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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 315

315. As it were slain. That this signifies as yet acknowledged by few, is evident from the signification of being slain, when said of the Lord, as denoting His not being acknowledged; in the present case, its being acknowledged by few that His Human is Divine, for it is said, "A lamb standing as it were slain"; and by the lamb is signified the Lord as to the Divine Human (as was shown just above, n. 83). By being slain, in the spiritual or internal sense, is not meant to be slain as to the body but as to the soul; and a man is slain as to the soul when he is no longer in any good of faith, for then he has no spiritual life, but instead thereof death, which is called spiritual death; but when "slain" is mentioned concerning the Lord, it does not signify this, because the Lord is Life itself, and gives to every one spiritual life; but it means either that He is rejected, or that He is not acknowledged; for, with those who do not acknowledge Him, He is as it were no one, and especially with those who deny Him. The Lord Himself is indeed acknowledged in the church, and also His Divine, but, as to the Human, as a man only, and not as God; hence it is that His Divine Human is not acknowledged; this, therefore, is what is meant by a lamb standing, as it were slain. But that the Lord even as to the Human is God, may be seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 280-310), and will be seen at the end of this work, where it will be clearly shown.

[2] Those who think from the sense of the letter of the Word only, and not at the same time from the doctrine of genuine truth, suppose that by being slain in the Word is meant being slain as to the body; but that to be slain as to the soul is meant, will appear from the passages which will be adduced presently. For it is acknowledged that the Word in its bosom is spiritual, although in the sense of the letter it is natural; and to be slain spiritually is to perish as to the soul, as is the case with those who do not receive the life of heaven, which is called life eternal, and also simply life, and who thus have instead thereof death, which is damnation. And because this is confessed, it follows that by being slain in the Word is meant to perish from falsities and evils. But the Lord is said spiritually to be slain, when the truth is denied and the good is rejected, these being from Him; among these also He is not acknowledged; for he who denies and rejects those things that are from Him, also denies and rejects Him, for the Lord is with man in His own truths and goods.

[3] But here His Divine Human is treated of; that it is not as yet acknowledged, is known. I will mention the reasons: One is, that the pontifical nation has transferred to its own Primate all Divine power, which is the Lord's even as to the Human, they being unwilling to hear that it was Divine, because from His Human. The other reason is, that those who are not of that nation have made faith alone the only means of salvation, and not a life of charity; and those who do this, can perceive the Lord's Human only as the human of another man; therefore also they remain blindly in the doctrine of the Trinity from the creed of Athanasius, and cannot be enlightened.

[4] That to be slain in the Word signifies to be spiritually slain, is evident from the following passages:

In Isaiah:

"Thou as an abominable shoot, the raiment of the slain, thrust through with the sword: for thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people. Prepare slaughter for his sons" (14:19-21).

These [things are said] concerning Babel, by which is signified the profanation of good and truth, and thence the destruction of the church. It is compared with the raiment of the slain who are thrust through with the sword, because the raiment of the slain signifies abominable falsity, defiling and destroying the things of the church, which are therefore said to be thrust through with the sword, because a sword signifies falsity destroying truth. Hence it is said, "Thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people." By the land is meant the church, and by the people those therein who are in truths, whom to slay is to destroy by falsities. Prepare slaughter for his sons, signifies that their falsities are to be destroyed, his sons denoting falsities.

[5] In Jeremiah:

"The slain of Jehovah shall be at that day from the end of the earth unto the end of the earth" (25:33).

By the slain of Jehovah being from the end of the earth unto the end of the earth, are signified those with whom all the truths of the church are destroyed by falsities; the slain of Jehovah signify those with whom they are destroyed; and from the end of the earth unto the end of the earth, signifies all things of the church.

[6] In the same:

"Therefore deliver up their sons to the famine, and cause them to flow down upon the hands of the sword, that men may become rare, slain with death, their young men smitten with the sword in war" (18:21).

