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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1050

1050. And with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. That this signifies violence offered to those truths of the Word that teach that the Lord alone is to be worshipped, is evident from the signification of blood, as denoting the Divine truth of the Word, and the violence offered to it, as said just above; and from the signification of the witnesses of Jesus, as denoting those who in heart acknowledge the Lord, and worship and adore Him alone. That to bear witness is to acknowledge in heart, and that the testimony of Jesus is the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine in His Human, and that He alone is to be worshipped and adored, may be seen (n. 10, 27, 228, 392, 635, 649, 749).

That violence is offered by the Babylonians to the truths of the Word that teach concerning the Lord is quite clear from this, that they have transferred the Lord's Divine power to the Pope, as His vicar, and, together with it, worship and adoration; and that for this end they have separated the Lord's Divine from His Human, in order that they might say that they have not taken His Divine, but His human power, not desiring to know that the Divine power consists principally in the power of saving the human race; this power the Babylonians, nevertheless, appropriate to themselves. But upon this subject more will be said elsewhere.

Continuation concerning Profanation:-

[2] The reason for such a horrible state of profanation after death shall also be disclosed. Man has two minds, a natural and a spiritual. The natural mind is opened to him by the knowledges and cognitions of truth and good; and the spiritual mind is opened by a life according to them. And this takes place with those who know, acknowledge, and believe the truths of the Word, and live according to them. The spiritual mind is opened with no others. When this mind is opened, then the light of heaven, which is Divine truth, flows in thereby into the natural mind, and there disposes truths according to correspondences. When, therefore, a man departs into a contrary state, and either in faith or life denies the truths of the Word, which before he had acknowledged, then the things in the natural mind no longer correspond with those in the spiritual mind; consequently, heaven from its light flows in through the spiritual mind into things that do not correspond, and into things that are the opposites of it, in the natural man. From this a phantasy exists so direful that they seem to themselves to fly in the air like dragons, while flakes of snow and chaff appear to them to be giants and crowds, and a little ball as if it were the whole globe, and many similar things.

The reason, therefore, is that they have heaven in the spiritual mind, and hell in the natural mind. And when heaven, in the spiritual mind, acts into hell, in the natural mind, then such things appear. Because the understanding is hereby destroyed as to everything pertaining to it, and with the understanding the will also, the man is no longer a man. This is why a profane person is no longer called "a man," nor "he" or "she," but "it," for it is a brute.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1050

1050. And with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, signifies violence done to those truths of the Word that teach that the Lord alone is to be adored. This is evident from the signification of "blood," as being the Divine truth of the Word and violence done to it (as has been said just above); also from the signification of "the witnesses of Jesus," as being those who in heart acknowledge the Lord, and worship and adore him only. That "to bear witness" means to acknowledge in heart, and that "the testimony of Jesus" means the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine in His Human, and that He alone is to be worshiped and adored, may be seen (n. 10, 27[1-4], 228, 392, 635, 649, 749). That the Babylonians do violence to the truths of the Word that teach about the Lord can be clearly seen from this, that they have transferred the Lord's Divine authority to the Pope as His vicar, and worship and adoration along with it; also with this end in view they have separated the Lord's Divine from His Human, that they might say that they have not assumed His Divine but His Human authority; not being willing to know that the Divine authority consists chiefly in the power to save the human race; although the Babylonians appropriate even this power to themselves. But on this more will be said elsewhere.

(Continuation respecting Profanation)

[2] Why the state of profaners after death is so horrible shall be disclosed. Man has two minds, the natural and the spiritual. The natural mind is opened to him by the knowledges and cognitions of truth and good, and the spiritual mind is opened by a life according to these; and this is effected in those who know, acknowledge, and believe the truths of the Word and live according to them. In others that mind is not opened. When the spiritual mind has been opened, the light of heaven, which is Divine truth, flows through it into the natural mind, and there arranges truths in a corresponding order. Therefore when a man passes over into a contrary state, and either in faith or life denies the truths of the Word that he has previously acknowledged, the things that are in the natural mind no longer correspond with those that are in the spiritual mind; consequently heaven with its light flows in through the spiritual mind into things that do not correspond, or into things opposite in the natural man; and from this a fantasy arises that is so direful that they seem to themselves to fly in the air like dragons, while shreds and specks appear to them like giants and crowds, and a little ball like the whole globe, and other like things. The reason of this is that they have heaven in the spiritual mind and hell in the natural mind, and when heaven, which is in the spiritual mind, acts into hell, which is in the natural mind, such things appear. And as this destroys all things pertaining to the understanding, and the will with the understanding, the man comes to be no longer a man. And this is why a profaner is no longer called a man, nor he or she, but it, for he is a brute.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1050 (original Latin 1759)

1050. "Et ex sanguine testium Jesu." - Quod significet violentiam illatam illis veris Verbi, quae docent quod Dominus solus adorandus sit, constat ex significatione "sanguinis", quod sit Divinum Verum Verbi, et violentia ei illata (ut mox supra); et ex significatione "testium Jesu", quod sint qui corde agnoscunt Dominum et Ipsum solum colunt et adorant; quod "testari" sit agnoscere corde, et quod "testimonium Jesu" sit agnitio Divini Domini in Humano Ipsius, et quod Ipse solus colendus et adorandus sit, videatur (supra) (n. 10, 27, 228, 392 (b-e), 635, 649, 749). Quod veris Verbi, quae docent Dominum, a Babylonicis violentia illata sit, manifeste patet ex eo, quod Divinam Domini potestatem in Papam, ut vicarium Ipsius, transtulerint, et cum illa simul cultum et adorationem; et quod propter illum finem separaverint Divinum Domini ab Humano Ipsius, ut dicere possent quod non Divinam Ipsius potestatem, sed Humanam Ipsius, susceperint, non volentes scire quod Divina potestas principaliter consistat in potestate salvandi genus humanum, quam potestatem usque Babylonici sibi appropriant. Sed de hac re plura alibi dicentur.

[2] (Continuatio de Profanatione.)

Causa tam horrendi status profanatorum post mortem etiam detegetur. Sunt homini binae mentes, naturalis et spiritualis. Mens naturalis ei aperitur per scientias et cognitiones veri et boni, et mens spiritualis aperitur per vitam secundum illas, quod fit apud illos qui vera Verbi sciunt, agnoscunt et credunt, ac secundum illa vivunt; illa mens non apud alios aperitur. Quando mens spiritualis aperta est, tunc lux caeli, quae est Divinum Verum, per illam in mentem naturalem influit, et ibi disponit vera ad correspondentias. Cum ergo homo in contrarium abit, et vera Verbi prius agnita negat vel fide vel vita, tunc illa quae in naturali mente sunt non correspondent amplius illis quae in mente spirituali sunt; inde caelum ex sua luce per mentem spiritualem influit in non correspondentia, et in eis opposita in naturali homine, ex quo existit phantasia tam dira ut videantur sibi volare in aere sicut dracones, utque flocci et paleae appareant eis sicut gigantes et turmae, ac orbiculus sicut universus orbis, et similia plura. Causa itaque est quod caelum eis sit in mente spirituali, ac infernum in mente naturali; et cum caelum, quod in mente spirituali est, agit in infernum quod in mente naturali est, tunc apparent talia. Quia sic intellectus quoad omnia sua destruitur, et cum intellectu etiam voluntas, inde homo non fit homo magis: ex eo est quod profanus non amplius dicatur homo, nec ille aut illa, sed illud, est enim brutum.

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