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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1139

1139. Because no one buyeth their merchandise any more.- That this signifies that the falsities and evils by which they make gain are no longer received, is evident from the signification of merchandise, which denotes the falsities and evils of doctrine and of that religion by which they make gain, consisting in honours and wealth.

That this is the signification of merchandise, is evident from the signification of merchants, who denote those who procure and sell such things, concerning which see just above (n. 1138) (what the falsities and evils here signified by merchandise are specifically, will be clear from what follows, where they are enumerated) - because this merchandise belongs to Babylon, which is called a harlot and the mother of the whoredoms of the earth, it is meant in the Word by the merchandise of whoredoms; and that these are falsifications and adulterations of good and truth may be seen above (n. 695); and from the signification of not buying any more, which denotes not to receive any more. By not being received is meant, that their falsities and evils are no longer received in the spiritual world. It is different in the natural world; for all those who after death come out of the land of Babel into the spiritual world are explored, and sent according to their loves into societies, the evil into infernal societies; the good are instructed, and according to their reception of truth and good from the Lord, are received into heaven.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed, and concerning the Lord.- The reason why man feels and perceives as if life were in himself, is that the life of the Lord in him is like the light and heat of the sun in a subject. This light and heat do not belong to the subject, but to the sun in it, for they depart with the sun; and when they are in the subject, they belong in appearance entirely to it, for the colour of the subject is in itself as it were from the light, and its vegetative life from the heat. But this is much more the case with the light and heat from the Sun of the spiritual world, which is the Lord, whose light is the light of life, and whose heat is the heat of life; for the Sun from which they proceed is the Divine Love of the Lord, but man is the recipient subject. This light and heat never recede from man the recipient, and when they are with him, they are, to all appearance, wholly his own; from the light he has the faculty of understanding, and from heat the faculty of willing. From the fact that light and heat although they are not his own are as if wholly in the recipient, that they never recede from him, and that they affect those inmost things that are remote from the sight of his understanding and from the perception of his will, it necessarily appears as if those things are implanted in him, and consequently that their effects are from him. It is for this reason that man has no other idea than that he thinks from himself, and wills from himself, although he does not do so in the least degree; for thought and will cannot be so united to the recipient as to be his own, precisely as the light and heat of the sun cannot be united to a subject of the earth, and become material like it; the same is true of heat. But the light and heat of life affect and fill the recipient exactly according to the quality of his acknowledgment that they are not his own, but the Lord's; and the quality of acknowledgment is precisely according to the quality of love shown in keeping the commandments, which are uses.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1139

1139. Because no one buyeth their merchandise anymore signifies that the falsities and evils by which they make gain are no more received. This is evident from the signification of "merchandise," as being the falsities and evils of doctrine and of that religion, by which they make gain, which consists in honors and riches. (That this is the signification of "merchandise" is evident from the signification of "merchants," as being those who acquire and sell such things, see above n. 1138.) What falsities and evils in particular are here signified by "merchandise" will be seen in what follows, where they are enumerated. This "merchandise," since it belongs to Babylon, which is called a "harlot" and "the mother of the whoredoms of the earth," is what is meant in the Word by "the merchandise of whoredoms"; and that this means the falsifications and adulterations of good and truth may be seen above n. 695. Also from the signification of "not to buy anymore," as being not to receive anymore. Not being received means that their evils and falsities are no longer received in the spiritual world, although they are received in the natural world; for all who come after death into the spiritual world from Babylon on the earth are explored, and according to their loves are sent into societies; the evil are sent into infernal societies, and the good are instructed and are then received into heaven according to their reception of truth and good from the Lord.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith and respecting the Lord)

