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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1042

1042. (Verse 4) And the woman was arrayed in crimson and scarlet. That this signifies the appearance of that religious persuasion in externals, as if it were from celestial good and truth, although in internals it is from diabolical evil and falsity, is evident from the signification of the woman, as denoting the religious persuasion among the Papists; and from the signification of being arrayed, as denoting to be in externals; for garments denote things external that cover - hence being arrayed, denotes the appearance in externals; and from the signification of crimson, as denoting good from a celestial origin, and also the evil that is the opposite of this, which is called diabolical evil, of which we shall speak presently. And from the signification of scarlet, as denoting truth from a celestial origin, and also the falsity that is the opposite of this, which is called diabolical falsity. That those goods and truths differ from the goods and truths that are from a spiritual origin, and similarly the evils and falsities that are their opposites, which are called infernal evils and falsities, will be seen in the following article.

[2] The reason why the woman, who is the whore and Babylon, is thus described is, that those who are in evils and falsities therefrom are described in the Word from their external appearance; thus, such as they are in the eyes of the men who worship them. The reason why they are thus described is, that the sense of the letter of the Word consists of appearances. But the spiritual sense puts off those appearances, and presents interior things naked, without garments, which, when they appear, do so in quite another form. As in the present case, the woman outwardly appearing clothed in purple and scarlet is, in the internal form, called the mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth. Just as it is said of

The rich man clothed in crimson and fine linen, who notwithstanding was cast into hell (Luke 16:19).

And also concerning the Assyrians, with whom Ohola and Oholibah, that is, Samaria and Jerusalem, committed whoredom, who are said to be

Clothed in blue, officers and leaders, horsemen riding upon horses (Ezekiel 23:6, 12).

And so in other passages. Babylon here described as a whore appears in the world, splendidly clothed, but still abominable, because full of uncleanness.

[3] Before it is confirmed from the Word that crimson and scarlet signify goods and truths from a celestial origin, something shall first be said about those goods and truths. The Divine good that proceeds from the Lord is united with His Divine truth, as the heat of the sun with its light in the time of spring. But the angels who are recipients of the Divine good and Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, are distinguished into celestial and spiritual. Those who receive the Divine good more than the Divine truth of the Lord are called celestial angels, because these constitute the kingdom of the Lord which is called the celestial kingdom. But the angels who receive the Lord's Divine truth more than His Divine good are called spiritual angels, because of these consists the Lord's spiritual kingdom. It is therefore evident that goods and truths are of a twofold origin - from a celestial origin and a spiritual origin. Those goods and truths that are from a celestial origin are the goods and truths of love to the Lord; whereas those goods and truths that are from a spiritual origin are the goods and truths of love towards the neighbour. The difference is like that between what is higher and what is lower, or between what is interior and what is exterior; consequently, as between those things that are in a higher or interior degree, and those that are in a lower or exterior. What is the nature of this difference is evident from what is said in the work on Heaven and Hell concerning the three degrees of the heavens, and thence of the angels; and also of their intelligence and wisdom (n. 33, 34, 38, 39, 208, 209, 211, 435).

[4] That crimson in the Word signifies that good, and scarlet that truth, is evident from the passages in the Word where they are mentioned. As in Ezekiel:

"Fine linen of needlework from Egypt was thy expansion; blue and crimson from the isles of Elisha was thy covering" (27:7).

This is spoken of Tyre, by which is signified the church as to the knowledges of truth and good. Blue and crimson denote those knowledges from a celestial origin. By covering and expansion are signified the externals of that church.

In Luke:

"There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in crimson and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day" (Luke 16:19).

By the rich man is meant the Jewish nation, and the church there, called rich from the knowledges of good and truth from the Word, which they possessed, crimson having relation to the knowledges of good, and fine linen to the knowledges of truth, both from a celestial origin.

In Lamentations:

"Those that fed delicately are devastated in the streets; those that were brought up upon scarlet, embrace the dunghill" (4:5).

To be brought up upon scarlet denotes to be instructed from infancy in truths from celestial good.

[5] Because the tent of the assembly represented heaven, and the garments of Aaron the holy things of heaven, and crimson and scarlet signified the goods and truths of heaven, therefore, the curtains and veils of the tent, also the garments of Aaron, were wrought with blue, purple, scarlet double-dyed, and fine-twined linen. As, for example,

Upon the curtains of the tabernacle (Exodus 26:1).

Upon the veil before the ark (Exodus 26:8).

Upon the covering for the door of the tent (Exodus 26:36).