To give sons to the famine, and to cause them to flow down upon the hands of the sword, signifies to extinguish the truths of the church through a lack of the knowledges of truth, and through falsities; sons denote truths, a famine denotes the lack of knowledges, and the sword denotes falsity destroying truth. "That men may become rare, slain with death," signifies that there is no affection of truth, and hence no wisdom; men signify the affection of truth, and hence wisdom (as may be seen above n. 280). "Their young men smitten with the sword in war," signifies, because truths have been destroyed by the assaults of falsity; young men denote truths, the sword denotes falsity destroying, and war denotes the assault thereof.

[7] In Ezekiel:

"Go ye through" Jerusalem, "and smite, neither let your eye spare, slay ye to perdition the old man, the young man, and the virgin, and the infant; but draw not near against any man upon whom is the sign" (9:5, 6).

These words were spoken by the man clothed in linen garments, or by an angel to other angels, and were heard by the prophet. It is not meant by this that they should pass through Jerusalem, and should smite and slay old men, young men, maidens, and infants unto perdition; but by Jerusalem is meant the church as to doctrine, and that it is altogether vastated as to all the goods and truths which constitute it. By an old man is meant wisdom belonging to good; by a young man, intelligence belonging to truth; by a maiden, the affection thereof; and by an infant, every rising good and truth, specifically the good of innocence, by means of which all things of the church with man are born. By the man (vir) upon whom was the sign, and to whom they should not come near, is signified truth from good.

[8] In the same:

"Hence they shall stone them with stone, they shall cleave them asunder with swords, they shall slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire" (23:47).

These things are said concerning Samaria and Jerusalem, which are there called Aholah and Aholibah; by which are signified the spiritual and the celestial churches, in the present case, those churches devastated by falsities and evils. To stone with stone, and to cleave asunder with swords, signify the destruction of truth by falsities; for stoning signified punishment and death, on account of violence offered to the Divine truth, similarly the cleaving asunder by swords. To slay sons and daughters, signifies to destroy all truths and goods, sons denoting truths, and daughters goods. And to burn houses with fire, signifies to destroy all things of love and charity, by the evils of the love of self and of the world; houses denote the interior [things] of man, thus those of his love; here that [those things are] destroyed, fire denoting love in both senses.

[9] In Jeremiah:

"They lay on the earth, the boy and the old man in the streets; my virgins and my, young men have fallen by the sword; Thou hast slain in the day of thine anger, Thou hast not spared" (2447, 5798, 6071, 6991, 6997, 7533, 7632, 7643, 7677, 7679, 7710, 7926, 8227, 8282, 8483, 8632, 9010, 9128, 9306, 10431).

[10] In Amos:

"I will cut off the judge out of the midst of Moab, and all his princes will I slay with him" (2:2, 3).

By Moab, in the Word, are meant those who adulterate the goods of the church; by the judge who shall be cut off and by the princes who shall be slain, are signified the good that is adulterated, and the truths that are thence falsified, a judge denoting good, and a prince denoting truth.

[11] In Zechariah:

"There is a voice of the howling of the shepherds, that their eminence is devastated. Thus said Jehovah my God, Feed the sheep of the slaughter, which their possessors slay. I have fed the sheep of the slaughter for your sakes, O miserable of the flock" (11:3-5, 7).

By the sheep of the slaughter, which their possessors slay, are signified those who are in good, and are seduced by falsities of doctrine; they are called sheep who are in the good of charity; shepherds denote those who teach truths, and thereby lead to good.

[12] In David:

"We are slain every day; we are reputed as a flock of the slaughter. Awake, O Lord! forsake us not for ever" (Psalms 44:22, 23).

"We are slain every day," signifies, that of ourselves we are perpetually falling into falsities, and are seduced by them, especially in the time when falsities rule; hence it is evident what a flock of the slaughter signifies. That we may be elevated out of them by the Lord is signified by, "Awake, O Lord! forsake us not for ever."

[13] In Ezekiel:

"They shall draw the swords upon the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring [thee] down to the pit, and thou shalt die by the death of the slain" (4503, 9262), and death signifies damnation.