[2] Man has a feeling and perception that life is in him, because the life of the Lord is in him as the light and heat of the sun are in a subject. This light and heat belong not to the subject but to the sun in the subject, for they withdraw with the sun, but when they are in the subject they in appearance wholly belong to it; from light the subject has color as if it were in it, and from heat it has vegetative life as if it were in it. But this is much more true of the light and heat from the sun of the spiritual world, which is the Lord, whose light is the light of life and whose heat is the heat of life, for the sun from which these proceed is the Lord's Divine love, while man is the recipient subject. This light and heat never withdraw from the recipient, which is man, and when they are in man they are in appearance wholly his own. From the light he has the ability to understand, and from the heat the ability to will. From this, that the light and heat, although they are not his own, are seemingly wholly in the recipient, and from this that they never withdraw, also from this that they affect his inmosts, which are remote from the sight of his understanding and from the feeling of his will, there must needs be the appearance that they are innate, that is, they seem to be in him, and thus what they effect seems to be from him. From this it is that man does not know otherwise than that he thinks from himself and that he wills from himself; and yet he does not in the least do this from himself, for it is impossible for this light and heat to be so united to the recipient as to be his own, precisely as it is impossible for the light of the sun to be united to an earthly subject and become material as the subject is. The same is true of heat. But the light of life and the heat of life move and fill their recipient in the exact measure of the quality of his acknowledgment that they are not his but are the Lord's, and the quality of acknowledgment is in exact accord with the quality of love in doing the commandments, which are uses.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1139 (original Latin 1759)

1139. "Quod merces eorum nemo emat amplius." - Quod sit quod falsa et mala, per quae illis lucra sunt, non magis recipiantur, constat ex significatione "mercium", quod sint falsa et mala doctrinae et religiosi istius, per quae illis lucra sunt, quae lucra sunt honores et opes; (quod illa per "merces" significentur, constat ex significatione "mercatorum", quod sint qui sibi comparant talia et venditant, de qua videatur mox supra, n. 1138); quaenam falsa et mala in specie hic significantur per "merces, ' patet ex sequentibus, nam enumerantur; hae "merces", quia sunt Babylonis quae vocatur "meretrix et mater scortationum terrae", sunt quae in Verbo intelliguntur per "merces meretricias", quae quod sint falsificationes et adulterationes boni et veri, videatur [supra] (n. 695): et ex significatione "non emere amplius", quod sit non magis recipere; per quod non recipiantur, intelligitur quod illorum mala et falsa non amplius recipiantur in mundo spirituali; aliter in mundo naturali; omnes enim qui ex terra Babelis post obitum in mundum spiritualem veniunt, explorantur, et secundum amores illorum mittuntur in societates; mali in societates infernales; boni instruuntur et postea secundum receptionem veri et boni a Domino, recipiuntur in caelum.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana, et de Domino.)

Quod homo sentiat et percipiat sicut vita sit in illo, est quia vita Domini in illo est sicut lux et calor solis in subjecto; quae non sunt subjecti, sed sunt solis in illo, recedunt enim cum sole; et cum in subjecto sunt, ad apparentiam sunt omne ejus; ex luce est color ejus sicut in illo, et ex calore est vita vegetationis ejus sicut in illo: at valde plus lux et calor ex Sole mundi spiritualis qui est Dominus, cujus lux est lux vitae, et calor est calor vitae; Sol enim a quo procedunt, est Divinus Amor Domini; homo autem est subjectum recipiens; illa lux et ille calor a recipiente qui est homo, nusquam recedunt, et cum ibi sunt ad apparentiam sunt omne ejus; est illi a luce facultas intelligendi, et ex calore facultas volendi: ex eo quod lux et calor sint sicut omne in recipiente, tametsi non sunt ejus, et ex eo quod nusquam recedant, tum ex eo quod afficiant intima ejus quae remota sunt a visu intellectus et a sensu voluntatis ejus, ideo non potest aliter quam ut appareat quod illa sint insita, ita sicut in illo, et sic quae fiunt sicut ex illo: inde nunc est quod homo non sciat aliter quam quod cogitet ex se et quod velit ex se, cum tamen ne hilum ex se; non enim possunt uniri recipienti ita ut sint ejus, prorsus sicut lux solis non potest uniri subjecto telluris et fieri materialis sicut illud; similiter calor. Sed lux vitae et calor vitae afficiunt et implent recipientes prorsus secundum quale agnitionis quod non sint ejus sed Domini: et quale agnitionis est prorsus secundum quale amoris in faciendis praeceptis, quae sunt usus.

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