Upon the covering at the gate of the outer court (Exodus 27:16).

Upon the ephod (Exodus 28:6).

Upon the belt (Exodus 28:8).

Upon the breastplate of judgment (Exodus 28:15).

Upon the borders of the cloak of the ephod (Exodus 28:33).

Because double-dyed signified the truth of celestial good,

A cloth of scarlet double-dyed was spread over the table upon which was the bread of faces, and afterwards it was covered with a covering of badgers' skin (Numbers 4:8).

For the inmost things of the celestial kingdom were signified by those things that were upon the table, which were the bread, but the exterior things by those that covered them; these have reference to truths from good.

[6] Because truth from celestial good, which is the truth of the sense of the letter of the Word, is signified by scarlet, therefore it was used for the sake of remembrance, as when it was ordered,

That the sons of Israel should make for themselves a fringe upon the borders of their garments, and should put upon the fringe of the borders a scarlet thread, that by it they might remember all the precepts of Jehovah, and do them (Numbers 15:38, 39).

For the same reason also it was a custom in ancient times, when significatives were in use, to tie a scarlet thread, in order to remember a thing. As we read concerning Perez, the son of Tamar,

That the midwife tied scarlet upon his hand (Genesis 38:28, 30).

And concerning the harlot Rahab,

That she tied in the window a scarlet thread, that the searchers might remember their promise (Jos. 2:17, 21).

[7] Because all purifications from evils take place by means of truths from the Word, therefore

In the cleansings they made use of cedar-wood, scarlet, and hyssop (Leviticus 14:4-7, 49-52);

And the scarlet from a red cow for the waters of expiation and separation (19:6).

The reason of such significations of crimson and scarlet is from their colours. For there are colours in heaven far more brilliant than in the world, that have their origin in the light there. And because red colour originates there from something fiery or flamy, and what is fiery and flamy there is from the good of love, hence crimson signifies good from a celestial origin. But scarlet, which derives its colour from what is flaming and white together, and the white from light signifies truth, therefore that colour signifies the truth of celestial good.

[8] As most things in the Word have an opposite sense, so also have crimson and scarlet; then they signify evils and falsities, the opposites of those goods and truths. As in Isaiah:

"Though your sins were as scarlet, they shall become white as snow; though they were red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:8).

Because by scarlet is signified truth, the same as by snow; and by crimson is signified good, the same as by wool; and since by scarlet and crimson, in the opposite sense, is signified falsity and evil, therefore, because falsity and truth, and evil and good, have an opposite correspondence to each other, it is said, "Though your sins were as scarlet, they shall become white as snow, and though they were red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1042

1042. Verse 4. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, signifies the appearance of that religious persuasion in externals, as if it were from celestial good and truth, and yet in internals it is from devilish evil and falsity. This is evident from the signification of the "woman," as being the religious persuasion of the Papists; also from the signification of "arrayed," as being what it is in externals, for "garments" are external things that clothe; therefore "to be arrayed" means the appearance in externals. Also from the signification of "purple," as being good from a celestial origin, and also the evil opposite thereto, which is called devilish evil (of which presently). Also from the signification of "scarlet," as being truth from a celestial origin, and also the falsity opposite thereto, which is called devilish falsity. That these goods and truths differ from goods and truths that are from a spiritual origin, and that the like is true of the evils and falsities opposite to them, which are called infernal evils and falsities, will be shown in the following article.

[2] This woman, who is a harlot, and is Babylon, is thus described, because those who are in evils and in falsities therefrom are described in the Word from their external appearance, thus such as they are in the eyes of the men who worship them. They are so described because the sense of the letter of the Word consists of appearances; while the spiritual sense puts off those appearances, and presents interior things naked, without clothing, and when these appear, they appear in a wholly different form; as here the woman seen in external appearance "arrayed in purple and scarlet," is called, as to her internal form, "the mother of the whoredoms and of the abominations of the earth;" and the like is said of:

The rich man clothed in purple and fine linen, who, nevertheless, was cast into hell (Luke 16:19);

also of the Assyrians, with whom Ohola and Oholibah, that is, Samaria and Jerusalem, committed whoredom, who are called:

Officers and leaders, horsemen clothed in blue riding upon horses (Ezekiel 23:6, 12).

So in other passages. Babylon is here described as a harlot appears in the world, splendidly clothed and yet abominable, because full of uncleanness.

