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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1149

1149. Verse 13. And cinnamon and incense, and ointment and frankincense, and wine and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts of burden and sheep; and horses and carriages, and slaves and souls of men.

"And cinnamon and incense," signify worship from celestial love, profaned; "and ointment and frankincense," worship from spiritual love, profaned; "and wine and oil," signify worship from truths and goods that are from a celestial origin, profaned; "and fine flour and wheat," signifies worship from truths and goods that are from a spiritual origin, profaned; "and beasts of burden and sheep," signify worship from truths and goods that are from a spiritual-natural origin, profaned; "and horses and carriages (rhedas)," worship from truths and goods that are from a rational origin, profaned; "and slaves and souls of men," signify worship from truths and goods that are from a natural-sensual origin, profaned.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1149

1149. Verse 13. And cinnamon and incense, and ointment and frankincense, and wine and oil, and fine flour and wheat, and beasts of burden and sheep, and horses and carriages, and slaves and souls of men.

13. "And cinnamon and incense" signifies profaned worship from celestial love (n. 1150); "and ointment and frankincense" signifies profaned worship from spiritual love (n. 1151); "and wine and oil" signifies profaned worship from truths and goods that are from a celestial origin (n. 1152); "and fine flour and wheat" signifies profaned worship from truths and goods that are from a spiritual origin (n. 1153); "and beasts of burden and sheep" signifies profaned worship from truths and goods that are from a spiritual-natural origin (n. 1154); "and horses and carriages" signifies profaned worship from truths and goods that are from a rational origin (n. 1155); "and slaves and souls of men" signifies profaned worship from truths and goods that are from a natural-sensual origin (n. 1156).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1149 (original Latin 1759)

1149. 1


"Et cinnamomum et suffimenta, et unguentum et thus, et vinum et oleum, et similam et triticum, et jumenta et oves, et equos et rhedas, et mancipia et animas hominum."

13. "Et cinnamomum et suffimenta", significat cultum ex amore caelesti profanatum [n. 1150] ; "et unguentum et thus", significat cultum ex amore spirituali profanatum [n. 1151] ; "et vinum et oleum", significat cultum ex veris et bonis quae ex origine caelesti sunt, profanatum [n. 1152] ; "et similam et triticum", significat cultum ex veris et bonis quae ex origine spirituali sunt, profanatum [n. 1153] ; " [et] jumenta et oves, significat cultum ex veris et bonis quae ex origine spirituali naturali sunt, profanatum [n. 1154] ; "et equos et rhedas", significat cultum ex veris et bonis quae ex origine rationali sunt, profanatum [n. 1155] ; "et mancipia et animas hominum", significat cultum ex veris et bonis quae ex origine naturali sensuali sunt, profanatum [n. 1156] .


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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