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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1109

1109. And lest ye receive of her plagues.- That this signifies, and thence into the falsities of evil, and so into destruction, is evident from the signification of plagues, as denoting those things that destroy man's spiritual life (see above, n. 584), in this case falsities from evil, because these destroy that life. It appears as though evils themselves destroyed man's spiritual life, but they do not of themselves destroy it, but by means of falsities. The reason is, that evils without falsities do not enter into the thought, for they are of the will only, and those things that belong to the will only, and not at the same time to the thought, cannot destroy, because they are non-rational. A man also does not then know that they are evils; but when he confirms evils in his thought, then they destroy, for then they are the man's. Confirmations of evils from thought are falsities.

The reason why falsities are here signified by plagues, is, that sins, which are mentioned just above, mean the evils of the love of self and of the world; and in the Word, where evil is treated of, falsity also is treated of. Now because evils destroy spiritual life by means of falsities, and because plagues signify falsities from evil, therefore plagues signify destruction.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed.- The Athanasian doctrine in all its details concerning the trinity and the Lord, is true, provided that instead of three persons, one person in whom is a trinity is understood, and that the Lord is believed to be that person. This has come to pass by the Lord's Divine Providence, for unless they had accepted a trinity of persons at that time, they would have become either Arians or Socinians, and the Lord would therefore have been acknowledged as a man only, and not as God, and as a result of this the Christian church would have perished, and heaven would have been closed to the man of the church. For no one is conjoined with heaven, and admitted after death into heaven, unless in the idea of his thought he sees God as a man, and at the same time believes God to be one both in essence and person - by which means the gentiles are saved; and unless he acknowledges the Lord, His Divine and His Human, by which means men of the Christian church are saved, provided they live at the same time a Christian life. That Athanasius formed such a conception of the doctrine concerning God and the Lord, which is the primary of all doctrine, was of Divine permission. For it was foreseen by the Lord, that the Roman Catholics would have acknowledged the Divine of the Lord in no other way, therefore, also, even to this day, they separate His Divine from His Human; and that the Reformed would not have perceived the Divine in the Human of the Lord, for those who are in faith separated from charity do not see it; still both of these acknowledge the Divine of the Lord in a trinity of persons. Nevertheless, the doctrine, which is called the Athanasian Creed, by the Lord's Divine Providence was written in such a way that all things contained therein are true, provided that instead of three persons one person, in whom is a trine, is understood, and that it is believed that the Lord is that person. It is also of Providence that they are designated persons, for a person is a man, and a Divine Person is God who is a Man. This fact has been revealed at this day for the sake of the new church, which is called the Holy Jerusalem.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1109

1109. And that ye receive not her plagues, signifies and thus come into the falsities of evil, and consequently into destruction. This is evident from the signification of "plagues," as being such things as destroy man's spiritual life (See above, n. 584), here falsities from evil, because these destroy that life. The appearance is that the evils themselves destroy man's spiritual life, but they do not destroy it of themselves, but by means of falsities, and for the reason that evils without falsities do not enter the thought; for evils belong wholly to the will, and anything that belongs to the will and not at the same time to the thought cannot destroy, because it is without reason, and then man does not know that it is an evil. But when man confirms evils by the thought they do destroy, for they then are man's. Confirmations of evils by the thought are falsities. "Plagues" here signify falsities, because "sins," which are mentioned just before, mean evils of the love of self and of the world, and in the Word wherever evil is treated of falsity is also treated of. Now as evils destroy spiritual life by means of falsities, and "plagues" signify falsities from evil, so "plagues" signify destruction.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith)

[2] It was from the Divine providence that each and every thing of the Athanasian doctrine respecting the Trinity and respecting the Lord is a truth and is harmonious, when in place of three Persons one Person in whom is the Trinity is understood, and it is believed that the Lord is that Person. For at that time, if the Trinity of Persons had not been accepted, they would have become either Arians or Socinians, and consequently the Lord would have been acknowledged as a mere man and not as God; and by this the Christian church would have been destroyed, and heaven would have been closed to the man of the church; for no one is conjoined with heaven, and after death admitted into heaven, unless in the idea of his thought he sees God as Man, and at the same time believes God to be one both in essence and in Person, for it is by this that the Gentiles are saved; also unless he acknowledges the Lord, His Divine and His Human, for by this a man of the Christian church is saved, provided he lives at the same time as a Christian.

