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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1081

1081. And shall make her desolate and naked. That this signifies rejection of the falsities thereof, which are falsified truths, and then manifestation that they are destitute of all truth, is evident from the signification of making desolate and naked, as denoting to reject the falsities thereof, which are falsified truths. And, because, when these are rejected, it is manifested that they are without any truth, therefore this also is signified. By being desolate and naked is signified to be destitute of all truth, for spiritual desolation and nakedness is signified. And spiritual desolation is like that in a wilderness, where there are neither corn nor fruit-trees, and spiritual nakedness is like that of a man who is without garments. Corn and fruit-trees also signify the knowledges of truth and good, and garments signify truths clothing. Wherefore, to be without the latter and the former is to be without any truth. That nakedness denotes the deprivation of truth may be seen (n. 240, 1008); and that desolation, such as is in the wilderness, denotes where there is no truth may be seen (n. 730).

Continuation concerning the Word:-

[2] What is the nature of the Word as to influx and as to correspondences can now be illustrated. It is said in John:

"He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes, and understand with the heart, and should turn, and I should heal them" (12:40).

By the eyes which are blinded are signified the understanding and the faith of truth; by the heart which is hardened is signified the will and the love of good; and by being healed is signified to be reformed. The reason of their not being turned and healed was, lest they should profane; for the wicked man who is healed, and returns to his evil and falsity, profanes; and so it would have been with the Jewish nation.

[3] In Matthew:

"Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear" (13:16).

By the eyes here also are signified the understanding and the faith of truth; thus, by seeing is signified to understand and believe, and by the ears is signified obedience, thus a life according to the truths of faith, and by hearing is signified to obey and live. For no one is blessed because he sees and hears, but because he understands, believes, obeys, and lives.

[4] In the same:

"The lamp of the body is the eye; if the eye be entire, the whole body is lucid; if the eye be evil, the whole body is darkened. If therefore the light be darkness, how great is the darkness" (6:22, 23).

Here, also, by the eye is signified the understanding and the faith of truth, which is called a lamp from the light of truth, which man has from understanding and faith. And because from the understanding and faith of truth a man becomes wise, it is said, if the eye be entire, the whole body is lucid. The body is the man, and to be lucid is to be wise. But it is the reverse with the evil eye, that is, the understanding and the faith of falsity. Darkness denotes falsities. If the light be darkness, signifies, if the truth be false or falsified. And because truth falsified is worse than every other falsity, it is said, if the light be darkness, how great is the darkness.

[5] From these few examples it is evident what correspondence and influx are, namely, that the eye is a correspondence of the understanding and faith; the heart, a correspondence of the will and love; the ears, a correspondence of obedience; the lamp and light, correspondences of truth; and darkness, a correspondence of the false, and so on. And because the one is spiritual, and the other natural, and the spiritual acts into the natural, and forms it to a likeness of itself that it may appear before the eyes, or before the world, therefore that action is influx. Such is the Word in all and every part.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1081

1081. And shall make her desolate and naked, signifies rejection of its falsities, which are falsified truths, and then the manifestation that they were without any truth. This is evident from the signification of "making desolate and naked," as being to reject its falsities, which are falsified truths; and when these have been rejected it is manifest that there is no truth, this also is signified. "To be desolate and naked" signifies to be without any truth, for spiritual vastation and nakedness are signified; and spiritual vastation is like that in a desert where there is no grain and no fruit trees, and spiritual nakedness is like that of a man who has no garments. "Grain and fruit trees" signify knowledges of truth and good, and "garments" signify truths investing; therefore to be without these means to be without any truth. That "nakedness" means deprivation of truth may be seen (n. 240, 1008); and that "vastation," such as exists in a desert, means where there is no truth may be seen n. 730.

(Continuation respecting the Word)

[2] What the Word is as to influx and correspondences can now be illustrated. It is said in John:

He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and should turn themselves and I should heal them (John 12:40).

The "eyes" that are blinded signify the understanding of truth and the belief in it; the "heart" that is hardened signifies the will and the love of good; and "to be healed" signifies to be reformed. They were not permitted "to turn themselves and be healed" lest they should commit profanation; for an evil man who is healed and who returns to his evil and falsity commits profanation; and so it would have been with the Jewish nation.

[3] In Matthew:

Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear (Matthew 13:16).

Here, too, the "eyes" signify the understanding of truth and the belief in it; so "to see" signifies to understand and believe, and the "ears" signify obedience, thus a life according to the truths of faith, and "to hear" signifies to obey and live. For no one is blessed because he sees and hears, but because he understands, believes, obeys, and lives.

[4] In the same:

The lamp of the body is the eye; if the eye be sound the whole body is lucid; if the eye be evil the whole body is darkened. If, therefore, the light [lumen] is darkness, how great is the darkness (Matthew 6:22-23).

