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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1117

1117. Verse 7. As much as she hath glorified herself and lived delicately, so much give unto her torment and mourning, because she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am not a widow, and shall not see mourning.

As much as she hath glorified herself and lived delicately, signifies how much glory, and pleasure therefrom, they have gained for themselves from empire over heaven and over the world; "so much give unto her torment and mourning," signifies so much of infernal punishment and desolation; "because she saith in her heart, I sit a queen," signifies pride and boasting because heaven and the church are under their dominion; "and am not a widow," signifies that they are not without defence; "and I shall not see mourning," signifies that they will never suffer desolation and will not perish.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1117

1117. Verse 7. How much she hath glorified herself and lived luxuriously, so much torment and mourning give her; for in her heart she saith, I sit a queen, and a widow I am not, and mourning I shall not see.

7. "How much she hath glorified herself and lived luxuriously," signifies how much of glory and consequent pleasure they have acquired for themselves from their dominion over heaven and over the world (n. 1118); "so much torment and mourning give her," signifies so much of infernal punishment and desolation (n. 1119); "for in her heart she saith, I sit a queen," signifies pride and boasting that heaven and the church are under their dominion (n. 1120); "and a widow I am not," signifies that they are not without defense (n. 1121); "and mourning I shall not see," signifies that they will never be in desolation and will not perish (n. 1122).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1117 (original Latin 1759)

1117. VERSUS 7.

"Quantum glorificavit se ipsam et deliciata est, tantum date illi cruciatum et luctum; quia in corde suo dicit, Sedeo regina, et vidua non sum, et luctum non videbo."

7. "Quantum glorificavit se ipsam et deliciata est", significat quantum gloriae et inde voluptatis ex imperio super caelum et super mundum sibi acquisiverunt [n. 1118] ; "tantum date illi cruciatum et luctum", significat tantum poenae infernalis et desolationis [n. 1119] ; "quia in corde suo dicit, Sedeo regina", significat superbiam et jactantiam quod caelum et ecclesia sub dominio illorum sint [n. 1120] ; "et vidua non sum", significat quod non sint absque tutela [n. 1121] ; "et luctum non videbo", significat quod nusquam desolatio illis, ac perituri sint [n. 1122] .

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