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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1069

1069. (Verse 12) And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings. That this signifies the power of the truths of the Word, is evident from the signification of horns, as denoting the power of truth (concerning which see n. 316, 567, 776, 1041); there were ten horns, because ten signifies many persons and also many things, also all persons and all things, as may be seen above (n. 675). Hence by ten horns, when said of the truths of the Word, is signified all power. And from the signification of ten kings, as denoting the truths of the Word and thence of the church, of which we have spoken frequently above.

In these three verses, and also in verses 16 and 17, what is signified by the ten horns of the beast is explained, that is, those Divine truths, which the Babylonish nation has profaned, the chief of which are, that the Lord has power over heaven and over earth, and that the Word alone is holy and Divine. For these two truths make the Lord's church itself on earth; the church being a church from the worship of the Lord and the reading of the Word. For the Lord reforms men and the Word teaches how they are to live, that they may be reformed by the Lord. If, therefore, these two truths are not acknowledged and received, the church itself must perish; for upon these two truths the church is founded.

Hence it is that it came to pass, of the Lord's Divine Providence, that some churches separated themselves from the Babylonish [church]; these acknowledge the Lord's Divine power over heaven and earth to be equal to the power of God the Father, and also attribute Divine sanctity to the Word alone. This was provided by the Lord, lest the Christian Church in Europe should fall utterly. That these things are signified by the ten horns which are ten kings will be seen from what follows.

Continuation concerning the Word:-

[2] Because the Word is Divine truth, and this proceeds from the Lord's Divine Esse as light from the sun, it follows that the Lord is the Word, because He is Divine truth. The reason why the Lord is the Word, because He is Divine truth, and that this proceeds from His Divine Esse, which is Divine love is, that the Divine love was in Him while in the world, as the soul in the body. And because from Divine love proceeds Divine truth like light from the sun, as was said, therefore the Lord's Human in the Word was Divine truth proceeding from the Divine love which was in Him.

That the Divine itself, which is called Jehovah, and the Father, which is Divine love, was in the Lord from conception, is evident in the evangelists Matthew and Luke. In Matthew from these words:

When Mary the mother of Jesus was espoused to Joseph, "before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit." And the angel said to Joseph in a dream, "Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy spouse, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit." This came to pass that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord through the prophet; Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. And Joseph "knew her not, till she had brought forth her first-born son, and he called his name Jesus" (1:18-25).

And in Luke in these words:

The angel said unto Mary, "Behold, thou shalt conceive in the womb, and shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus; He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest. But Mary said unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? The angel said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; wherefore also, the holy thing which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:30-55).

Because He was conceived of Jehovah, therefore in the Word He is so often called the Son of God, and Jehovah is called His Father. And Jehovah as to His Being (Esse) is Divine love; and as to His Manifestation (Existere) He is Divine good united with Divine truth.

[3] From these things it may be seen what is meant by the

Word which was with God, and which was God; and also which was the light which enlighteneth every man (John 1:1-10),

namely, that it was Divine truth proceeding from the Lord; thus, the Lord as to His Existere. That the Lord as to His Existere was Divine truth, and that this was His Divine Human, because this existed from His Divine Esse, as the body from the soul, is openly testified in these words in John:

"The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father" (ver. 14 of the same chapter).

The Word is the Divine truth, which also is glory. Flesh is the Divine Human. The only begotten of the Father is the existent or proceeding from the Divine Esse in Him.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1069