[3] Before proving from the Word that "purple and scarlet" signify goods and truths from a celestial origin, something shall be said about such goods and truths. The Divine good that proceeds from the Lord is united with His Divine truth, as heat from the sun is with light in the time of spring. But the angels, who are recipients of the Divine good and Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, are distinguished into celestial and spiritual. Those who receive more of the Lord's Divine good than of His Divine truth are called celestial angels; because these constitute the kingdom of the Lord that is called the celestial kingdom. But the angels who receive more of the Lord's Divine truth than of His Divine good are called spiritual angels, because the Lord's spiritual kingdom consists of these. This makes clear that goods and truths have a twofold origin, namely, a celestial origin and a spiritual origin. Those goods and truths that are from a celestial origin are the goods and truths of love to the Lord; while those goods and truths that are from a spiritual origin are the goods and truths of love towards the neighbor. The difference is like that between higher and lower, or between interior and exterior; thus like that between things that are in a higher or interior degree, and those that are in a lower or exterior degree; and what this difference is can be seen from what has been said in the work on Heaven and Hell about the three degrees of the heavens, and thus of the angels, and of their wisdom and intelligence (n. 33, 34, 38-39, 208-209, 211, 435).

[4] That "purple" signifies in the Word that good, and "scarlet" that truth, can be seen from the passages in the Word where they are mentioned. As in Ezekiel:

Fine linen of embroidered work from Egypt was thy spreading forth, blue and purple from the isles of Elishah was thy covering (Ezekiel 27:7).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the church as to the knowledges of truth and good, "blue and purple" standing for such knowledges from a celestial origin, and "covering and spreading forth" signifying the externals of that church. In Luke:

There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and indulged in delicacies every day (Luke 16:19).

The "rich man" means the Jewish nation and the church therein, which was called "rich" from the knowledges of good and truth from the Word that they had, "in purple" meaning the knowledges of good, and "in fine linen" the knowledges of truth, both from a celestial origin. In Lamentations:

They that did eat delicacies are laid waste in the streets; they that were brought up in scarlet have embraced a dunghill (Lamentations 4:5).

"To be brought up in scarlet" means to be instructed from infancy in truths from celestial good.

[5] As the Tent of meeting represented heaven, and the garments of Aaron represented the holy things of heaven, and purple and scarlet signify the goods and truths of heaven, so the curtains and veils of the Tent, as well as the garments of Aaron, were wrought with blue, purple, scarlet double-dyed, and fine linen woven together; as:

The curtains of the habitation (Exodus 26:1);

The veil before the ark (Exodus 26:31);

The covering for the door of the Tent (Exodus 26:36);

The covering at the gate of the court (Exodus 27:16);

The ephod (Exodus 28:6);

The belt (Exodus 28:8);

The breastplate of judgment (Exodus 28:15);

The fringes of the robe of the ephod (Exodus 28:33).

Because "scarlet double-dyed" signified the truth of celestial good, therefore:

A cloth of scarlet double-dyed was spread over the table upon which was the bread of faces, and afterwards it was covered with a covering of the skin of the badger (Numbers 4:8).

For the inmost things of the celestial kingdom were signified by the things that were upon the table, which were loaves; but the exterior things by the coverings, which have reference to truths from good.

[6] As truth from celestial good, which is the truth of the sense of the letter of the Word, is signified by "scarlet," it was used for remembrances, as that:

The sons of Israel should make for themselves a train on the borders of their garment, and should put upon the train of the border a cord of scarlet, that by it they might remember all the commandments of Jehovah and do them (Numbers 15:38-39).

And for the same reason it was a custom in ancient times, when significatives were in use, to tie a scarlet cord as a reminder or remembrance of a thing, as is said of Perez the son of Tamar, that:

The midwife tied scarlet upon his hand (Genesis 38:28, 30);

and of the harlot Rahab, that:

She tied in the window a scarlet cord, that the spies might remember their promise (Joshua 2:17, 21).

[7] As all purifications from evils are effected by truths from the Word, therefore:

Cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop were used in cleansings (Leviticus 14:4-7, 49-52).

And scarlet was used for the waters of separation and expiation from a red heifer (Numbers 19:6).

Purple and scarlet derive their signification from the nature of these colors. For there are colors in heaven far more brilliant than in the world, originating from the light there; and as red has its origin there from what is fiery or flame-like, and what is fiery and flame-like has its origin there from the good of love, so "purple" signifies good from a celestial origin. But scarlet derives its color from what is flame-like and at the same time glistening, and glistening from light signifies truth; consequently that color signifies the truth of celestial good.

