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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1059

1059. But yet is. That this signifies that still it is, because it is Divine, and is not rejected except by the profane, is evident from the signification of the beast, of which this is said, as denoting the Word. That this still is, and that it is commonly acknowledged as Divine, and its sanctity equal to that of the dictates and bulls of the Pope, is known. But, nevertheless, that it is rejected by those who, in heart, deny Divine truths, thus by those who profane the holy things of the church, has been shown above.

Why it is said, But yet is, is a mystery which has reference to those who acknowledge the Word as Divine, of whom we shall speak in the explanation of verses 16 and 17 of this chapter.

Continuation concerning the third kind of Profanation:-

[2] Those who are in this kind of profanation, which is hypocritical, differ in this, that there are those who have less, and those who have more ability to conceal the interiors of their minds, lest they should be made manifest, and to frame the exteriors, that is, the features, so as to appear holy.

These after death, when they become spirits, appear encompassed with a bright cloud, in the midst of which is something black, like an Egyptian mummy. But when they are raised up into the light of heaven, that bright cloud becomes diabolically dusky, not from transparency, but transpiration, and the infection therefrom.

Such therefore, in hell, are black devils. The differences in this kind of profanation are known from a more or less hideous and horrifying blackness.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1059

1059. And yet is, signifies that it still is, because it is Divine, and has not been rejected except by profaners. This is evident from the signification of the "beast" of which this is said, as being the Word. That this still is, and that it is commonly acknowledged to be Divine, and its sanctity to be equal to that of the decrees and bulls of the Pope is known; and that it is nevertheless rejected by those who deny Divine truths in heart, and thus profane the holy things of, the church, has been shown above. The expression "and yet is" is a hidden saying, that has respect to those who acknowledge the Word to be Divine, of whom we shall speak in the explanation of the sixteenth and seventeenth verses of this chapter.

(Continuation respecting the Third Kind of Profanation)

[2] Those who are in this kind of profanation, which is hypocritical, differ in this respect, that there are those who have less ability and those who have more ability to conceal the interiors of their mind, that they may not be disclosed, and to shape the exteriors, which pertain to the face and mouth, into an expression of sanctity. When such after death become spirits they appear encompassed with a cloud, in the midst of which is something black, like an Egyptian mummy. But as they are raised up as it were into the light of heaven, that bright cloud changes to a diabolical duskiness, not from any shining through it, but from a breathing through it, and the consequent darkening. In hell, therefore, these are black devils. The differences in this kind of profanation are known from the blackness, as being more or less foul and horrid.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1059 (original Latin 1759)

1059. "Attamen est." - Quod significet quod usque sit, quia est Divinum, et non rejectum nisi a profanis, constat ex significatione "bestiae", de qua hoc dicitur, quod sit Verbum; quod hoc usque sit, et quod communiter agnoscatur pro Divino, et sanctitas ejus aequalis sanctitati dictaminum et bullarum Papae, notum est; sed usque quod rejiciatur ab illis qui Divina vera corde negant, ita qui sancta ecclesiae profanant, supra dictum est. Quod dicatur "Attamen est", est arcanum, quod spectat illos qui Verbum pro Divino agnoscunt, de quibus in explicatione versuum 16 et 17 hujus capitis dicetur.

[2] (Continuatio de tertio genere Profanationis.)

Illi qui ex hoc genere profanationis sunt, quod est hypocriticum, differunt in eo, quod sint qui minus et qui magis possunt interiora mentis suae occludere, ne manifestentur, et exteriora quae faciei et oris sunt, ad sanctitatem componere. Hi post mortem, dum fiunt spiritus, apparent cincti nube lucida, in cujus medio est nigrum, sicut mumi Aegyptiacum; at sicut in lucem caeli elevantur, fit nubes illa lucida diabolico furva, non ex transparentia, sed ex transpiratione et inde infectione. Hi itaque sunt in inferno diaboli nigri. Discrimina hujus generis profanationum cognoscuntur ex nigredine magis aut minus tetra et horrenda.

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