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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1128

1128. Verse 9. And the kings of the earth shall weep for her, and wail over her, who have committed whoredom with her, and lived delicately, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

"And the kings of the earth shall weep for her and wail over her," signifies the mourning and grief of heart of those who have exercised that power; "who have committed whoredom with her, and lived delicately," signifies who were in falsities, and in the evils thereof, from delight in that power; "when they shall see the smoke of her burning," signifies, on account of hell and of their damnation.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1128

1128. Verse 9. And the kings of the earth shall weep for her and wail over her, who have committed whoredom and lived luxuriously with her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

9. "The kings of the earth shall weep for her and wail over her," signifies the mourning and grief of heart of those who have exercised that authority (n. 1129); "who have committed whoredom and lived luxuriously with her," signifies who have been in falsities and in evils of falsities from delight regarding that authority (n. 1130); "when they shall see the smoke of her burning," signifies because of hell and of their damnation (n. 1131).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1128 (original Latin 1759)

1128. VERSUS 9.

"Et deflebunt illam, et plangent super illa reges terrae, qui cum illa scortati sunt et deliciati, quando viderint fumum combustionis ejus."

9. "Deflebunt illam et plangent super illa reges terrae", significat luctum et dolorem cordis illorum qui potestatem illam exercuerunt [n. 1129] ; "qui cum illa scortati sunt et deliciati", significat qui in falsis et in malis illorum ex jucundo super potestate ista fuerunt [n. 1130] ; "quando viderint fumum combustionis ejus", significat propter infernum et damnationem illorum [n. 1131] .

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