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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1041

1041. And ten horns. That this signifies the power of the Word from truths, is evident from the signification of horns, as denoting the power of truth against falsity; and, in the opposite sense, the power of falsity against truth (concerning which see (n. 316, 567, 776). In this case, the power of truth from the Word against falsity, because it is afterwards said:

"The ten horns, which thou sawest, are ten kings; these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall devour her flesh, and burn her with fire; for God hath put into their hearts to give their kingdom unto the beast" (vers. 12, 16, 17).

From this it is clear that by the ten horns which the scarlet beast had, is signified the power of truth, thus of the Word, against falsities; for it is said that they shall hate the whore, and burn her with fire; and by the whore is signified the truth of the Word falsified, which in itself is falsity, and which cannot be hated and burned but by the truth of the Word in its power, thus, by those who are in truths from the Word, and account the Word only as holy, and acknowledge it as Divine truth, without regard to the dictates of the Pope. But upon this subject more will be said in what follows. The reason why there were seen ten horns is, that by ten is signified much, thus, by ten horns, much power.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1041

1041. And ten horns, signifies the power of the Word from truths. This is evident from the signification of "horns," as being the power of truth against falsity; and in the contrary sense the power of falsity against truth (See n. Revelation 17:12, 16-17).

This makes clear that "the ten horns" that the scarlet beast had signify the power of truth, thus of the Word, against falsities; for it is said that they "will hate the harlot and will burn her up with fire," and the "harlot" signifies the truth of the Word falsified, which in itself is falsity, and this can be hated and burned up only by the truth of the Word in its power, thus by those who are in truths from the Word, and who think of the Word alone as holy, and acknowledge it to be the Divine truth, without regard to the decrees of the Pope. But on this more will be said hereafter. Ten horns were seen because "ten" signifies much, so "ten horns" signify much of power.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1041 (original Latin 1759)

1041. "Et cornua decem." - Quod significet potentiam Verbi ex veris, constat ex significatione "cornuum", quod sint potentia veri contra falsum, et in sensu opposito potentia falsi contra verum (de qua (supra), n. 316, 567, 776); hic potentia veri ex Verbo contra falsum, quia in sequentibus dicitur,

"Decem cornua, quae vidisti, decem reges sunt; .... hi odio habebunt meretricem, et devastatam facient illam et nudam, et carnes ejus comedent, et illam comburent igne; et Deus dedit in corda eorum .... dare regnum suum bestiae" (vers. 12, 16, 17);

ex quibus patet quod per "cornua decem", quae fuerunt bestiae coccineae, significetur potentia veri, ita Verbi, contra falsa; nam dicitur quod "odio habituri sint meretricem, et combusturi illam igne", et per "meretricem" significatur verum Verbi falsificatum, quod in se est falsum; quod non odio haberi et comburi, quam a vero Verbi in sua potentia, potest; ita ab illis qui in veris ex Verbo sunt, ac Verbum unice sanctum habent, et pro Divino Vero agnoscunt, et non respective dictamina Papae: sed de his plura in sequentibus.

Quod "decem cornua" visa sint, est quia per "decem" significatur multum; ita per "decem cornua" multum potentiae.

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