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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1056

1056. And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder. That this signifies those of that religious persuasion who reject the Word, is evident from the signification of them that dwell on the earth, as denoting those who are of that religious persuasion. For by the earth is signified the church; but, in this case, that religious persuasion, because the church is not there. For the church is only where the Lord is worshipped and the Word is read.

That those who reject the Word are meant is evident from what follows; that is, that they are those whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world; and that they are those who saw the beast, which was, and is not, but yet is. For by the beast is signified the Word, as was said above. Therefore their wonder is, that the Word still is, although it was, and is not.

Concerning the second kind of Profanation:-

[2] The love of ruling by the holy things of the church as a means, entirely closes the interiors of the human mind from inmost to outmost, according to the quality and quantity of that love. But in order that it may be known how they are closed, something shall first be said concerning the interiors of the human mind.

Man has a spiritual mind, a rational mind, a natural mind, and a sensual mind. By the spiritual mind he is in heaven, and is a heaven in its least form. By the natural mind he is in the world, and is a world in its least form. Heaven with man communicates with the world in him through the rational mind; and with the body through the sensual mind. After man's birth the sensual mind is first opened; afterwards the natural mind; and, as he studies to become intelligent, the rational mind; and, as he studies to become wise, the spiritual mind. But afterwards, as he becomes wise, the spiritual mind becomes with him as the head, and the natural mind as the body, to which the rational mind serves for conjunction, as the neck to the head, and then the sensual mind is like the sole of the foot.

[3] All these minds with infants are so disposed by the Lord, through an influx of innocence from heaven, that they may be opened. But with those who, from their youth, begin to be inflamed with the lust of ruling by the holy things of the church, as means, the spiritual mind is entirely closed, and also the rational mind; lastly, the natural mind, down to the sensual mind, as it is said in heaven, even to the nose. And thus they become merely sensual men; these are the most stupid of all in spiritual things, and thence in rational things; and the most cunning of all in worldly matters and those of a civil kind. That they are so stupid in spiritual things, they themselves do not know, because in heart they do not believe those things, and because they believe cunning to be prudence, and malice to be wisdom.

All of this kind, however, differ according to the quality and quantity of the lust of ruling and of its exercise also, according to the quality and quantity of persuasion that they are holy; and according to the quality of the good and truth from the Word, which they profane.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1056

1056. And they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, signifies those of that religious persuasion who reject the Word. This is evident from the signification of "they that dwell upon the earth," as being those who are of that religious persuasion; for the "earth" signifies the church, but here a religious persuasion because there is no church, since there is a church only where the Lord is worshiped and the Word is read. That those who reject the Word are meant is clear from what follows, namely, that they are those "whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world," and are those "who saw the beast that was and is not, and yet is," "beast" signifying the Word (as above); therefore they wonder that the Word still is, although it was and is not.

(Continuation respecting the Second Kind of Profanation)

[2] The love of having dominion by the holy things of the church as means wholly shuts up the interiors of the human mind from the inmosts towards the outmosts, according to the kind and extent of that love. But to make clear that they are shut up, something shall first be said about the interiors belonging to the human mind. Man has a spiritual mind, a rational mind, a natural mind, and a sensual mind. By means of the spiritual mind man is in heaven and is a heaven in its least form. By means of the natural mind he is in the world and is a world in its least form. Heaven with man communicates with the world in him by means of the rational mind, and with the body by means of the sensual mind. The sensual mind is the first to be opened with man after his birth; after that the natural mind, and as he seeks to become intelligent the rational mind, and as he seeks to become wise the spiritual mind. And at length, as man becomes wise the spiritual mind becomes to him as the head, and the natural mind as the body, and the rational mind serves as a neck to join this to the head, and then the sensual mind becomes like the sole of the foot.

[3] With infants the Lord so arranges all these minds by means of the inflow of innocence from heaven that they can be opened. But with those who begin from childhood to be inflamed with the lust of having dominion by means of the holy things of the church as means, the spiritual mind is wholly shut; so, too, is the rational mind, and finally the natural mind, even to the sensual mind, or as it is said in heaven, even to the nose. And thus they become merely sensual, and are the most stupid of all in things spiritual and thus in things rational, and the most crafty of all in worldly and thus in civil matters. That they are so stupid in spiritual things they do not themselves know, because in heart they do not believe these things, and because they believe craft to be prudence and malice to be wisdom. And yet all of this kind differ according to the kind and extent of their lust of having dominion and of exercising it, also according to the kind and extent of the persuasion that they are holy, and according to the kind of good and truth from the Word that they profane.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1056 (original Latin 1759)

1056. "Et mirabuntur habitantes super terra." - Quod significet illos ab eo religioso qui rejiciunt Verbum, constat ex significatione "habitantium super terra", quod sint qui ab illo religioso sunt; nam per "terram" significatur ecclesia, hic autem religiosum, quia non ibi ecclesia est; nam ibi solum ecclesia est, ubi Dominus adoratur ac Verbum legitur. Quod illi qui rejiciunt Verbum intelligantur, patet a sequentibus; nempe, quod sint illi "quorum nomina non scripta sunt in libro vitae a fundatione mundi", et quod sint illi qui "videbant bestiam, quae erat, et non est, attamen est"; per "bestiam" significatur Verbum (ut supra); quare admiratio illorum est quod Verbum usque sit, quamvis erat, et non est.

[2] ((Continuatio) de secundo genere Profanationis.)

Amor dominandi per sancta ecclesiae ut media prorsus occludit interiora mentis humanae ab intimis versus extremum, secundum quale et quantum amoris illius; sed ut sciatur quod occludantur, primum aliqua de interioribus quae sunt mentis humanae, dicentur. Est homini mens spiritualis, est mens rationalis, est mens naturalis, et est mens sensualis. Homo per mentem spiritualem est in caelo, et est caelum in minima forma; per mentem naturalem est in mundo, et est mundus in minima forma; caelum apud hominem cum mundo in illo communicat per mentem rationalem, et cum corpore per mentem sensualem.

Apud hominem post nativitatem ejus aperitur primum mens sensualis; postea mens naturalis; et sicut intelligentiae studet, mens rationalis; et sicut sapientiae, mens spiritualis; postea autem, sicut homo fit sapiens, mens spiritualis fit ei tanquam caput, et mens naturalis tanquam corpus, cui mens rationalis inservit pro conjunctione tanquam cervix capiti, et tunc mens sensualis fit sicut planta pedis.

[3] Omnes illae mentes apud infantes disponuntur a Domino per influxum innocentiae e caelo, ut possint aperiri: sed apud illos qui a pueritia incipiunt flagrare cupidine dominandi per sancta ecclesiae ut media, clauditur prorsus mens spiritualis, tum etiam mens rationalis, et demum mens naturalis, usque ad mentem sensualem, quod dicitur in caelo usque ad nasum; et sic fiunt mere sensuales, qui omnium stupidissimi sunt in spiritualibus et inde rationalibus, et omnium astutissimi in mundanis et inde civilibus: quod tam stupidi sint in spiritualibus, ipsi non sciunt, quia corde non credunt illa, et quia credunt astutiam esse prudentiam, et malitiam esse sapientiam. Ex hoc genere tamen differunt omnes secundum quale et quantum cupidinis dominandi et exercitii ejus, tum secundum quale et quantum persuasionis quod sancti sint, et secundum quale boni et veri ex Verbo quae profanant.

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