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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1020

1020. And the cities of the nations fell. That this signifies similarly everything of the doctrine of good from the Word, is evident from the signification of a city, as denoting doctrine, as shown just above. Hence cities denote doctrinals, or all things of doctrine; and from the signification of nations, as denoting those who are in the good of love, and, in an abstract sense, goods (see (n. 175, 331, 625); and from the signification of falling, as denoting to be dissipated. For when cities fall, they perish; and when doctrine falls, then the truths thereof are dissipated.

Continuation concerning the Eighth Precept:-

[2] When a man abstains from false testimonies - understood in a moral and spiritual sense - shuns them and turns away from them, as sins, then from the Lord, through heaven, the love of truth and the love of justice flow in. And when a man thence loves truth and justice, he loves the Lord; for the Lord is truth itself and justice itself. And when a man loves truth and justice, it may then be said that truth and justice love him, because the Lord [loves him]. Hence his discourses become discourses of truth, and his works become works of justice.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1020

1020. And the cities of the nations fell, signifies that all things of the doctrine of good from the Word were likewise dissipated. This is evident from the signification of a "city," as being doctrine (as just above); so "cities" mean doctrinals, or all things of doctrine. Also from the signification of "nations," as being those who are in the good of love, and in an abstract sense goods (See n. 175, 331, 625). Also from the signification of "falling," as meaning to be dissipated, for when cities fall they perish, and when doctrine falls its truths are dissipated.

(Continuation respecting the Eighth Commandment)

[2] When a man abstains from false testimonies understood in a moral and spiritual sense, and shuns and turns away from them as sins, the love of truth and the love of justice flow in from the Lord through heaven. And when, in consequence the man loves truth and loves justice he loves the Lord, for the Lord is truth itself and justice itself. And when a man loves truth and justice it may be said that truth and justice love him, because the Lord loves him; and as a consequence his utterances become utterances of truth, and his works become works of justice.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1020 (original Latin 1759)

1020. "Et urbes gentium ceciderunt." - Quod significet similiter omnia doctrinae boni ex Verbo, constat ex signifitione "urbis", quod sit doctrina (ut mox supra); inde "urbes" sunt doctrinalia, seu omnia doctrinae: ex significatione "gentium", quod sint qui in bono amoris sunt, et abstracte bona (de qua (supra), n. 175, 331, 625); et ex significatione "cadere", quod sit dissipari; nam dum urbes cadunt tunc pereunt, et cum doctrina cadit tunc vera ejus dissipantur.

[2] (Continuatio de Octavo Praecepto.)

Quando homo a testimoniis falsis in sensu morali et spirituali intellectis abstinet, et illa ut peccata fugit et aversatur tunc a Domino per caelum influit amor veritatis et amor justitiae; et cum homo inde amat veritatem et amat justitiam, tunc amat Dominum, nam Dominus est ipsa veritas et ipsa justitia; et cum homo amat veritatem et justitiam, tunc dici potest quod veritas et justitia illum ament, quia Dominus; inde sermones ejus fiunt sermones veritatis, et opera ejus fiunt opera justitiae.

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