[8] As most things in the Word have a contrary sense, so have purple and scarlet; and in that sense they signify the evils and falsities opposite to those goods and truths. As in Isaiah:

Although your sins have been as scarlet they shall become white like snow; although they have been red as purple they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18).

Since "scarlet," the same as "snow," signifies truth, and "purple," the same as "wool," signifies good, and since "scarlet and purple," signify in the contrary sense falsity and evil (falsity and truth, and evil and good corresponding by opposition), so it is said "Although your sins have been as scarlet they shall become white like snow, and although they have been red as purple they shall be as wool."

Apocalypsis Explicata 1042 (original Latin 1759)

1042. (Vers. 4.) "Et mulier circuminduta purpura et coccino." - Quod significet apparentiam religiosi istius in externis sicut foret ex caelesti bono et vero, cum tamen in internis ex diabolico malo et falso, constat ex significatione "mulieris", quod sit religiosum apud Pontificios; ex significatione "circumindui", quod sit in externis esse, nam indumenta sunt externa quae integunt, inde "circumindui" est apparentia in externis; ex significatione "purpurae", quod sit bonum ex caelesti origine, et quoque malum ei oppositum, quod vocatur malum diabolicum (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "coccini", quod sit verum ex caelesti origine, et quoque falsum ei oppositum, quod vocatur falsum diabolicum: quod illa bona et vera differant a bonis et veris ex origine spirituali, similiter mala et falsa illis opposita, quae vocantur mala et falsa infernalia, in sequente articulo videbitur.

[2] Quod mulier, quae meretrix, et est Babylon, ita describatur, est quia illi qui in malis et inde falsis sunt in Verbo describantur ex apparentia externa, ita quales sunt in oculis hominum qui adorant illos: quod ita describantur, est quia sensus litterae Verbi ex apparentiis consistit; at sensus spiritualis exuit illas apparentias, et sistit interiora absque vestibus nuda, quae dum apparent, prorsus in alia forma apparent; sicut hic, quod "mulier visa induta purpura et coccino" ex apparentia externa, dicatur "mater scortationum et abominationum terrae" in forma interna; similiter ut dicitur de

Divite induto purpura et bysso, qui tamen conjectus est in infernum (Luca 16:19):

et quoque de Assyriis, cum quibus scortata est Ohola et Oholiba, hoc est, Samaria et Hierosolyma, qui dicuntur

Vestiti hyacinthino, praefecti et duces, equitantes equis (Ezechiel 23:6, 12);

similiter alibi. Describitur hic Babylon sicut in mundo apparet meretrix splendidis induta, at usque abominabilis, quia plena immunditie.

[3] Antequam ex Verbo confirmatur quod "purpura" et "coccinum" significent bona et vera ex origine caelesti, primum aliquid dicetur de illis bonis et veris: – Divinum Bonum, quod procedit a Domino, unitum est cum Divino Vero Ipsius, sicut calor cum luce ex sole tempore veris. Angeli vero, qui sunt recipientes Divini Boni et Divini Veri procedentis a Domino, distinguuntur in caelestes et spirituales: illi qui plus recipiunt Divinum Bonum quam Divinum Verum Domini, vocantur angeli caelestes, quia hi constituunt regnum Domini quod vocatur regnum caeleste; angeli autem qui plus recipiunt Divinum Verum Domini quam Divinum Bonum Ipsius, vocantur angeli spirituales, quia ex his est regnum spirituale Domini. Ex his patet quod bona et vera sint duplici origine, nempe ex origine caelesti et ex origine spirituali. Illa bona et vera quae ex origine caelesti sunt, sunt bona et vera amoris in Dominum; at illa bona et vera quae ex origine spirituali sunt, sunt bona et vera amoris erga proximum; differentia est sicut inter superius et inferius, seu inter interius et exterius, proinde sicut inter illa quae in superiori aut interiori gradu sunt, et illa quae in inferiori et exteriori, quae differentia qualis est, constare potest ex illis quae de tribus gradabus caelorum, et inde angelorum, atque sapientiae et intelligentiae illorum, in opere De Caelo et Inferno (n. 33, 34, 38, 39, 208, 209, 211, 435) dicta sunt.

[4] Quod "purpura" id bonum et "coccinum" id verum in Verbo significent, constat ex locis in Verbo ubi nominantur: ut apud Ezechielem,

"Byssus ex acupictura ex Aegypto fuit expansio tua, .... hyacinthinum et purpura ex insulis Elischah fuit tegumentum tuum" (27:7):

haec de Tyro, per quam significatur ecclesia quoad cognitiones veri et boni; "hyacinthinum et purpura" pro cognitionibus illis ex origine caelesti; per "tegumentum" et "expansionem" significantur externa illius ecclesiae.