[14] In Isaiah:

"Hath he smitten him according to the stroke of him that smiteth him? Is he slain according to the slaughter of his slain? " (27:7).

These things are said concerning Jacob and Israel, by whom the church is signified; by Jacob the external church, and by Israel the internal. The temptations of those who belong to the church are thus described, which are signified by, "Hath he smitten him according to the stroke of him that smiteth him?" And that they should not yield, and thus perish in temptations, is signified by, "Is he slain according to the slaughter of the slain?" the slaughter of the slain signifies perdition by falsities.

[15] Slaughter signifies perdition and damnation also elsewhere in the same:

"In the day of the great slaughter, the towers shall fall" (30:25).

The day of the great slaughter signifies the Last Judgment, when the wicked are condemned and perish; towers signify the doctrines of falsity.

[16] In the same:

"I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant" (14:30).

These things are said respecting Philistea, by which is signified truth without good, or faith without charity. To kill the root with famine, signifies to perish entirely from having no good; the root denotes everything from which a thing lives; therefore it is also said, he shall slay thy remnant; by remnant are signified all the remains of the church.

[17] In Jeremiah:

"I have heard the voice of the daughter of Zion; she sigheth and spreadeth her hands, for my soul is wearied by the slayers" (4:31).

Thus is described the grief of the church falling from truths into falsities. The daughter of Zion denotes the church, "She sigheth and spreadeth the hands," signifies grief; "For my soul is wearied by the slavers," signifies by the falsities which extinguish spiritual life, slayers denoting those falsities.

[18] In Isaiah:

"Behold, Jehovah going forth out of his place to visit the iniquity of the earth; then shall the earth reveal her bloods, and shall no longer hide her slain" (26:21).

This is said of the day of visitation or judgment, when the iniquities of all shall be uncovered, which is meant by, "Then the earth shall reveal her bloods, and shall no longer hide her slain the earth signifies the church, here the evil who are therein bloods denote the evils that have destroyed the goods thereof and the slain denote the falsities that have destroyed the truths thereof; hence, whether it be said that the slain signify falsities, or those who are in falsities, it is the same thing because they are in falsities, and falsities in them, and the falsities in them destroy. The same is signified by the slain elsewhere in Isaiah:

"What will ye do in the day of visitation and of desolation? They shall fall down under the slain" (10:3, 4).

Also in the Apocalypse:

"The blood of the prophets and of saints was found in Babylon, and of all that were slain on the earth" (18:24).

What is signified by these words will be seen in what comes after.

[19] In Isaiah:

"I will visit evil upon the world. Every one found shall be thrust through; and every one gathered together shall fall by the sword" (13:11, 15).

This also is said of Babylon. "Every one found shall be thrust through," signifies that they shall perish by evil; and "Every one gathered together shall fall by the sword," signifies [that they shall perish] by falsity.

[20] In Matthew:

"In the consummation of the age they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you" (24:9).

In John:

"They shall cut you off from the synagogues; yea, the hour cometh that any one who killeth you, will think that he offereth holy worship to God" (16:2, 3).

These things were said to the disciples; and by the disciples, in the spiritual-representative sense, are meant all the truths and goods of the church; hence it is evident, what is meant in that sense by, "they shall kill them," namely, that they shall then destroy the truths and goods of the church.

[21] In Mark:

"In the consummation of the age "the brother shall deliver the brother to death, the father the children; the children shall rise up against their parents, and shall slay them" (13:12).

The consummation of the age is the last time of the church, when falsities shall destroy truths, and evils shall destroy goods. By brother, father, and children are not meant here, a brother, a father, and children, but falsity and truth, also good and evil. That the brother shall deliver the brother to death, signifies that falsity shall destroy good, specifically that faith alone shall destroy charity, for faith in the Word is called the brother of charity. That the father shall deliver the children to death, signifies that the good of the church shall perish by the falsities of evil; father denoting the good of the church, and children denoting the falsities of evil. That the children shall rise up against their parents, and shall slay them, signifies that the falsities of evil shall assault the goods and truths of the church, and destroy them.

