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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1055

1055. And is about to ascend out of the abyss, and go into perdition. That this signifies its being acknowledged as Divine for the sake of form, but nevertheless rejected, is evident from the signification of ascending out of the abyss, when said of the Word with those who belong to Babylon, as denoting to be received and acknowledged as Divine for the sake of form; of which we shall speak presently. And from the signification of going into perdition, as denoting not to be acknowledged but rejected.

That this is the case with the Word with those who belong to Babylon is known. For it is acknowledged as Divine because of the Lord's words to Peter concerning the keys; because of the historicals concerning the passion, concerning Mary, and concerning the Apostles; besides some passages which they can pervert to favour their dominion. For since all those things are from the Word, and their religion is founded upon them, therefore if the Word were not acknowledged as Divine, the religion itself would fall, and they could no longer exercise dominion over holy things, nor, indeed, be called Christians. But that the Word is, notwithstanding, rejected by them is also known. For it is not read by the common people, and but little by the monks, who teach it. Many also invalidate its sanctity, as is evident from their writings and discourses, because the things that are therein do not agree with the dictates and bulls of the Pope, and because Babel is there described to the life and condemned to hell. These are the causes of the rejection thereof, from which it is evident, that the Word is only acknowledged as Divine for the sake of form.

That such things are signified by these words becomes quite evident, when by the scarlet beast is understood the Word; and by the whore or woman sitting thereon is understood the religious persuasion which regards dominion as an end, and the holy things of the Word, of the church, and of worship as the means.

Continuation concerning the second kind of Profanation:-

[2] Those who are in the love of self, and thence in the love of ruling, and who covet, acquire, and afterwards exercise domination by means of the holy things of the Word, of the church, and of worship, are those who profane. For the delight of the love of ruling for the sake of themselves, that is, for the sake of eminence, and thence of being venerated, and, as it were, adored, is an infernal delight, which also reigns in hell. For in hell every one wishes to be the greatest, whereas in heaven every one desires to be the least. And to rule over things sacred from an infernal delight is to profane them.

[3] But this other kind of profanation of the holy things of the church is not like the former. Those are guilty of the former kind, with whom communication with heaven has taken place by the opening of their spiritual mind. But the other kind of profanation pertains to those with whom the spiritual mind has not been opened, and communication thus effected with heaven. For as long as the delight of the love of ruling exists in a man, so long that mind cannot be opened, nor is communication with heaven possible with him. The lot of these profaners, after death, also differs from the lot of the former. The former, as said, are in a perpetual delirium of phantasy; but these hate the Lord, heaven, the Word, the church, and all the holy things thereof. Into this hatred they come because their dominion is taken away from them; so their state is changed into the contrary.

They appear, as it were, fiery, and their hell, as it were, to be on fire; for infernal fire is nothing else but the lust of ruling from the love of self. They are amongst the worst, and are called devils, whereas the rest are called satans.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1055

1055. And is about to come up out of the abyss, and go into perdition, signifies that it is acknowledged as Divine for form's sake, and yet is rejected. This is evident from the signification of "coming up out of the abyss," as being, in reference to the Word with those who are of Babylon, to be accepted and acknowledged as Divine for form's sake (of which presently); also from the signification of "going into perdition," as being not to be acknowledged but to be rejected. That the Word has been thus treated by those who are of Babylon is known. For the Word is acknowledged as Divine on account of the Lord's words to Peter respecting the keys, on account of the stories of the passion, of Mary, and of the apostles, and some passages which they can pervert to favor their dominion. Since all these are from the Word, and upon these their religion is founded, so if the Word were not acknowledged as Divine the religion itself would fall, and they could no longer rule over holy things, nor even be called Christians. But that the Word, nevertheless, is rejected by them is also known, for it is not read by the common people, and but little by the monks who teach; and many invalidate its holiness, as is evident from their writings and sayings, for the reason that it contains things that are not in accord with the decrees and bulls of the Pope, also because Babylon is there described to the life and condemned to hell. These are the causes of its rejection. All this makes clear that the Word is acknowledged as Divine only for form's sake. And that this is what these words signify can be clearly seen when it is seen that "the scarlet beast" means the Word, and the "harlot or the woman that sitteth upon it" means the religious persuasion that regards dominion as its end, and the holy things of the Word, of the church, and of worship as the means.