Apud Lucam,

"Homo quidam erat dives, qui induebatur purpura et bysso, et lautitiis indulgebat cottidie" (16:19);

per "hominem divitem" intelligebatur gens Judaica et ecclesia ibi, quae "dives" dicebatur a cognitionibus boni et veri ex Verbo quod apud illos, "ex purpura" cognitiones boni, "ex bysso" cognitiones veri, utraeque ex origine caelesti. In Threnis,

"Qui comederunt lautitias, devastati sunt in plateis, educati super coccino, amplexi sunt sterquilinium" (4:5):

"educari super coccino" pro ab infantia instrui in veris ex bono caelesti.

[5] Quoniam Tentorium conventus repraesentabat caelum, ac vestes Aharonis repraesentabant sancta caeli, et "purpura et coccinum" significabant bona et vera caeli, ideo aulaea, et vela Tentorii, tum vestes Aharonis, ex hyacinthino, purpura, coccineo dibapho, et byssino contexebantur: ut

Super aulaeis Habitaculi (Exodus 26:1);

Super velo ante arcam (Exodus 26:31);

Super tegumento pro ostio Tentorii (Exodus 26:36);

Super tegumento ad portam atrii (Exodus 27:16);

Super ephodo (Exodus 28:6);

Super baltheo (Exodus 28:8);

Super pectorali judicii (Exodus 28:15);

Super fimbriis pallii ephodi (Exodus 28:33).

Quoniam "coccineum dibaphum" significabat verum boni caelestis, ideo

Pannus coccinei dibaphi expandebatur super mensa, ubi panes facierum, et dein operiebatur tegumento pellis melis (Numeri 4:8);

nam intima regni caelestis significabantur per illa quae super mensa erant, quae erant panes; exteriora autem per illa quae tegebant; quae se referunt ad vera ex bono.

[6] Quoniam verum ex bono caelesti, quod est verum sensus litterae Verbi, significatur per "coccinum", ideo id circa recordationes adhibebatur, ut

Quod filii Israelis facerent sibi peniculamentum super alas vestium, et darent super peniculamentum alae filum coccineum, ut per id recordarentur omnium praeceptorum Jehovae, et facerent illa (Numeri 15:38, 39).

Ex eadem causa etiam solenne fuit antiquis temporibus, cum significativa in usu fuerunt, alligare filum coccineum in rei memoriam seu recordationem, sicut legitur de Perez filio Thamaris,

Quod obstetrix super ejus manu ligaverit dibaphum (Genesis 38:28, 30);

et de meretrice Rachab,

Quod in fenestra ligaverit filum coccineum, ut exploratores recordarentur promissi (Joshua 2:17, 21).

[7] Quoniam omnes purificationes a malis fiunt per vera ex Verbo, ideo

In mundationibus adhibebatur lignum cedri, coccinum et hyssopus (Leviticus 14:4-7, 49-52):

Et ad aquas separationis et expiationis ex vacca rubra adhibebatur coccinum (Numeri 19:6).

Causa, quod talia per "purpuram" et "coccinum" significentur, est ex colore illorum; sunt enim colores in caelo, nitentiores quam in mundo, oriundi ex luce ibi; et quia color ruber trahit suam originem ibi ex igneo seu flammeo; et igneum et flammeum ibi ex bono amoris, inde "purpura" significat bonum ex origine caelesti: "coccinum" autem trahit colorem suum ex flammeo et candido simul, ac "candidum" ex luce significat verum; inde ille color significat verum boni caelestis.

[8] Sicut pleraque in Verbo sensum oppositum habent, ita quoque "purpura" et "coccinum", et tunc significant mala et falsa bonis et veris illis opposita; ut apud Esaiam,

"Si fuerint peccata vestra sicut coccinea, sicut nix albescent; si rubra fuerint sicut purpura, sicut lana erunt" (1:18):

quoniam per "coccinum" significatur verum, similiter per "nivem", et quoniam per "purpuram" significatur bonum, similiter per "lanam", et per "coccinum" et per "purpuram" in opposito sensu significatur falsum et malum, ideo quia falsum et verum ac malum et bonum sibi ex opposito correspondent, ideo dicitur "Si peccata fuerint sicut coccinea, sicut nix albescent; et si fuerint rubra sicut purpura, sicut lana erunt."

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