1069. Verse 12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, signifies the truths of the Word as to power. This is evident from the signification of "horns," as being the power of truth (See n. 316, 567, 776, 1041). There were "ten horns" because "ten" signifies many persons and many things, likewise all persons and all things (See above, n. 675); therefore "ten horns" signify, in reference to the truths of the Word, all power. Also from the signification of "ten kings," as being the truths of the Word and thus of the church (of which frequently above). In these three verses, and in verses 16 and 17, the signification of "the ten horns of the beast" is explained, namely, that they are those Divine truths that the Babylonish nation has profaned, which are especially, that the Lord has authority over heaven and earth, and that the Word alone is holy and Divine; for these two truths make the church itself of the Lord on earth, for the church is a church from this that the Lord is adored and that the Word is read. For the Lord reforms man, and the Word teaches how man must live that he may be reformed by the Lord; therefore if these two truths are not acknowledged and received the church itself perishes, for upon these two truths the church is founded. It was for this reason that it came to pass through the Divine Providence of the Lord that certain churches separated themselves from the Babylonish, and these acknowledge the Lord's Divine power over heaven and earth to be equal to the power of God the Father, and also attribute Divine holiness to the Word alone. This was provided by the Lord in order that the Christian Church in the European world might not be utterly overthrown. That this is the signification of "the ten horns which are ten kings" will appear from what follows.

(Continuation respecting the Word)

[2] Since the Word is the Divine truth, and this proceeds from the Lord's Divine Being [Esse] as light proceeds from the sun, it follows as a consequence that the Lord is the Word because He is the Divine truth. The Lord is the Word, because He is the Divine truth, and this proceeds from His Divine Being [Esse], which is the Divine love, because the Divine love was in Him when He was in the world as the soul is in its body; and as the Divine truth proceeds from the Divine love as light proceeds from the sun, as has been said, therefore the Lord's Human in the world was the Divine truth proceeding from the Divine love that was in Him. That the Divine Itself, which is called "Jehovah" and the "Father," and which is the Divine love, was in the Lord from conception, is evident in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. In Matthew from these words:

When Mary the mother of Jesus had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. And the angel said to Joseph in a dream, Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit. This came to pass that it might be fulfilled which was said of the Lord by the prophet, Behold the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. And Joseph knew her not until she had brought forth her firstborn son; and he called His name Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25).

And in Luke from these words:

The angel said to Mary, Behold thou shalt conceive in the womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call His name Jesus; He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. But Mary said unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? The angel answered her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee; wherefore also the Holy One that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God (Luke 1:30-35).

It was because He was conceived of Jehovah that He is so frequently called in the Word "the Son of God," and Jehovah is called His "Father." Jehovah as to His Being [Esse] is the Divine love, and as to His Existing [Existere] He is the Divine good united to the Divine truth.

[3] From this it can be seen what is meant by:

The Word that was with God and that was God, and also was the light that enlighteneth every man (John 1:1-10),

namely, that it was the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, thus the Lord as to His Existing [Existere]. That the Lord as to His Existing [Existere] was Divine truth, and that this was His Divine Human, because this existed from His Divine Being [Esse] as the body from its soul, these words in John clearly certify:

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father (John 1:14).

"The Word" is the Divine truth, which also is "glory;" "flesh" means the Divine Human, "the only-begotten of the Father" means that which exists or proceeds from the Divine Esse in Him.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1069 (original Latin 1759)

1069. (Vers. 12.) "Et decem cornua, quae vidisti, decem reges sunt." - Quod significet vera Verbi quoad potentiam, constat ex significatione "cornuum", quod sint potentia veri, de qua (supra) (n. 316, 567, 776, 1041); quod "decem cornua" fuerint, est quia per "decem" significantur multi et quoque multa, tum etiam omnes et omnia (videatur supra, n. 675); inde (per) "decem cornua", cum de veris ex Verbo, significatur omnis potentia: et ex significatione "decem regum", quod sint vera Verbi et inde ecclesiae (de qua supra passim). Explicatur in his tribus versibus, et quoque versibus 16 et 17, quid significatur per "decem cornua bestiae", quod nempe illa Divina vera quae gens Babylonica profanavit; quorumpraecipua sunt, quod Domino sit potestas super caelum et super terram, et quod Verbum sit solum sanctum Divinum; haec enim duo faciunt ipsam ecclesiam Domini in terris, ecclesia enim est ecclesia ex eo, quod Dominus adoretur, et quod Verbum legatur: Dominus enim reformat hominem, et Verbum docet quomodo homo victurus est, ut a Domino reformetur; quare si duo illa vera non agnoscerentur et reciperentur, ipsa ecclesia periret, super illis enim binis veris fundatur ecclesia. Exinde est quod ex Divina Domini providentia factum sit quod quaedam ecclesiae se a Babylonica separaverint, quae Divinam potentiam Domini super caelum et super terram aequalem potentiae Dei Patris agnoscunt, et quoque quae Divinam sanctitatem soli Verbo addicunt; hoc provisum est a Domino, ne Ecclesia Christiana in orbe Europeao funditus caderet. Quod haec sint quae per "decem cornua quae decem reges" significantur, ex sequentibus constabit.

