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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1156

1156. And slaves and souls of men.- That these signify worship from truths and goods from a natural origin, profaned, is evident from the signification of slaves, which denote truths scientific, which are from the natural man, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of souls of men, which denote the goods corresponding to those truths, which in general are the affections of knowing; for by souls of men are here meant those who are sold for servants, that is, things for service. These are also called souls of men in the prophet Ezekiel:

"Javan, Tubal, and Mesech, were thy merchants, with the soul of man and with vessels of brass they gave thy trading" (27:13).

This refers to Tyre, by which the knowledges of truth and good are signified; and by the soul of man are meant servants, who are sold, thus slaves (mancipia). And because it is also said with vessels of brass, by the soul of man, in the spiritual sense scientifics serving for use are signified; vessels of brass have a similar signification.

A man who is sold is also called soul in Moses:

"If any one steal the soul of his brethren, and make gain of him by selling him, he shall be killed" (Deuteronomy 24:7).

The reason why a slave signifies truth scientific is, that the scientifics of the natural man administer to and serve the rational man for the purposes of thought, and therefore those scientifics are signified in the Word by attendants, household servants, servants, slaves, and here also by souls of men. Here, as above, is meant worship from those truths and goods, profaned by Babylon.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed.- All those who wish for miracles and visions resemble the sons of Israel, who, after they had seen so many wonders in Egypt, at the Red Sea, and on Mount Sinai, yet within a month forsook the worship of Jehovah, and worshipped a golden calf (Exodus xxxii.). They are also like the rich man in hell (in inferno), who told Abraham that his brethren would repent if one from the dead went to them; to whom Abraham replied, "They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them; if they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one rise from the dead" (Luke 16:29, 30, 31). And they are also like Thomas, who said that he would not believe unless he saw; to whom the Lord said, "Blessed are they who believe and yet do not see" (John 20:29). Those who believe and yet do not see are those who do not desire signs, but truths from the Word, that is, Moses and the prophets, and believe them. The latter are internal men and become spiritual, but the former are external and remain sensual, and when they see miracles, and believe only by means of them, are not unlike a handsome woman who is inwardly affected with a fatal disorder, of which she soon dies. They are also, like apples which have a beautiful rind, but are rotten at the core; or like nuts, in which a worm lies concealed. It is moreover well known that no one can be compelled to love and believe, but that love and belief must be rooted inwardly in man; consequently, no one can be led to love God and to believe in Him by miracles and visions, for they compel. For how will he who does not believe notwithstanding the miracles recorded in the Word, believe by means of miracles which have no place in the Word?

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1156

1156. And slaves and souls of men signifies profaned worship from truths and goods that are from a natural origin. This is evident from the signification of "slaves," as being truths known, which are from the natural man (of which presently); also from the signification of "souls of men," as being the goods corresponding to these truths, which are in general affections of knowing, for "souls of men" here mean those sold for servants, thus things serviceable. These are also called "souls of men" in Ezekiel:

Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, were thy merchants, they traded for thy merchandise with the soul of man and with vessels of brass (Ezekiel 27:13).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the knowledges of truth and good; and "the soul of man" means servants that are sold, thus slaves; and because it is also said "with vessels of brass," "the soul of man" signifies in the spiritual sense serviceable knowledges, "vessels of brass" the same. A man who is sold is also called "soul" in Moses:

If anyone hath stolen a soul of his brethren, and hath made gain of him by selling him, he shall be killed (Deuteronomy 24:7).

A "slave" signifies truth known, because the knowledges of the natural man wait upon and serve the rational man in thinking, and this is why knowledges are signified in the Word by ministries, household servants, services, and slaves, and here by "souls of men." Here as above is meant worship from truths and goods profaned by Babylon.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith)

[2] All who wish for miracles and visions are like:

The sons of Israel, who, when they had seen so many prodigies in Egypt at the Sea Suph and on Mount Sinai, still within a month turned away from the worship of Jehovah and worshiped a golden calf (Exodus 32:1).

They are also like:

The rich man in hell who said to Abraham that his brethren would repent if one from the dead were sent to them; to whom Abraham replied, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them; if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded if one rose from the dead (Luke 16:29, 31).