Here, again, the "eye" signifies the understanding of truth and the belief in it, which is called a lamp from the light of truth that man has from understanding and belief. And because a man becomes wise from understanding and believing in truth, it is said "if the eye be sound the whole body is lucid." The "body" means the man, and "to be lucid" means to be wise. But it is the reverse with the "evil eye," that is, understanding and believing in falsity. "Darkness" means falsities, "if the light [lumen] be darkness" signifies if the truth be false or falsified, and because truth falsified is worse than any other falsity, it is said, "If the light [lumen] be darkness, how great is the darkness."

[5] These few examples make clear what correspondence is and what influx is, namely, that the eye is a correspondence of the understanding and faith, the heart a correspondence of the will and love, the ears a correspondence of obedience, the lamp and light [lumen] correspondences of truth, and darkness a correspondence of falsity, and so on; and as the one is spiritual and the other natural, and the spiritual acts into the natural and forms it to an image of itself that it may appear before the eyes or before the world, therefore that action is influx. Such is the Word in each and every particular.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1081 (original Latin 1759)

1081. "Et devastatam facient eam, et nudam." - Quod significet rejectionem falsorum ejus, quae sunt falsificata vera, et tunc manifestationem quod essent absque omni vero, constat ex significatione "devastatam facere et nudam", quod sit rejicere ejus falsa, quae sunt falsificata vera; et quia dum illa rejecta sunt manifestatur quod sit absque omni vero, ideo etiam id significatur; per "devastatam et nudam" significatur esse absque omni vero, nam significatur vastitas et nuditas spiritualis, et vastitas spiritualis est sicut in deserto, ubi non est seges nec arbor fructus, et nuditas spiritualis est sicut est homini qui est absque vestibus; ac "seges" et "arbor fructus" significant cognitiones veri et boni, ac "vestes" significant vera induentia; quare absque his et illis esse est esse absque omni vero: quod "nuditas, sit deprivatio veri, videatur [supra] (n. 240 [a-c] , 1008); et quod "vastitas", qualis in deserto, sit ubi non verum (n. 730 [a, b]).

[2] (Continuatio de Verbo.)

Quale est Verbum quoad influxum et quoad correspondentias, nunc potest illustrari. Dicitur apud Johannem,

"Occaecavit eorum oculos, et obturavit eorum cor, ut non ideant oculis, et intelligant corde, et convertant se et sanem illos" (12:40):

per "oculos" qui occaecati, significatur intellectus et fides veri; per "cor" quod obturatum, significatur voluntas et amor boni; ac per "sanari" significatur reformari: quod "non se converterent et sanarentur", erat ne profanarent; nam malus qui sanatur, et ad suum malum et falsum redit, is profanat; ita fuisset cum gente Judaica.

[3] Apud Matthaeum,

"Beati sunt oculi vestri quia vident, et aures vestrae quia audiunt" (13:16):

per "oculos" etiam hic significatur intellectus et fides veri; ita per "videre" significatur intelligere et credere: et per "aures" significatur obedientia, ita vita secundum vera fidei, et per "audire" significatur obedire et vivere; nullus enim beatus est, quia videt et audit, sed quia intelligit, credit, obedit et vivit.

[4] Apud eundem,

"Lucerna corporis est oculus: si..oculus integer, totum corpus lucidum est: si..oculus malus, totum corpus obtenebratum est; si ergo lumen. ...sunt tenebrae, tenebrae quantae" (6:22, 23):

per "oculum" etiam hic significatur intellectus et fides veri, qui vocatur "lucerna" ex luce veri, quae est homini ex intellectu et fide; et quia homo ex intellectu et fide veri fit sapiens, dicitur "Si oculus integer, totum corpus est lucidum"; "corpus" est homo, et "lucidum" est sapiens: vicissim autem "oculus malus", hoc est, intellectus et fides falsi; "tenebrae" sunt falsa; "si lumen sunt tenebrae", significat si verum est falsum, seu falsificatum; et quia verum falsificatum est pejus omni alio falso, dicitur, "Si lumen sunt tenebrae, tenebrae quantae.

[5] Ex paucis his exemplis patet quid correspondentia et quid influxus; quod nempe oculus sit correspondentia intellectus et fidei, cor correspondentia voluntatis et amoris, aures correspondentia obedientiae, lucerna et lumen correspondentiae veri, ac tenebrae correspondentia falsi, et sic porro: et quia unum est spirituale, et alterum est naturale, et spirituale agit in naturale et format illud ad sui instar ut coram oculis aut coram mundo appareat, ideo actio illa est influxus. Tale est Verbum in omnibus et singulis.

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