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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1126

1126. And she shall be burned in the fire.- That this signifies, that because this is from a diabolical love, they will perish, is evident from the signification of fire, which denotes love in both senses - celestial love and diabolical love (concerning which see n. 68, 496, 504, 916); but here it signifies diabolical love, because this is the love of ruling over heaven, and also over the world. It is called diabolical love, because it is from the deepest hells, where those devils are, who desire to have dominion over all things of heaven, and believe in their hearts that they are gods, and that there is no God beside them. It is also evident from the signification of being burned, which denotes to perish from that love. That to be burned with fire is the punishment for the profanation of holy things through the love of ruling over them, may be seen above (n. 1083).

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed, and concerning the Lord.- Since God is life, it follows that He is uncreated. The reason why He is uncreated, is, that life cannot he created, but can create. For to be created is to exist from another, and if life existed from another, that other would still be life, and this life would be life in itself. And if this First were not life in itself, it would be either from another or from itself, and you cannot speak of life from itself, because "from itself" implies origin, and such origin would be from nothing, and from nothing nothing originates. This First (hoc primum), which in itself is, and from which (ex quo) all things have been created, is God, who, from the Esse in Himself, is called Jehovah. Reason can see that this is the case, and particularly if illustrated by means of created things. Now since what is underived is not underived unless it is also self-existent, therefore Esse and Existere in God are one; for being underived He is self-existent, and being self-existent He is underived. This, therefore, is life itself which is God, and which is Man.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1126

1126. And she shall be burned up in the fire, signifies that since this is from diabolical love such must perish. This is evident from the signification of "fire," as being love in both senses, celestial love and diabolical love (See n. 68, 496, 504, 916), but here diabolical love, because it is the love of having dominion both over heaven and over the world. This is called diabolical love because it is from the deepest hells, where the devils are who desire to have dominion over all things of heaven, and who believe in their hearts that they are gods, and that there is no God besides them. Also from the signification of "to be burned up," as meaning to perish by that love. To be burned up with fire is the penalty of profaning holy things by the love of having dominion over them, as may be seen above (n. 1083).

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith and respecting the Lord)

[2] Because God is life, it follows that He is uncreated. He is uncreated because life can create but cannot be created, for to be created is to have existence from another, and if life had existence from another there would be another being even as to life, and that life would be life in itself. If this First were not life in itself it would be either from another or from itself; and you cannot say life from itself because from itself involves an origin, and that origin would be from nothing, and from nothing, nothing can originate. This First, which has being [esse] in itself and from which all things have been created, is God, who is called Jehovah because He is Being in Himself. This, especially if it is illustrated by things created, reason can see. Now as there can be no Being unless it exists, so being and existing [esse et existere] in God are one; for when there is being there is existing, and when there is existing there is being. This, therefore, is the life itself which is God and which is Man.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1126 (original Latin 1759)

1126. "Et in igne comburetur." - Quod significet quod quia hoc ex diabolico amore, perituri sint, constat ex significatione "ignis", quod sit amor in utroque sensu, tam amor caelestis quam amor diabolicus (de qua [supra] , n. 68, 496, 504, 916); hic amor diabolicus, quia est amor dominandi super caelum et simul super mundum; qui amor diabolicus dicitur, quia est ex profundissimis infernis, ubi sunt diaboli, qui super omnia caeli volunt dominari, et credunt corde quod dii sint, et quod non Deus sit praeter illos: et ex significatione "comburi", quod sit ex illo amore perire quod igne comburi sit poena profanationis sanctorum per amorem dominandi super illa, videatur supra (n. 1083).

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana, et de Domino.)

Quoniam Deus est Vita, sequitur quod Deus sit increatus. Quod sit increatus est quia Vita non potest creari, sed creare: creari enim est existere ab alio; et si Vita existeret ab alio, foret alius usque Vita, et haec Vita foret Vita in se; et si hoc primum non foret Vita in se, foret vel ab alio vel ex se, et Vita ex se non potest dici, quia ex se involvit ortum, et ille ortus foret ex nihilo, et ex nihilo nihil oritur. Hoc primum quod in se est, et ex quo omnia creata sunt, est Deus, qui ex Esse in Se vocatur Jehovah. Quod ita sit, ratio potest videre, et magis si illustretur per creata. Nunc 1

quia Est non est nisi etiam existat, inde Esse et Existere in Deo unum sunt; nam dum est existit, et dum existit est. Hoc itaque est ipsa Vita quae Deus, et quae Homo.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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