acts the part of a false witness. The same is true of every man who makes what is right to appear crooked, and what is crooked to appear right; likewise any ecclesiastical leader who falsifies the truth of the Word and perverts its good. In a word, every falsification of truth, spiritual, moral, and civil, which is done from an evil heart, is false witness.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1019 (original Latin 1759)

1019. (Vers. 19.) "Et facta est urbs magna in tres partes." - Quod significet quod omnia doctrinae veri ex Verbo dissipata sint, constat ex significatione "urbis", quod sit doctrina (de qua (supra). n. 223); quod sint omnia doctrinae ex Verbo, est quia dicitur "urbs magna"; et quod sint omnia doctrinae veri, est quia sequitur quod "urbes gentium ceciderint", per quas significantur omnia doctrinae boni; doctrina enim agit de veris quae vocantur fidei, et de bonis quae sunt amoris; inde dicitur, doctrina veri et doctrina boni: et ex significatione "fieri in tres partes", quod sit dissipari; quod "fieri in tres partes" sit dissipari, est quia per "tria" significatur omne, totum et plenum; et cum haec dividuntur, tunc fit dissipatio.

(Quod "tria" significent omne, totum et plenum, et dicatur de veris, videatur supra, n. 532.)

Simile per "dividi in tres partes" significatur apud Ezechielem (cap. 5:2).


Sequitur nunc explicatio


Per "false testari" in sensu proximo significatur mentiri in proximum, vituperando illum falso; in sensu autem interno significatur justum dicere injustum ac injustum dicere justum, confirmando illud per falsa; et in sensu intimo significatur verum et bonum Verbi falsificare, ac vicissim falsum doctrinae verificare, confirmando per fallacias, apparentias, figmenta, scientifica false applicata, sophistica, et similia: ipsae confirmationes et inde persuasiones sunt falsa testimonia, nam sunt falsae testificationes. Inde constare potest quod non modo testis falsus coram judice hic intelligatur, sed etiam ipse judex qui justum facit injustum, et vice versa, pervertendo jus, nam is aeque agit testem falsum sicut ipse testis: similiter omnis homo qui facit ut rectum appareat curvum, ac ut curvum appareat rectum: similiter antistes qui verum Verbi falsificat, et bonum ejus pervertit. Verbo, omnis falsificatio veri, tam spiritualis quam moralis et civilis, quae fit ex corde malo, est falsum testimonium.

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