(Continuation respecting the Second Kind of Profanation)

[2] Those who are in the love of self, and from that in the love of having dominion, and who covet, acquire, and afterwards exercise domination by means of the holy things of the Word, of the church, and of worship, are those who profane. For the delight of the love of having dominion for self's sake, that is, for the sake of eminence, and consequent homage, and a kind of adoration of self, is an infernal delight. Moreover, this reigns in hell, for in hell everyone wills to be the greatest, while in heaven everyone wills to be the least; and to have dominion over holy things from an infernal delight is to profane them.

[3] But this second kind of profanation of the holy things of the church is not like the former kind of the profanation of them. Those fall into the former kind in whom a communication with heaven has been effected by the opening of their spiritual mind; while this second kind of profanation those have with whom the spiritual mind has not been opened, or communication with heaven effected through it. For so long as the delight of the love of having dominion resides in man, that mind cannot be opened, and communication with heaven is not possible to him.

[4] Moreover, the lot of these profaners after death differs from the lot of the former. The former, as has been said, are in an unceasing delirium of fantasy; but these hate the Lord, hate heaven, hate the Word, hate the church, and hate all its holy things; and they come into such hatred because their dominion is taken away from them, and thus their state is changed into its opposite. They appear like something fiery, and their hell appears like a conflagration; for infernal fire is nothing else than the lust of having dominion from the love of self. These are among the worst, and are called devils; while the others are called satans.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1055 (original Latin 1759)

1055. "Et futura est ascendere ex abysso, et in interitum abire." - Quod significet id agnitum ut Divinum pro forma, sed usque rejectum, constat ex significatione "ascendere ex Babylonia, quod sit recipi et agnosci pro Divino ex forma (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "in interitum abire", quod sit non agnosci sed rejici. Quod ita sit cum Verbo apud illos qui ex Babylonia sunt, notum est; agnoscitur enim ut Divinum propter Domini verba ad Petrum de clavibus, propter historica de Passione, de Maria, de Apostolis, propter aliqua loca, quae ad favorem dominii sui pervertere poterant; illa omnia quia ex Verbo sunt, et super illis fundatur religio eorum, ideo si Verbum non agnosceretur Divinum, caderet ipsa religio, et non potuissent amplius dominari super sancta, immo nec vocari Christiani: sed quod Verbum ab illis usque rejiciatur, etiam notum est; non enim legitur a vulgo, ac parum a monachis, qui docent; etiam multi infirmant sanctitatem ejus, ut patet a plurium scriptis et loquelis, ex causa quia illa quae ibi sunt non cum dictaminibus et bullis Papae concordant, et quia Babel ibi ad vivum describitur, et ad infernum damnatur; hae causae rejectionis ejus sunt: ex quibus patet quod Verbum solum agnoscatur ut Divinum pro forma. Quod haec per illa verba significentur, manifeste constare potest, dum per "bestiam coccineam"intelligitur Verbum, ac per "meretricem" aut "mulierem ei insidentem" intelligitur religiosum quod spectat dominium pro fine, et sancta Verbi, ecclesiae et cultus pro mediis.

[2] (Continuatio de secundo genere Profanationis.)

Illi qui in amore sui, et inde in amore dominandi sunt, ac dominationem per sancta Verbi, ecclesiae et cultus cupiunt, acquirunt, et postea exercent, sunt qui profanant; nam jucundum amoris dominandi propter se, hoc est, propter eminentiam, ac inde venerationem et quasi adorationem sui, est jucundum infernale; regnat etiam in inferno, nam in inferno quisque vult maximus esse; in caelo autem quisque vult minimus esse: ac dominari super sancta ex jucundo infernali est profanare illa.

[3] Sed hoc alterum genus profanationis sanctorum ecclesiae, non est sicut genus prius profanationis illorum. Prius genus est illis apud quos communicatio cum caelo per aperitionem mentis spiritualis illorum facta est; at hoc alterum genus profanationis est illis apud quos non mens spiritualis aperta est, et per id communicatio facta cum caelo; nam quamdiu jucundum amoris dominandi residet in homine, tamdiu non aperiri potest illa mens, ita nec dari illi cum caelo communicatio.

[4] Sors horum profanatorum post mortem etiam differt a sorte priorum: priores, ut dictum est, in perpetuo delirio phantasiae sunt; hi autem in odio sunt contra Dominum, contra caelum, contra Verbum, contra ecclesiam, et contra omnia ejus sancta; in tale odium veniunt ex eo, quod illis auferatur dominium, sic mutatur status in contrarium. Apparent illi sicut ignei, ac infernum eorum sicut incendium, ignis enim infernalis non aliud est quam cupiditas dominandi ex amore sui. Sunt inter pessimos, et vocantur diaboli; reliqui autem satanae.

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