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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1140

1140. Verse 12. Merchandise of gold and silver, and precious stones, and pearls, and fine linen, and crimson, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyme wood, and every vessel of ivory, and every vessel of precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble.

"Merchandise of gold and silver," signifies the goods and truths of the Word, of doctrine, and of the Church, in general all profaned by them, thus all evils and falsities in general, by which they make gain; "and of precious stone and pearl," signifies the knowledges of truth and good from the Word, profaned; "and fine linen and crimson," signifies truths and goods from a celestial origin, profaned; "and silk and scarlet," signifies truths and goods from a spiritual origin, profaned; "and all thyme wood," signifies all good therefrom in the natural man; "and every vessel of ivory, and every vessel of precious wood," signifies rational truths and goods, profaned; "and of brass and iron," signifies all natural goods and truths, profaned; "and marble," signifies sensual truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1140

1140. Verse 12. Merchandise of gold and of silver, and of precious stone and of pearl, and of fine linen and of purple, and of silk and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and every vessel of ivory and every vessel of precious wood, and of brass and of iron, and of marble.

12. "Merchandise of gold and silver" signifies all goods and truths in general of the Word, of doctrine, and of the church, that have been profaned by them, thus all evils and falsities in general through which are their gains (n. 1141); "and of precious stone and of pearl" signifies the knowledges of truth and good from the Word that have been profaned (n. 1142); "and of fine linen and of purple" signifies truths and goods from a celestial origin, that have been profaned (n. 1143); "and of silk and of scarlet" signifies truths and goods from a spiritual origin that have been profaned (n. 1144); "and all thyine wood" signifies all good in the natural man therefrom (n. 1145); "and every vessel of ivory and every vessel of precious wood" signifies rational truths and goods that have been profaned (n. 1146); "and of brass and of iron" signifies all natural goods and truths that have been profaned (n. 1147); "and of marble" signifies sensual truth (n. 1148).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1140 (original Latin 1759)

1140. VERSUS 12.

"Merces auri et argenti, et lapidis pretiosi et margaritae, et byssi et purpurae, et serici at coccini, et omne lignum thyinum, et [omne] vas eburneum et omne vas ex ligno pretioso, et aere et ferro, et marmore."

12. "Merces auri et argenti", significat bona et vera Verbi, doctrinae et ecclesiae in genere omnia ab illis profanata, ita mala et falsa in genere omnia, per quae illis lucrationes [n. 1141] ; "et lapidis pretiosi et margaritae", significat cognitiones veri et boni ex Verbo profanata [n. 1142] ; "et byssi et purpurae", significat vera et bona ex origine caelesti profanata [n. 1143] ; "et serici et coccini", significat vera et bona ex origine spirituali profanata [n. 1144] ; "et omne lignum thyinum", significat omne bonum in naturali homine inde [n. 1145] ; "et omne vas eburneum et omne vas e ligno pretioso", significat vera et bona rationalia profanata [n. 1146] ; "et aere et ferro", significat omnia bona et vera naturalia profanata [n. 1147] ; "et marmore", significat verum sensuale [n. 1148] .

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