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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1074

1074. And those that are with him, are called, and chosen, and faithful. That this signifies that those who are in love to the Lord, in love towards the neighbour, and in the faith of charity, are in the truth concerning the Lord's Divine power, and concerning the Divine sanctity of the Word; this is evident from the signification of being called, when by the Lord, as denoting those who are in love to the Lord; and from the signification of chosen, as denoting those who are in love towards the neighbour; and from the signification of faithful, as denoting those who are in the faith of charity. That these are meant by the called, chosen, and faithful, is evident from the Word, where the called, chosen, and faithful are mentioned; and from this, that the angels of the third heaven, who are in love to the Lord, are named "the called"; the angels of the second heaven, who are in love towards the neighbour, are named "the chosen," and the angels of the first heaven, who are in the faith of charity, are named "the faithful."

Now because in the Lord's church on earth there are those who are of the third, of the second, and of the first heaven, and who therefore, after death, become angels of those heavens, therefore it is, that by the called, the chosen, and the faithful are meant all those in the kingdoms under the dominion of the Pope who attribute to the Lord the power of saving men, and to the Word alone Divine sanctity and inspiration; and in these two essentials withdraw from the vicarious authority of the Pope.

Continuation concerning the Word:-

[2] Because the Divine truth, in passing from the Lord Himself through the three heavens even to men in the world, is written, and becomes the Word, in every heaven, therefore the Word is the union of the heavens with one another, and the union of the heavens with the church in the world. For the Word is the same everywhere, differing only in perfection of glory and wisdom according to the degrees in which the heavens are. Hence it is, that something holy and Divine from the Lord through the heavens flows in with the man in the world who acknowledges the Lord's Divine and the sanctity of the Word when he reads it; and that such a man can be instructed and receive wisdom from the Word as from the Lord Himself, or from heaven itself, so far as he loves it, and thus be nourished with the same food as the angels, and in which there is life, according to these words of the Lord:

"The words that I speak unto you, are spirit and life" (John 6:63).

"The water which I will give you, shall become a fountain of water, springing up unto life eternal" (John 4:14).

"Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).

"Labour for the meat which endureth unto life eternal, which the Son of man will give unto you" (John 6:27).

Such is the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1074

1074. Also those who are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful, signifies that those that are in love to the Lord, in love towards the neighbor, and in the faith of charity, have the truth respecting the Lord's Divine authority and the Divine holiness of the Word. This is evident from the signification of the "called," as being in reference to the Lord those who are in love to the Lord; also from the signification of the "chosen," as being those who are in love towards the neighbor; also from the signification of the "faithful," as being those who are in the faith of charity. That this is the meaning of "the called, the chosen, and the faithful," is evident from the Word where "the called, the chosen, and the faithful," are mentioned; and also from the fact that the angels of the third heaven, who are in love to the Lord, are called the "called," the angels of the second heaven, who are in love towards the neighbor, are called the "chosen," and the angels of the first heaven, who are in the faith of charity, are called the "faithful." And since in the Lord's church on earth there are those who belong to the third, the second, and the first heaven, and who therefore become after death angels of those heavens, so "the called, the chosen, and the faithful," mean all those in the kingdoms under the dominion of the Pope who ascribe to the Lord the power of saving men, and ascribe to the Word alone Divine holiness and inspiration, and in these two doctrines recede from the vicarship of the Pope.

(Continuation respecting the Word)

[2] As the Divine truth, when passed from the Lord Himself through the three heavens down to men in the world, was written and became the Word in each heaven, therefore the Word is the union of the heavens with each other, and the union of the heavens with the church in the world. For the Word is the same everywhere, differing only in the perfection of glory and wisdom according to the degrees in which the heavens are; consequently the holy Divine from the Lord flows in through the heavens with the man in the world who acknowledges the Lord's Divine and the holiness of the Word when he reads it; and so far as such a man loves wisdom, he can be instructed and can imbibe wisdom from the Word as from the Lord Himself, or from heaven itself, and can thus be nourished with the food with which the angels themselves are nourished, and in which there is life; according to these words of the Lord:

The words that I speak unto you are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

The water that I will give you shall become a fountain of water springing up unto eternal life (John 4:14).

Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

Work for the food that abideth unto eternal life, which the Son of man shall give unto you (John 6:27).

Such is the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1074 (original Latin 1759)

1074. "Et qui cum Ipso, vocati et electi et fideles." - Quod significet illos qui in amore in Dominum, in amore erga proximum, et in fide charitatis sunt, in veritate esse de Divina potestate Domini et de Divina sanctitate Verbi constat ex significatione "vocati", cum a Domino, quod sint qui in amore in Dominum sunt, ex significatione "electi", quod sint qui in amore erga proximum sunt, et ex significatione "fidelis", quod sint qui in fide charitatis: quod illi per "vocatos", "electos" et "fideles" intelligantur, constat ex Verbo ubi "vocati", "electi" et "fideles" dicuntur; et ex eo, quod angeli tertii caeli, qui in amore in Dominum sunt, dicantur "vocati"; quod angeli secundi caeli, qui in amore erga proximum sunt, dicantur "electi"; et quod angeli primi caeli, qui in fide charitatis sunt, dicantur "fideles": nunc quia in ecclesia Domini in terris sunt qui ex tertio, ex secundo et ex primo caelo sunt, et qui ideo post mortem angeli illorum caelorum fiunt, inde est, quod per "vocatos", "electos" et "fideles" intelligantur omnes qui in regnis sub dominio papae, qui potestatem salvandi homines addicunt Domino, ac Divinam sanctitatem et inspirationem tribuunt soli Verbo, et in his duobus a vicariatu papae recedunt.

[2] (Continuatio de Verbo.)

Quoniam Divinum Verum, dum ex Ipso Domino per tres caelos usque ad homines in mundo transivit, in unoquovis caelo scriptum est et factum Verbum, ideo Verbum est unio caelorum inter se, et unio caelorum cum ecclesia in mundo; idem enim est Verbum ubivis, sed modo differt perfectione gloriae et sapientiae, secundum gradus, in quibus sunt caeli: inde est quod sanctum Divinum a Domino per caelos influat apud hominem in mundo qui Divinum Domini et sanctum Verbi agnoscit, dum id legit: et quod talis homo possit ex Verbo, ut ex Ipso Domino, aut ex ipso caelo, instrui et haurire sapientiam, quantum illam 1

amat; et sic nutriri cibo quo ipsi angeli, in quo est Vita, secundum haec Domini verba,

"Verba quae Ego loquor vobis, spiritus et vita sunt" (Johannes 6:63);

"Aqua quam Ego dabo "vobis", fiet fons...aquae salientis in vitam aeternam" (Johannes 4:14);

"Homo non ex solo pane vivit, sed ex omni verbo egrediente ex ore Dei" (Matthaeus 4:4):

"Operamini cibum, .... qui manet in vitam aeternam, quem Filius hominis vobis dabit" (Johannes 6:27).

Tale est Verbum.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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