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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1043

1043. And decked with gold and precious stone. That this signifies the appearance of that religious persuasion in externals, as it were from spiritual good and truth, although, in internals, it is from infernal evil and falsity, is evident from the signification of gold, as denoting spiritual good, and the evil that is the opposite of it, which is called infernal evil. That gold signifies good, see n. 242. And from the signification of precious stone, as denoting truth from a spiritual origin, and also the falsity that is the opposite of it, which is called infernal falsity. That a precious stone denotes truth from a spiritual origin, see n. 717.

[2] Some observations were made above concerning good and truth from a celestial origin, and concerning good and truth from a spiritual origin. Something shall now be said concerning the evil and falsity which are their opposites.

As the heavens are distinguished into two kingdoms - the celestial and the spiritual - so also are the hells distinguished into two dominions, the opposites of those kingdoms. The dominion the opposite of the celestial kingdom is called diabolical, and the dominion the opposite of the spiritual kingdom is called infernal. Those dominions are distinguished in the Word by the names Devil and Satan. The reason why there are two dominions in the hells is, that the heavens and the hells are the opposites of each other; and opposite must altogether correspond to opposite in order that there may be equilibrium. For the existence and subsistence of all things, both in the natural world and in the spiritual world, depend upon a perfect equilibrium between two opposite agents, which, while they clearly act against each other mutually, do so by force, but when not manifestly, they act by effort. By equilibrium all things are kept together in both worlds, and without it all things would perish. The equilibrium in the spiritual world is between good from heaven and evil from hell, and thence between truth from heaven and falsity from hell. For so it is continually ordered by the Lord, that all the genera and species of good and truth in the heavens should have their opposites in evils and falsities of correspondent kinds in the hells. Thus goods and truths from a celestial origin have for their opposites the evils and falsities that are called diabolical; and similarly goods and truths from a spiritual origin have for their opposites the evils and falsities that are called infernal.

[3] The equilibriums derive their cause from this, that the same Divine goods and Divine truths that the angels in the heavens receive from the Lord, the spirits in the hells turn into evils and falsities. All angels, spirits, and men are held by the Lord in equilibrium between good and evil, and thence between truth and falsity, in order that they may be in freedom, and so be withdrawn from evil to good, and from falsity to truth, easily and as of themselves, while yet of the Lord. Hence it is that they are also led in freedom from good to evil, and from truth to falsity, and this also as of themselves, although it is from hell.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1043

1043. And inwrought with gold and precious stone, signifies the appearance of that religious persuasion in externals as if it were from spiritual good and truth, and yet in internals it is from infernal evil and falsity. This is evident from the signification of "gold," as being spiritual good and the evil opposite thereto, which is called infernal evil. That "gold" signifies good may be seen above n. 242. Also from the signification of "precious stone," as being both truth from a spiritual origin and the falsity opposite thereto, which is called infernal falsity. That "precious stone" means truth from a spiritual origin may be seen above (n. 717).

(Continuation. )

[2] Something has been said about good and truth from a celestial origin, and good and truth from a spiritual origin; and something shall now be said about the evil and falsity that are opposite to these. As the heavens are divided into two kingdoms, namely, into a celestial kingdom and a spiritual kingdom, so are the hells divided into two dominions opposite to those kingdoms. The dominion opposite to the celestial kingdom is called devilish, and the dominion opposite to the spiritual kingdom is called infernal. These dominions are distinguished in the Word by the names Devil and Satan. There are two dominions in the hells, because the heavens and the hells are opposite to each other; and opposite must fully correspond to opposite that there may be equilibrium. For the existence and subsistence of all things, both in the natural world and in the spiritual world, depend upon an exact equilibrium between two activities that are opposite; and when these act against each other manifestly, they act by forces, but when not manifestly they act by endeavors [conatus]. By means of equilibriums all things in both worlds are preserved; without this all things would perish. In the spiritual world the equilibrium is between good from heaven and evil from hell; and thus between truth from heaven and falsity from hell. For the Lord continually arranges that all kinds and species of good and truth in the heavens shall have opposite to them in the hells evils and falsities of kinds that correspond by opposition; thus goods and truths from a celestial origin have for their opposites evils and falsities that are called devilish; and in like manner goods and truths from a spiritual origin have for their opposites evils and falsities that are called infernal.

[3] The cause of these equilibriums is to be found in the fact that the Divine goods and the Divine truths that the angels in the heavens receive from the Lord, the spirits in the hells turn into evils and falsities. All angels, spirits, and men are kept by the Lord in equilibrium between good and evil, and thus between truth and falsity, in order that they may be in freedom; and thus may be led from evil to good and from falsity to truth easily and as if by themselves, although in fact they are led by the Lord. For the same reason they are led in freedom from good to evil, and from truth to falsity, and this, too, as if by themselves, although the leading is from hell.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1043 (original Latin 1759)

1043. "Et inaurata auro, et lapide pretioso." - Quod significet apparentiam religiosi istius in externis sicut foret ex spirituali bono et vero, cum tamen in internis est ex infernali malo et falso, constat ex significatione "auri", quod sit bonum spirituale, et malum ei oppositum, quod vocatur malum infernale; quod "aurum" significet bonum, videatur (supra) (n. 242): et ex significatione "lapidis pretiosi", quod sit verum ex origine spirituali, et quoque falsum ei oppositum, quod vocatur falsum infernale; quod "lapis pretiosus" sit verum ex origine spirituali, videatur (supra) (n. 717).

[2] Supra de bono et vero ex origine caelesti, et de bono et vero ex origine spirituali, aliqua dicta sunt; nunc de malo et falso quae illis opposita sunt, dicetur. Sicut caeli in duo regna, nempe in regnum caeleste et regnum spirituale, distincti sunt, ita quoque inferni in duo dominia illis regnis opposita distincti sunt; dominium oppositum regno caelesti vocatur diabolicum, et dominium oppositum regno spirituali vocatur infernale; distinguuntur illa dominia in Verbo per nomina "Diabolus" et "Satanas." Quod in infernis bina dominia sint, est quia caeli et inferni sibi oppositi sunt, ac oppositum correspondebit prorsus opposito, ut aequilibrium sit: omnium enim existentia et subsistentia, tam in mundo naturali quam in mundo spirituali, dependet a justo aequilibrio inter duo agentia quae sunt opposita, quae dum manifeste contra se mutuo agunt, per vires agunt; dum autem non manifeste, per conatus agunt. Per aequilibria in utroque mundo conservantur omnia; absque illo perirent omnia. Aequilibrium in mundo spirituali est inter bonum e caelo et malum ex inferno, et inde inter verum e caelo et falsum ex inferno; nam ita continue ordinatur a Domino, ut omnia genera et omnes species boni et veri in caelis sibi opposita habeant mala et falsa generum ex opposito correspondentium in infernis; ita bona et vera ex origine caelesti sibi opposita habent mala et falsa quae vocantur diabolica; similiter bona et vera ex origine spirituali, sibi opposita habent mala et falsa quae vocantur infernalia.

[3] Aequilibria trahunt suam causam ex eo, quod Divina bona et Divina vera, quae angeli in caelis a Domino recipiunt, eadem illa spiritus in infernis vertant in mala et falsa. Omnes angeli, spiritus et homines in aequilibrio inter bonum et malum, et inde inter verum et falsum, a Domino tenentur, ob causam ut sint in libero, et sic abducantur a malo ad bonum, et a falso ad verum, facile et sicut a se, dum a Domino; inde est quod etiam ex libero ducantur a bono ad malum seu a vero ad falsum, et hoc quoque sicut a se, tametsi ex inferno.

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