And they are like:

Thomas, who said he would not believe unless he saw; to whom the Lord said, Blessed are those who believe and do not see (John 20:25, 29).

"Those who believe and do not see" are those who do not desire signs, but truths from the Word, that is, Moses and the prophets, and who believe them. Such are internal men and become spiritual; but the former are external and remain sensual, and when they see miracles, and believe only because of the miracles, in their belief are not unlike a lovely woman who within is infected with a deadly disease of which she soon dies, or they are like an apple with a fair skin but rotten at the core, or like filberts in which a worm lies concealed. Moreover, it is known that no one can be compelled to love or to believe, and that love and faith must be inwardly rooted in man. Consequently it is not possible for anyone to be led to love God and to believe in Him by means of miracles and visions, because these compel. For when one does not believe from the miracles in the Word, how can he believe from miracles that are not in the Word?

Apocalypsis Explicata 1156 (original Latin 1759)

1156. "Et mancipia et animas hominum." - Quod significet cultum ex veris et bonis quae ex origine naturali sunt, profanatum, constat ex significatione "mancipiorum", quod sint vera scientifica, quae ex naturali homine sunt (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "animarum hominis", quod sint bona veris illis correspondentia, quae in genere sunt affectiones sciendi; per "animas hominum" enim hic intelliguntur qui venditi sunt in servos, ita servitia; haec quoque vocantur "animae hominum" apud Ezechielem,

"Javan, Thubal et Meschech mercatores tui; cum anima hominis et cum vasis aeris dederunt negotiationem tuam" (27:13):

haec de Tyro, per quam significantur cognitiones veri et boni; et per "animam hominis" intelliguntur servi, qui venditi sunt, ita mancipia; et quia etiam dicitur "cum vasis aeris", per "animam hominis" in sensu spirituali significantur scientifica inservientia, et similia per "vasa aeris." Homo venditus etiam vocatur "anima" apud Mosen,

"Si quis furatus sit animam de fratribus, ...et quaestum fecerit ex eo, dum vendiderit eum, occidetur" (Deuteronomius 24:7):

quod "mancipium" significet verum scientificum, est quia scientifica naturalis hominis famulantur et serviunt rationali homini ad cogitandum; inde est quod illa in Verbo significentur per "ministeria", "famulitia", "servitia" et "mancipia", et hic etiam per "animas hominum." Hic ut supra intelligitur cultus ex veris et bonis a Babylone profanatus.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana, et de Domino.)

Omnes illi qui miracula et visiones volunt, sunt similes

Filiis Israelis, qui postquam tot prodigia in Aegypto, ad Mare Suph, et super Monte Sinai viderunt, usque post mensem dierum recesserunt a cultu Jehovae, et coluerunt vitulum aureum (Exod. 32).

Sunt etiam similes

Diviti in inferno, qui dixit Abrahamo, Si quis ex mortuis abiret ad fratres suos, paenitentiam agerent; cui respondit Abraham, "Habent Mosen et Prophetas, audiunto illos;.... si Mosen et Prophetas non audiunt, neque si quis ex mortuis resurrexerit, persuadebuntur" (Luca 16:29-31);

et sunt sicut

Thomas, qui dixit se non crediturum nisi videret; cui Dominus dixit, Beati qui credunt et non vident (Joh. 20 [25,] 29):

qui "credunt et non vident", sunt qui signa non volunt, sed vera ex Verbo, ita Mosen et Prophetas, et illis credunt; hi sunt interni homines et fiunt spirituales, illi autem externi et manent sensuales: hi dum miracula vident, et per illa solum credunt, dum credunt non absimiles sunt mulieri venustae, quae intus letali morbo infecta est, ex quo brevi moritur; et quoque sunt similes pomis cute pulchris sed carne corruptis; aut similes nucibus Avellanis, in quibus latet vermis. Insuper notum est, Quod nemo possit cogi ad amandum et ad credendum, sed quod amor et fides radicanda sint intus in homine; consequenter nemo potest adduci ad amandum Deum et ad credendum in Ipsum per miracula et visiones, quia cogunt: qui enim non credit ex miraculis in Verbo, quomodo credet ex miraculis extra Verbum?

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