[22] In Luke:

The man who planted a vineyard "sent a servant, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. And again he sent another servant; and beating him also, they sent him away empty. Again he sent a third, and wounding him they cast him forth. Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son. But they said, This is the heir; come, let us kill him; and casting him out of the vineyard, they killed him" (83).

[23] In Daniel:

"After threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself" (3008, 3009). That He shall be cut off, signifies not only Himself, but also all Divine truth with that people; but not for Himself, signifies that it should revive with those who are in the New Church, in like manner as was said above in the first chapter of the Apocalypse: "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold I am alive for evermore" (Verse 18).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 315

315. As if slain, signifies as yet acknowledged by few. This is evident from the signification of "slain," as being, in reference to the Lord, that He has not been acknowledged; here that few have acknowledged His Human to be Divine, for it is said "a Lamb standing as if slain," a "lamb" signifying the Lord in respect to the Divine Human (as was shown just above, n. 83). In the spiritual or internal sense, "slain" does not mean slain in respect to the body, but in respect to the soul; and man is slain in respect to the soul when he is no longer in any good of faith, for he then has no spiritual life, but death instead, which is called spiritual death. But this is not what the term "slain" signifies when applied to the Lord, since the Lord is life itself, and gives spiritual life to everyone; but it signifies either that He is rejected or that He is not acknowledged; for with those who do not acknowledge, and still more with those who deny, He is as nothing. The Lord Himself, to be sure, and also His Divine, is acknowledged in the church, but in respect to the Human as a mere man and not as God; thus it is that His Divine Human is not acknowledged; this, therefore, is what is meant by "a Lamb standing as if slain." But that the Lord is God also as to the Human, can be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 280-310), and will be seen at the end of this work, where it will be plainly shown.

[2] Those who think solely from the sense of the letter of the Word, and not at the same time from the doctrine of genuine truth, know no otherwise than that "slain" in the Word means slain in respect to the body; but that it means slain in respect to the soul will be seen from the passages to be quoted presently. For it is acknowledged that the Word in its inmost is spiritual, although in the sense of the letter it is natural; and to be slain spiritually is to perish in respect to the soul, as is the case with those who do not receive the life of heaven, which is called "life eternal," and also simply "life," and who thus in place of this have death, which is damnation. And because this is acknowledged, it follows that "to be slain" means in the Word to perish by falsities and evils. But spiritually the Lord is said "to be slain" when the truth from Him is denied and the good from Him is rejected; with these the Lord is also not acknowledged, for he who denies and rejects what is from Him, denies and rejects Him also, for the Lord is with man in his truths and goods.

[3] But here His Divine Human is treated of; that this is not acknowledged as yet, is known. I will state the reasons: One is, that the popish body has transferred to its own primate all Divine power that the Lord has, also that in respect to His Human, and are unwilling to hear that it is Divine, since it is from His Human. The other reason is, that those who are not of that body have made faith alone the sole means of salvation, and not the life of charity; and those who do this are unable to perceive the Lord's Human as differing from the human of another man; they therefore abide blindly in the doctrine of the Trinity from the creed of Athanasius, and cannot be illustrated.

[4] That "to be slain" in the Word signifies to be slain spiritually, can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Thou, like an abominable shoot, the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with the sword: for thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people. Prepare slaughter for His sons (Isaiah 14:19-21).

This is said of Babylon, which signifies the profanation of good and truth, and the consequent destruction of the church. It is compared to "the raiment of those that are slain, who are thrust through with the sword," because "the raiment of those that are slain" signifies abominable falsity, defiling and destroying the things of the church; they are therefore said "to be thrust through with the sword," because "sword" signifies falsity destroying truth. Therefore it is said, "thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people," "land" means the church, and "people" those therein who are in truths; to "slay" these is to destroy by falsities. "Prepare slaughter for his sons" signifies that their falsities are to be destroyed, "his sons" meaning falsities.

[5] In Jeremiah:

The slain of Jehovah shall be at that day from the end of the earth unto the end of the earth (Jeremiah 25:33).

