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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1194

1194. And of all that have been slain upon the earth.- That this signifies all the falsities and evils thence by which those perished who were of the church, is evident from the signification of the slain, as denoting those who have perished by falsities and evils, concerning which see above (n. 315, 366), and that to slay is to deprive others of their truths and goods by falsities and evils, see above (n. 547, 572, 589); and from the signification of the earth, as denoting the church, of which we have spoken frequently. By the blood therefore of all the slain upon the earth is signified violence done to every good and truth by falsities and evils, by means of which those perished who were of the church.

Continuation.- Since man was created to perform uses, which is to love the neighbour, therefore all those who come into heaven, however many they may be, must perform uses. According to uses, and the love of them, the inhabitants of heaven receive all their delight and blessedness, nor does heavenly joy come from any other source. He who believes that such joy can be imparted in a state of idleness is much deceived; for in fact no idle person is tolerated in hell, its inhabitants being in workhouses, and under a judge, who sets prisoners the work which they have to perform daily. To those who do not perform their tasks neither food nor raiment is given, but they stand hungry and naked, and so are compelled to work. The difference is, that in hell uses are performed from fear, but in heaven from love; and it is not fear but love that imparts joy.

Still it is permitted to intersperse occupations with various diversions in the company of others, and these are recreations, thus also uses. I have been permitted to see many things in heaven, as well as in the world, and in the human body, and at the same time to ponder over their uses, and it has been revealed to me that every thing in them, both great and small, was created from use, in use, and for use; and that the part in which the ultimate conducing to use ceases, is separated as noxious and is, as it were, condemned and cast out.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1194

1194. And of all that had been slain on the earth signifies all the falsities and evils by which those who were of the church had perished. This is evident from the signification of the "slain," as being those who had perished by falsities and evils (See n. 315, 366); "to slay" being to deprive others of their truths and goods by falsities and evils (See n. 547, 572, 589); also from the signification of the "earth," as being the church (of which frequently); therefore "the blood of all that had been slain upon the earth" signifies violence offered to every truth and good by falsities and evils, by which those who were of the church perished.


As man was created to perform uses, and this is to love the neighbor, so all who come into heaven, however many there are, must do uses. All the delight and blessedness of these is according to uses and to the love of uses. Heavenly joy is from no other source. He who believes that such joy is possible in idleness is much deceived. No idle person is tolerated even in hell. Those who are there are in workhouses and under a judge who imposes tasks on the prisoners that they must do daily. To those who do not do them neither food nor clothing is given, but they stand hungry and naked; thus are they compelled to work there. The difference is that in hell uses are done from fear, but in heaven from love; and fear does not give joy, but love does. Nevertheless it is proper to vary occupations in different ways in company with others, and these serve as recreations, which are also uses. It has been granted me to see many things in heaven, many things in the world, and many things in the human body, and to consider at the same time their uses; and it has been revealed that every particular thing in them, both great and small, was created from use, in use, and for use; and that the part in which the ultimate that is for use ceases is separated as harmful and is cast out as condemned.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1194 (original Latin 1759)

1194. "Et omnium occisorum super terra." - Quod significet inde omnia falsa et mala, per quae illi qui ab ecclesia perierunt, constat ex significatione "occisorum", quod sint qui per falsa et mala perierunt (de qua [supra] . n. 315 [a, c, d] , 366); et quod "occidere" sit deprivare alios suis veris et bonis per falsa et mala (n. 547, 572, 589); et ex significatione "terrae", quod sit ecclesia (de qua pluries): inde per "sanguinem omnium occisorum super terra" significatur violentia illata omni vero et bono per falsa et mala, per quae illi qui ab ecclesia perierunt.

(Continuatio [de Usibus] .)

Quoniam homo creatus est ut usus praestet, et id est amare proximum, ideo omnes, quotcunque sunt, qui in caelum veniunt, facient usus; secundum usus et secundum amorem illorum, est illis omne jucundum et beatum; non aliunde est gaudium caeleste: qui credit id dari in otio, multum fallitur. Immo, nec aliquis otiosus toleratur in inferno; illi qui ibi sunt, in ergastulis sunt, et sub judice, qui captivis imponit operas, quas facturi sunt cottidie; illis qui non faciunt, non datur cibus nec vestis, stant esurientes et nudi; ita ibi adiguntur: discrimen est quod in inferno faciant usus ex timore, in caelo autem ex amore; et timor non dat gaudium, sed amor. Sed usque datur interpolare opera variis in consortio cum aliis, quae sunt recreationes, ita quoque usus. Datum mihi est videre plura in caelo, plura in mundo, et plura in corpore humano, ac simul expendere usus illorum: ac revelatum est quod unumquodvis in illis, tam magnum quam parvum, creatum sit ex usu, in usu, et ad usum; et quod pars in qua ultimum, quod est ad usum, cessat, separetur ut noxia, ac sicut damnata ejiciatur.

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