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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1060

1060. Verses 9-11. This is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And they are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space; and the beast that was, and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

"This is the mind that hath wisdom," signifies the understanding of these things in the natural sense from the spiritual. "The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth," signifies the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned by those who from that religious persuasion are in dominion.

"And they are seven kings," signifies also the truths of the Word falsified and profaned by them; "five are fallen," signifies that it is not here spoken of the rest of the truths profaned, but only of the two which are the heads of religion; "and one is," signifies the adulterated truth, that the Lord's power over heaven and over earth, thus over men to save them, is transferred to their supreme [ruler], and thence to the rest who are under him; "the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short time," signifies the profaned truth, that the Lord's power over heaven and over earth, assumed by them, is said not to be Divine, when nevertheless it is Divine.

"And the beast that was, and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition," signifies that the truth is also profaned, that the Word is Divine, and yet it is rejected.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1060

1060. Verses 9-11. This is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sitteth upon them. And they are seven kings; the five have fallen, and the one is, the other is not yet come; and when he is come, he must remain a short time. And the beast which was and is not is himself an eighth, and is of the seven, and he goeth into perdition.

9. "This is the mind that hath wisdom," signifies the understanding of these things in the natural sense from the spiritual (n. 1061). "The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sitteth upon them," signifies the goods of the Word adulterated and profaned by those who are in dominion from that religious persuasion (n. 1062).

10. "And they are seven kings," signifies the truths of the Word falsified and profaned by such (n. 1063); "the five have fallen," signifies that nothing is here said about the rest of the truths profaned, but only about the two that are the heads of religion (n. 1064); "and the one is," signifies the adulterated truth that the Lord's authority over heaven and earth, thus over men to save them, has been transferred to their head, and from him to the others who are under him (n. 1065); "the other is not yet come; and when he is come he must remain a short time," signifies the profaned truth that the Lord's authority over heaven and earth, assumed by them, is said not to be Divine, and yet it is Divine (n. 1066).

11. "And the beast which was and is not is himself an eighth, and is of the seven, and he goeth into perdition," signifies that the truth that the Word is Divine has also been profaned, and yet it has been rejected (n. 1067).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1060 (original Latin 1759)

1060. VERSUS 9-11.

"Haec mens habens sapientiam: septem capita septem sunt montes, ubi mulier sedet super illis. Et reges septem sunt; quinque ceciderunt, et unus est, alter nondum venit; et quando venerit, brevi illum oportet manere. Et bestia quae erat et non est, et ipsa octavus est, et de septem est, et in interitum abit."

9. "Haec mens habens sapientiam", significat intellectum eorum in sensu naturali ex spirituali (n. 1061); "septem capita montes sunt septem, ubi mulier sedet super, illis", significat bona Verbi adulterata et profanata ab illis qui ex eo religioso in dominio sunt (n. 1062).

10. "Et reges septem sunt", significat etiam vera Verbi falsificata et profanata ab illis (n. 1063); "quinque ceciderunt", significat quod de reliquis veris profanatis hic non dicatur, sed solum de binis quae sunt religionis capita (n. 1064); "et unus est", significat verum adulteratum, quod potestas Domini super caelum et super terram, ita super homines ad salvandum illos, in supremum illorum, et inde in reliquos qui sub illo, translata sit (n. 1065); "alter nondum venit, et quando venerit, brevi illum oportet manere", significat verum profanatum, quod potestas Domini super terram ab illis assumpta dicatur non esse Divina, cum tamen est Divina (n. 1066).

11. "Et bestia quae erat et non est, et ipse octavus est, et de septem est, et in interitum abit", significat quod verum profanatum etiam sit, quod Verbum sit Divinum, et tamen est rejectum (n. 1067).

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