[2] (Continuatio de Verbo.)

Quoniam Verbum est Divinum Verum, et hoc procedit ex Divino Esse Domini, ut lux a sole, consequitur quod Dominus sit Verbum, quia est Divinum Verum. Quod Dominus sit Verbum, quia est Divinum Verum, et quod hoc procedat ex Divino Esse Ipsius quod est Divinus Amor, est quia Divinus Amor fuit in Ipso, dum in mundo, sicut anima in corpore; et quia ex Divino Amore procedit Divinum Verum sicut lux ex sole, ut dictum est, ideo Humanum Domini in mundo fuit Divinum Verum procedens ex Divino Amore qui in Ipso. Quod ipsum Divinum, quod vocatur "Jehovah" et "Pater", quod est Divinus Amor, fuerit in Domino ex conceptione, patet apud Evangelistas Matthaeum et Lucam:

– Apud Matthaeum ex his,

Cum desponsata est Maria mater Jesu Josepho, "antequam illi congrederentur, inventa est in utero habens ex Spiritu sancto": et dixit angelus Josepho in somnio, "Ne time accipere Mariam sponsam tuam, nam quod in ea natum, ex Spiritu sancto est: .... hoc factum est ut impleretur quod dictum a Domino per Prophetam; .. Ecce virgo in utero habebit, et pariet Filium." .... . Et Joseph "non cognovit illam, usque dum peperit Filium suum primogenitum, et vocavit nomen Ipsius Jesum" (cap. 1:18-25);

et apud Lucam his verbis,

"Angelus dixit" Mariae, .... "Ecce concipies in utero, et paries Filium, et vocabis nomen Ipsius Jesum; Hic erit magnus, et Filius Altissimi vocabitur: .... Maria vero dixit ad angelum, Quomodo fiet hoc, quia virum non cognosco? Cui respondit angelus, Spiritus sanctus veniet super te, et virtus Altissimi obumbrabit te, unde etiam quod nascitur ex te sanctum, vocabitur Filius Dei" (cap. 1:30-35):

quia conceptus est a Jehovah, ideo in Verbo toties vocatur "Filius Dei", et Jehovah vocatur "Pater" Ipsius; et Jehovah quoad Esse suum est Divinus Amor, et quoad Existere suum est Divinum Bonum unitum Divino Vero.

[3] Ex his potest videri quid intelligitur per

Verbum, quod fuit apud Deum, et quod fuit Deus, et quoque quod fuit Lux, quae illuminat omnem hominem (apud Johannem, cap. 1:1-10);

quod nempe fuerit Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, ita Dominus quoad suum Existere. Quod Dominus quoad suum Existere fuerit Divinum Verum, et quod hoc fuerit Divinum Humanum Ipsius, quia hoc exstitit ex Esse Divino Ipsius sicut corpus ex anima, aperte testantur haec verba apud Johannem,

"Verbum Caro factum est, et habitavit inter nos, et vidimus gloriam Ipsius, gloriam sicut Unigeniti a Patre" (vers. 14 ejusdem capitis);

"Verbum" est Divinum Verum, quod etiam est "gloria"; "Caro" est Divinum Humanum; "Unigenitus a Patre" est Existens aut Procedens ex Esse Divino in Ipso.

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