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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 108

108. (Verse 7) He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. That this signifies that he who understands should hearken to what Divine truth proceeding from the Lord teaches and says to those who belong to His church, is evident from the signification of he who hath an ear let him hear, as being that he who understands should hearken or obey (that to hear denotes to understand and to do, or to hearken, may be seen above, n. 1:11; to the church in Pergamos, 1:17; in Thyatira, 2:29; in Sardis, 3:6; in Philadelphia, 3:13; and in Laodicea, 3:22); because every one who belongs to the church may know that to know and understand the truths and goods of faith, or doctrinals, and also the Word, does not constitute the church, but to hearken, that is, to understand and to do, constitutes the church; for this is signified by the words, "he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches," because this constitutes the church, and forms heaven with man, but not knowing and understanding without doing; therefore the Lord also occasionally uses the same words,

"He that hath all ear to hear let him hear" (as in Matthew 11:15; 13:43; Mark 4:9, 23; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35).

In the Apocalypse it is added, "What the Spirit saith unto the churches," because by this is signified what Divine truth teaches and says to those who belong to the church, or, what is the same thing, what the Lord teaches and says, for all Divine truth proceeds from Him (see the work, 7:24, 26).


"He that received seed into the good ground, is he that heareth the Word, and understandeth it, which also beareth fruit" (13:23).

And in Luke:

"Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man which built a house, and laid the foundation on a rock. But he that heareth and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built a house upon the earth" (6:47, 48, 49).

In the same:

"My mother and my brethren are those who hear the Word of God and do it" (8:21);

besides in many other passages. In these passages, to hear simply signifies to hear, which is to know and to understand to hear also, in common discourse, has this signification when a man is said to hear anything; but it signifies both to understand and to do, when he is said to give ear, or to be attentive; so also when he is said to hearken. Moreover, those who separate life from faith, are like those of whom the Lord speaks in Matthew:

"Seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand" (13:13, 14, 15; Ezekiel 12:2).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 108

108. Verse Heaven and Hell 13, 133, 137, 139); for this reason the Lord did not Himself say, "what the Spirit saith," because He who spoke was the Divine truth.

[2] That knowing and understanding Divine truths does not make the church and form heaven with man, but knowing, understanding, and doing, the Lord teaches plainly in many passages; as in Matthew:

He that heareth these words of Mine and doeth them, is likened unto a prudent man, but he that heareth and doeth them not, is likened unto a foolish man (Matthew 7:24, 26).

In the same:

He that was sown upon good land, this is he that heareth the Word, and taketh heed and thence beareth fruit (Matthew 13:23).

In Luke:

Everyone that cometh to Me and heareth My words, and doeth them, I will show to whom he is like. He is like a man building a house, who laid the foundation on a rock. But he that heareth and doeth not is like a man that built a house upon the earth, without a foundation (Luke 6:47-49).

In the same:

My mother and My brethren are they who hear the Word of God and do it (Luke 8:21);

and in many other places. In these passages, "hearing" signifies simply hearing, which is knowing and understanding. "Hearing," in common discourse, has this meaning when one is said "to hear" a thing; but it means both understanding and doing when it is said "give ear to," or "hearken to," also "listen to." Moreover, those who have separated life from faith are like those of whom the Lord speaks in Matthew:

Seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand (Matthew 13:13-15; Ezekiel 12:2).

Apocalypsis Explicata 108 (original Latin 1759)

108. (Vers. 7.) "Habens aurem audiat quid Spiritus dicit ecclesiis." - Quod significet quod qui intelligit auscultet quid Divinum Verum procedens a Domino docet et dicit illis qui ab ecclesia Ipsius sunt, constat ex significatione "Habens aurem audiat", quod sit qui intelligit auscultet seu obediat; (quod "audire" sit intelligere et facere, seu auscultare, videatur supra, n. 14); ex significatione "Spiritus", hic Spiritus Dei, quod sit Divinum Verum procedens a Domino (de qua in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 3704, 5307, 6788, 6982, 6993, 7004, 7499, 8302, 9199, 9228, 9229, 1

9303, 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330); et ex significatione "ecclesiarum", quod sint qui in veris ex bono, seu in fide ex charitate; ita qui ab ecclesia, nam non alii ab ecclesia sunt. Haec verba dicuntur, nempe, "Habens aurem audiat quid Spiritus dicit ecclesiis", unicuivis ecclesiae (hic Ephesinae; postea Smyrnensi, vers. 11 Pergamensi, vers. 17; Thyatirensi, vers. 29; Sardensi, cap. 3, vers. 6; Philadelphiensi, vers. 13; et Laodicensi, vers. 22), ex causa, ut unusquisque qui ab ecclesia sciat quod scire et intelligere vera et bona fidei, seu doctrinalia, et quoque Verbum, non faciat ecclesiam; sed auscultare, hoc est, intelligere et facere: hoc enim significat "Habens aurem audiat quid Spiritus dicit ecclesiis." Quia id facit ecclesiam et format caelum apud hominem, et non Scire ac intelligere absque facere, ideo etiam Dominus idem aliquoties dicit, nempe, "Qui habet aurem ad audiendum audiat" (ut Matthaeus 11:15; 13:43; Marcus 4:9, 23; 7:16; Luca 8:8; 14:35).

In Apocalypsi additur, "quid Spiritus dicit ecclesiis", quia significat quid Divinum Verum docet et dicit illis qui ab ecclesia sunt; seu quod idem, quid Dominus, nam omne Divinum Verum procedit ab Ipso (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 13, 133, 2

137-139): ideo etiam Ipse Dominus non dixit, "quid Spiritus dicit", quia Ipse erat Divinum Verum qui dixit.

[2] Quod non scire et intelligere vera Divina faciat ecclesiam et formet caelum apud hominem, sed scire, intelligere et facere, docet Dominus aperte plurimis in locis:

- Ut apud Matthaeum,

"Qui audit verba mea et facit ea, comparatur viro prudenti, ... qui autem audit et non facit comparatur viro stulto" (7:24, 26 3


apud eundem,

"Qui in terram bonam seminatus est, is est qui verbum audit, et attendit et inde fructum fert" (13:23 4


apud Lucam,

"Omnis veniens ad Me, et audiens verba mea, et faciens ea, ostendam cui similis; similis est homini aedificanti domum, ... et posuit fundamentum super petra:... at audiens et non faciens, est similis homini aedificanti domum super terra sine fundamento" (6:47-49);

apud eundem,

"Mater mea et fratres mei sunt, qui Verbum Dei audiunt et faciunt illud." (8:19-21);

praeter multis aliis in locis. In his locis "audire" simpliciter significat audire, quod est scire et intelligere. "Audire" etiam in communi sermone id significat quando dicitur "audire id"; at significat et intelligere et facere cum dicitur "audire ei" seu "audiens esse", similiter "auscultare." Praeterea illi qui separaverunt vitam a fide sunt similes illis de quibus Dominus loquitur apud Matthaeum,

"Videntes non vident, et audientes non audiunt, neque intelligunt" (13:13-15; Ezechiel 12:2).


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