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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1163

1163. And stood 1afar off for fear of her torment.- That this signifies, while they were in externals from dread of infernal punishments, is evident from what has been explained above (n. 1113), where similar words occur.

Continuation.- Man from his birth is in the midst of infernal societies, and enters into them, precisely as he develops the evil affections of his will. These are all derived from the love of self and the love of the world; the reason is, that these loves turn all the powers of the mind downwards and outwards, thus to hell, which is beneath them, and extraneous to them, and so he turns them away from the Lord, and thus from heaven. The interiors also of everything belonging to the human mind, and also the interiors of everything belonging to man's spirit, are capable of being turned either downwards or upwards; they are turned downwards when a man loves himself above all things, and upwards when he loves the Lord above all things. It is an actual turning; man of himself turning them downwards, but the Lord of Himself turning them upwards. It is the ruling love that causes the turning. It is only so far as the thoughts are derived from the will that they act in this way upon the interiors of the mind. Man does not know that this is the case, and yet he ought to know, in order that he may understand how he is led by the Lord out of hell, and into heaven.


1. See Photolithograph MS., previously translated stabunt.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1163

1163. And stood afar off for fear of her torment signifies from dread of infernal punishments while they were in externals, as is evident from the explanation above (n. 1113), where similar words occur.


Man is from birth in the midst of infernal societies, and extends himself into them precisely as he extends the evil affections of his will. All evil affections of the will are from the loves of self and the world; and for the reason that those loves turn all things of the mind downwards and outwards, that is, towards hell, which is beneath and outside of themselves, thus turning them away from the Lord, and away from heaven. Moreover, the interiors of all things of the human mind, and with them the interiors of all things of the spirit, are capable of being turned either downwards or upwards. They are turned downwards when man loves himself above all things; and they are turned upwards when he loves the Lord above all things. This is an actual turning. Man from himself turns them downwards, while the Lord from Himself turns them upwards. The ruling love is what turns. Thoughts do not turn the interiors of the mind except so far as they are derived from the will. That all this is true man does not know; and yet he ought to know it in order that he may understand how he is led out of hell and led into heaven by the Lord.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1163 (original Latin 1759)

1163. "E longinquo 1

steterunt propter timorem cruciatus ejus." - Quod significet dum in externis erant ex formidine poenarum infernalium, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 1113) explicata sunt, ubi similia verba.


Homo in medio societatum infernalium est ex nativitate, ac se in illas dilatat prorsus sicut affectiones malas voluntatis dilatat. Affectiones malae voluntatis sunt omnes ex amoribus sui et mundi; causa est, quia illi amores vertunt omnia mentis deorsum et extrorsum, ita ad infernum quod infra est, et quod extra se est, et sic avertit illa a Domino, ita a caelo: etiam interiora omnium mentis humanae, et cum illis interiora omnium spiritus ejus, possunt verti deorsum et verti sursum; vertuntur deorsum quando homo se super omnia amat, et vertuntur sursum quando Dominum super omnia amat; est actualis versio; homo ex se vertit illa deorsum, et Dominus ex Se vertit illa sursum; amor regnans est qui vertit. Cogitationes non vertunt interiora mentis, nisi quantum, trahunt ex voluntate. Quod ita sit, nec homo novit, et tamen scire debet ut intelligat quomodo educitur ex inferno, ac inducitur in caelum a Domino.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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