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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1127

1127. For strong is the Lord God that judgeth them (illos).- That this signifies, by means of the Last Judgment, is evident from the signification of the Lord God being strong who judgeth her, which denotes the Last Judgment upon them. That by these words is meant the Last Judgment follows from what precedes, for it is said that in one day her plagues shall come, death, mourning, and famine, and that she shall be burned with fire; this signifies that when it is their last state - which is the case when there is no longer any good or any truth, but only evil and falsity from their diabolical love - they will then perish by the Last Judgment. That these also perished by the Last Judgment, may be seen in the small work, The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed, and concerning the Lord.- That all things are from Life itself which is God, and which is Man, may be illustrated from created man, he being a man as to ultimate, middle, and inmost things. For a man who, in the world, had been merely corporeal in his life, thus of dull perceptions, still appears in the spiritual world, after the rejection of the material body, as a man. A man, who in the world has been merely sensual or natural in his life, that is to say, has known little about heaven, although much about the world, still appears as a man after death. A man, who in the world has been rational in his life, that is, has thought well from natural light (lumen), when he becomes a spirit after death, appears as a man. A man, who in the world has been spiritual in his life, when he becomes an angel after death, appears as a man, perfect according to the reception of life from the Lord. A man, in whom the third degree of life has been opened, that is, who as to life in the world, has been celestial, when he becomes an angel after death, appears as a man in complete perfection.

[3] The very life belonging to him is a man, - the sensual and natural, as well as the rational, the spiritual, and the celestial, the degrees of life being thus designated; but man in whom those degrees exist, is only a recipient. As it is in the smallest types, so it is in the greatest. The whole angelic heaven in its whole extent is a man; each heaven by itself, the first, the second, and the third, is a man; every society in the heavens, greater or less, is a man; in fact, the church in the world in general is a man; all congregations also, which are called churches, are by themselves men. It is said the church, and by this are meant all with whom the church is in its entirety. The church in the world appears thus to the angels of heaven; the ground of this appearance is, that the life which is from the Lord is Man. Life from the Lord is love and wisdom, such therefore as is the reception of love and wisdom from the Lord, such is the man. These things primarily testify, that all things were created from life, which is God, and which is Man.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1127

1127. For strong is the Lord God who judgeth them, signifies through the Last Judgment. This is evident from the signification of "strong is the Lord God who judgeth her," as being the Last Judgment upon them. That the Last Judgment is meant by these words follows from what goes before, for it is said that "in one day her plagues shall come, death, mourning, and famine, and she shall be burned up in fire," which signifies that when they reach their last state, which is when there is no longer any good nor any truth but only evil and falsity from their diabolical love, they will then perish by the Last Judgment. That they did perish by the Last Judgment can he seen in the small work on The Last Judgment and on Babylon Destroyed.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith and respecting the Lord)

[2] That all things are from the life itself which is God and is Man, can be illustrated by man who was created, in that he is man as to his ultimates, as to his intermediates, and as to his inmosts; for a man who in the world has been merely corporeal and consequently stupid as to his life, appears nevertheless after the rejection of the material body as a man in the spiritual world. A man who as to his life in the world has been merely sensual or natural, thus who has known little about heaven although much about the world, nevertheless after death appears as a man. A man who as to his life in the world has been rational, and has thought rightly from natural light, when after death he becomes a spirit appears as a man. A man who as to his life in the world has been spiritual, when after death he becomes an angel appears as a man, perfect in the measure of his reception of life from the Lord. A man in whom the third degree of life has been opened, thus who as to his life in the world has been a celestial man, when after death he becomes an angel appears as a man in all perfection.

[3] The life itself that is in him is the man, whether it be sensual or natural, or rational, or spiritual, or celestial, for so the degrees of life are called. Man in whom these degrees exist is only a recipient. As it is in the least types so it is in the greatest. The whole angelic heaven in every complex is a man. Each heaven by itself, the first, the second, and the third, is a man. Each society in the heavens, greater or less, is a man. Even the church on the earth in general is a man; likewise all assemblages that are called churches are by themselves men. It is said the church, but it is meant all in whom the church is in the complex; thus does the church on the earth appear to the angels of heaven. It so appears because the life that is from the Lord is Man. Life from the Lord is love and wisdom; consequently such as the reception of love and wisdom from the Lord is, such is the man. This shows in the first place that all things have been created from the life that is God and that is Man.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1127 (original Latin 1759)

1127. "Quia fortis Dominus Deus judicans illos." - Quod significet per ultimum judicium, constat ex significatione "fortis Domini Dei judicantis illam", quod sit ultimum judicium super illos; quod per illa verba intelligatur ultimum judicium etiam sequitur ex antecedentibus, nam dicitur quod "in una die venient plagae ejus, mors, luctus et fames", et quod "igne comburetur", per quae significatur, cum ultimus illis status est, qui est dum non amplius illis aliquod bonum nec aliquod verum est, sed modo malum et falsum, ex amore illorum diabolico, quod tunc perituri sint per ultimum judicium. Quod etiam per ultimum judicium perierint, videri potest ex opusculo De Ultimo Judicio et de Babylonia Destructa.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana, et de Domino.)

Quod omnia sint ex ipsa Vita quae Deus et 1

quae Homo, illustrari potest ex homine qui creatus est, quod ille quoad ultima ejus, quoad media ejus, et quoad intima ejus, sit homo: homo enim qui in mundo quoad vitam suam modo corporeus fuit, ita stupidus, is post rejectionem corporis materialis apparet usque in mundo spirituali sicut homo; homo qui in mundo quoad vitam modo sensualis aut naturalis fuit, ita qui parum de caelo tametsi multa de mundo scivit is post mortem usque apparet ut homo; homo qui in mundo quoad vitam fuit rationalis, ita qui ex lumine naturali bene cogitavit, is post mortem, cum fit spiritus, apparet ut homo; homo qui in mundo quoad vitam fuit spiritualis, is post mortem, cum fit angelus, apparet ut homo perfectus secundum receptionem vitae a Domino; homo apud quem tertius gradus vitae apertus est, ita qui in mundo quoad vitam fuit caelestis, is post mortem, cum fit angelus, apparet ut homo in omni perfectione.

[3] Ipsa vita apud illum est homo, tam sensualis et naturalis, quam rationalis, spiritualis et caelestis; ita vocantur vitae gradus homo, in quibus sunt, est modo recipiens. Sicut est in typis minimis, ita est in maximis: universum caelum angelicum in omni complexu est Homo; unumquodvis caelum per se, primum, secundum et tertium, est Homo: unaquaevis societas caelorum, major et minor, est Homo; immo ecclesia in terris in communi, est Homo: tum omnes coetus, qui vocantur ecclesiae, per se, sunt Homines: ecclesia dicitur, ac intelliguntur omnes apud quos ecclesia est, in complexu; ita apparet angelis caeli ecclesia in terris. Quod illa apparentia sit, est quia vita quae a Domino est Homo: vita a Domino est amor et sapientia; inde qualis est receptio amoris et sapientiae a Domino, talis est homo. Haec primum testantur quod ex Vita, quae Deus et quae Homo, omnia creata sint.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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