[3] It was by Divine permission that the doctrine respecting God and the Lord, which is the primary of all doctrines, was so conceived by Athanasius; for it was foreseen by the Lord that in no other way would the Roman Catholics have acknowledged the Divine of the Lord, and for the same reason even to this day they separate His Divine from His Human. Neither would the Reformed have seen the Divine in the Human of the Lord, for those who are in faith separated from charity do not see this. Nevertheless both of them acknowledge the Divine of the Lord in a Trinity of Persons. And yet this doctrine that is called the Athanasian Faith was by the Lord's Divine providence so written that all things in it are truths, provided that in place of three Persons one Person in whom is a trine is recognized, and it is believed that the Lord is that Person. Moreover, it was from providence that they are called Persons, for a person is a man, and a Divine Person is God who is Man. This has been revealed at this day for the sake of the New Church, which is called the Holy Jerusalem.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1109 (original Latin 1759)

1109. "Et ne recipiatis ex plagis ejus." - Quod significet et inde in falsa mali, ac ita in exitium, constat ex significatione "plagarum", quod sint talia quae destruunt vitam spiritualem hominis (de qua supra, n. 584); hic falsa ex malo, quia haec illam vitam destruunt. Apparet sicut ipsa mala destruant vitam spiritualem hominis, sed illa non destruunt illam ex se, sed per falsa; causa est, quia mala absque falsis non intrant cogitationem, sunt enim solius voluntatis, et quae sunt voluntatis et non simul cogitationis non possunt destruere, quia sunt irrationalia; nescit etiam tunc homo quod mala 1

sint: at vero quando cogitatione confirmat mala, tunc destruunt, sunt enim tunc hominis confirmationes malorum ex cogitatione sunt falsa. Quod falsa hic per "plagas" significentur, est quia per "peccata" quae mox prius dicuuntur, mala amoris sui et mundi intelliguntur, et in Verbo ubi agitur de malo etiam agitur de falso. Nunc quia mala destruunt vitam spiritualem per falsa, et per "plagas" significantur falsa ex malo, ideo etiam per "plagas" significatur exitium.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana.)

Quod omnia et singula Doctrinae Athanasianae de trinitate et de Domino sint veritas et concordent, modo loco trium personarum sumatur una Persona in qua trinitas, et credatur quod Dominus sit illa Persona, hoc ex Divina Domini providentia factum est: nam nisi trinitatem personarum acceptavissent, eo tempore vel Ariani vel Sociniani facti fuissent, et inde Dominus ut solus homo et non Deus agnitus fuisset, per quod Ecclesia Christiana periisset, ac caelum pro homine ecclesiae occlusum fuisset; nam nullus caelo conjungitur, et in caelum post mortem admittitur, nisi qui in idea cogitationis suae videt Deum ut Hominem, et simul credit unum Deum et essentia et persona; per hoc gentes salvantur; et nisi qui agnoscit Dominum, Divinum Ipsius et Humanum Ipsius; per hoc homo Ecclesiae Christianae salvatur, dum simul vivit Christianus.

[3] Quod doctrina de Deo et de Domino, quae omnium primaria est, ita ab Athanasio concepta fuerit, ex Divina permissione factum est, nam a Domino praevisum est quod Romano-Catholici non aliter agnovissent Divinum Domini, quare etiam usque ad nunc separant Divinum Ipsius ab Humano Ipsius; et Reformati non vidissent Divinum in Humano Domini, nam qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, id non vident: sed usque utrique Divinum Domini agnoscunt in trinitate personarum. Attamen doctrina illa, quae Fides Athanasiana vocatur, Divina Domini providentia ita conscripta est ut omnia ibi sint vera, dummodo pro tribus personis assumatur una Persona in qua trinum, et credatur quod Dominus sit illa. Etiam ex providentia est quod dicantur personae; persona enim est homo, et Divina Persona est Deus qui Homo. Hoc hodie revelatum est propter novam ecclesiam quae Sancta Hierosolyma vocatur.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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