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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1051

1051. And, when I saw her, I wondered with great wonder. That this signifies a stupendous vision, in which were mysteries of heaven, unknown to him, is evident from the signification of wondering at those things which he saw with great wonder, as denoting to be in astonishment concerning the vision, in which lay concealed mysteries unknown to him. Therefore the angel said to him, I will declare to thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her.

Continuation concerning Profanation:-

[2] This kind of profanation exists especially with those who acknowledge the Lord and His Divine, also the Word and its sanctity. The reason is, that the Lord alone, by means of truths from the Word, opens heaven to the man who lives according to them, and if heaven is not opened, this profanation cannot exist.

It is therefore clear that the Gentiles, who are ignorant of the Lord, and know nothing of the Word, cannot be the subjects of such profanation. Neither can the Jews; for they deny the Lord from their childhood. Neither is heaven opened to them by the Word. Also, neither can the impious, who have been such from their childhood. For, as stated, those alone profane who believe well and live well, and afterwards believe and live wickedly. Besides this kind of profanation, there are others, respecting which we shall treat in the articles following.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1051

1051. And when I saw her I wondered with great wonder, signifies an astonishing vision, in which were arcana of heaven that were unknown to him. This is evident from the signification of "wondering with great wonder" at those things that he saw, as being to be astonished respecting the vision, in which lay hidden arcana unknown to him, therefore the angel said to him, "I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her."

(Continuation respecting Profanation)

[2] This kind of profanation exists especially with those who acknowledge the Lord and His Divine, and the Word and its holiness; and for the reason that the Lord alone by means of truths from the Word opens heaven to the man who lives according to those truths; and unless heaven is opened such profanation is not possible. And this shows why the Gentiles, who are ignorant of the Lord and know nothing about the Word, cannot bring upon themselves such profanation; neither can the Jews, for they deny the Lord from their infancy, and heaven is not opened to them by means of the Word; neither can the impious who have been such from childhood; for, as has been said, those only profane who believe well and live well, and afterwards believe wrongly and live wrongly. Besides this kind of profanation there are other kinds of it, which shall be treated of in the following articles.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1051 (original Latin 1759)

1051. "Et admiratus sum videns illam, admiratione magna." - Quod significet visionem stupendam, in qua arcana caeli quae ei ignota, constat ex significatione "admirari illa quae vidit, admiratione magna", quod sit in stupore esse de visione, in qua latebant arcana ei ignota; quare ei dixit angelus, "Ego tibi dicam mysterium mulieris et bestiae portantis illam."

[2] (Continuatio de Profanatione.)

Hoc genus profanationis datur imprimis apud illos qui agnoscunt Dominum et Ipsius Divinum, ac Verbum et ejus sanctum. Causa est, quia solus Dominus per vera ex Verbo aperit caelum homini qui vivit secundum illa, et absque caelo aperto non datur hoc profanum. Inde patet quod gentiles qui ignorant Dominum, nec sciunt aliquid de Verbo, non possint tale profanum sibi inducere; tum quod nec Judaei, negant enim Dominum ab infantia, nec caelum illis per Verbum aperitur; ut et quod nec possint impii qui a pueritia tales fuerunt; nam, ut dictum est, illi solum profanant qui bene credunt et bene vivunt, ac postea male credunt et male vivunt. Praeter hoc genus profanationis dantur alia ejus genera, de quibus in articulis sequentibus.

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