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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1035

1035. And the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom. That this signifies that those who belong to that church are insane from falsifications, is evident from the signification of being made drunk, as denoting to be insane in spiritual things (concerning which see n. 376); and from the signification of wine, as denoting spiritual truth (concerning which also see n. 376); from the signification of whoredom, as denoting the falsification of truth (concerning which see just above); and from the signification of the inhabitants of the earth, as denoting those who belong to the church. That by the earth, in the Word, is signified the church, has been frequently shown above. From these things it is now evident, that by the inhabitants of the earth being made drunk with the wine of her whoredom, is signified that those who belong to that church are insane from falsifications.

[2] As to the insanity, signified by inebriation and by drunkenness in the Word, it is not from falsities, but from truths falsified. The reason is, that truth from heaven acts into the understanding, and at the same time falsity from hell, whence arises dissension in the mind and an insanity like that of a drunkard in the world. But this insanity only has place with those who are in evil, and have confirmed the falsities of evil by the Word. For all things of the Word are truths, and communicate with heaven, and falsities of evil are from hell. But from the falsities that are not from evil, spiritual drunkenness does not take place; for those falsities do not pervert and destroy the spiritual truths that lie inwardly concealed in the truths of the literal sense, for they do not thence hatch evil therefrom, as do falsities from evil.

[3] Falsities not from evil may be compared to waters that are not pure, which, when drunk, do not induce drunkenness; but falsities from evil may be compared to wine and strong drinks which induce drunkenness. Therefore, also, that insanity is said in the Word to be caused by wine, which is called the wine of whoredom, and the wine of Babel, in Jeremiah:

"A cup of gold is Babel in the hand of Jehovah making drunken the whole earth; the nations have drunk of her wine, therefore the nations are insane" (51:7).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1035

1035. And they that dwell on the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom, signifies that from falsifications those who are of that church have become insane. This is evident from the signification of "made drunk," as being to be insane in spiritual things (See n. 376); also from the signification of "wine," as being spiritual truth (See also n. 376); also from the signification of "whoredom," as being the falsification of truth (See just above); also from the signification of "they that dwell on the earth," as being those who are of the church. (That the "earth" in the Word signifies the church, has been frequently shown above.) From all this it is clear that "they that dwell on the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom" signifies that from falsifications those who are of that church have become insane.

[2] In regard to the insanity that is signified in the Word by "intoxication" and "drunkenness," it is not from falsities but from truths falsified, for the reason that truth from heaven acts into the understanding, and at the same time falsity from hell; and this gives rise to dissension in the mind, and to an insanity like that of a drunkard in the world. But only those are subject to this insanity who are in evil, and who have confirmed falsities of evil by means of the Word; for all things of the Word are truths and communicate with heaven, while falsities of evil are from hell. But from falsities that are not from evil there is no spiritual intoxication, for such falsities do not pervert and destroy the spiritual truths that lie hidden within the truths of the sense of the letter, since from falsities not from evil, they cannot produce evil, as they can by falsities from evil.

[3] Falsities not from evil may be compared to impure waters, which do not when drunk induce drunkenness; but falsities from evil may be compared to wine or strong drinks, which induce drunkenness. Such insanity therefore is said in the Word to be produced by wine that is called "the wine of whoredom" and "the wine of Babylon" in Jeremiah:

Babylon is a cup of gold in the hand of Jehovah, making the whole earth drunken; the nations have drunk of her wine, therefore the nations are mad (Jeremiah 51:7).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1035 (original Latin 1759)

1035. "Et inebriati sunt a vino scortationis ejus inhabitantes terram." - Quod significet et quod ex falsificatis insaniverint illi qui ad ea ecclesia, constat ex significatione "inebriari", quod sit insanire in spiritualibus (de qua (supra), n. 376(f)); ex significatione "vini", quod sit spirituale verum (de qua etiam, n. 376); ex significatione "scortationis" quod sit falsificatio veri (de qua mox supra); et ex significatione "inhabitantium terram", quod sint qui ab ecclesia; (quod per "terram" in Verbo significetur ecclesia, supra pluries ostensum est): ex his nunc patet quod per quod "inebriati sint vino scortationis ejus inhabitantes terram", significetur quod insaniverint ex falsificatis illi qui ab ea ecclesia.

[2] Quod insanitionem, quae significatur per "inebriationem" et per "ebrietatem" in Verbo, ulterius attinet, illa non est ex falsis, sed ex falsificatis veris; causa est, quia verum ex caelo agit in intellectum, et simul falsum ex inferno; inde fit discidium in mente, et similis insania qualis est ebrio in mundo: sed haec insania non datur apud alios quam apud illos qui in malo sunt, et confirmarunt falsa mali per Verbum; nam omnia Verbi sunt vera et communicant cum caelo, et falsa mali sunt ex inferno: ex falsis autem quae non ex malo sunt, non fit inebriatio spiritualis; illa enim falsa non pervertunt et destruunt vera spiritualia, quae intus in veris sensus litterae latent, nam non concludunt inde malum, ut faciunt falsa ex malo.

[3] Falsa ex non malo comparari possunt aquis non puris, quae potatae non inducunt ebrietatem; sed falsa ex malo comparari possunt vino aut sicerae, quae inducunt ebrietatem: quare etiam insanitio illa in Verbo dicitur fieri per vinum, quod vocatur "vinum scortationis" ac "vinum Babelis", apud Jeremiam,

"Calix auri Babel in manu Jehovae, inebrians universam terram; de vino ejus biberunt gentes, ideo insaniunt gentes" (51:7).

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