"The slain of Jehovah from the end of the earth unto the end of the earth" signify those with whom all the truths of the church have been destroyed by falsities; "the slain of Jehovah" signifying those with whom they have been destroyed, and "from the end of the earth unto the end of the earth" signifying all things of the church.

[6] In the same:

Therefore give their sons to the famine, and make them flow down upon the hands of the sword, that men may become rare, 1slain with death, their young men smitten with the sword in war (280; "their young men smitten with the sword in war" signifies because truths have been destroyed by the assaults of falsity, "young men" meaning truths, "sword" falsity destroying, and "war" the assault of falsity.

[7] In Ezekiel:

Pass ye through Jerusalem, and smite; neither let your eye spare; slay ye to destruction the old man, the young man, and the virgin, and the infant; but come not near against any man upon whom is the sign (Ezekiel 9:5-6).

This was said by "the man clothed in linen," or by the angel, to other angels, and was heard by the prophet. It does not mean that they should pass through Jerusalem, and should smite and slay to destruction old men, young men, virgins, and infants; but "Jerusalem" means the church in respect to doctrine, and it is meant that the church is altogether vastated in respect to all the goods and truths that constitute it; "old man" means wisdom which is of good; "young man" intelligence which is of truth; "virgin" the affection of these; and "infant" every good and truth in its birth, in a special sense the good of innocence, by which all things of the church with man are begotten; "the man [vir] upon whom was the sign and to whom they should not come near," signifies truth from good.

[8] In the same:

That they may stone them with a stone, may cleave them with swords, may slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire (Ezekiel 23:47).

This was said of Samaria and Jerusalem, which are here called Oholah and Oholibah; by which are signified the two churches, namely, the spiritual and the celestial, here those churches devastated by falsities and evils. "To stone with a stone, and to cleave with swords," signifies the destruction of truth by falsities, for "stoning" signified punishment and death because of violence offered to Divine truth; "cleaving by swords" has a like signification. "To slay sons and daughters" signifies to destroy all truths and goods, "sons" meaning truths and "daughters" goods; and "to burn up the houses with fire" signifies to destroy all things that are of love and charity by the evils of the love of self and the world, "houses" mean man's interiors, thus the things that are of his love, here that these are destroyed; "fire" meaning love in both senses.

[9] In Jeremiah:

They have lain on the earth, lad and old man in the streets; my virgins and my young men have fallen by the sword; Thou hast slain in the day of Thine anger, Thou hast not pitied (Arcana Coelestia 2447, 5798, 6071, 6991, 6997, 7533, 7632, 7643, 7679, 7710, 7877, 7926, 8227, 8282, 8483, 8632, 9010, 9128, 9306, 10431).

[10] In Amos:

I will cut off the judge out of the midst of Moab, and will slay all the princes thereof with him (Amos. Amos 2:3).

"Moab" in the Word, means those who adulterate the goods of the church; the "judge who will be cut off," and the "princes who will be slain," signify the good which is adulterated, and the truths which are thereby falsified, "judge" meaning good, and "prince" truth.

[11] In Zechariah:

A voice of the howling of the shepherds, that their magnificence is devastated. Thus said Jehovah my God, Feed the sheep of the slaughter, which their possessors slay. I have fed the sheep of the slaughter for your sakes, O miserable of the flock (Zechariah 11:3-5, 7).

"The sheep of the slaughter which their possessors slay," signify those who are in good, and are led astray by the falsities of doctrine; those are called "sheep" who are in the good of charity; "shepherds" are those who teach truths, and by means of these lead to good.

[12] In David:

We are slain every day; we are reckoned as a flock for slaughter. Awake, O Lord, cast us not off always (Psalms 44:22-23).

"We are slain every day" signifies that of ourselves we are constantly falling into falsities, and are being led astray by them, especially in a time when falsities reign; this makes clear what a "flock for slaughter" signifies; that we may be elevated out of falsities by the Lord is signified by "Awake, O Lord, cast us not off always."

[13] In Ezekiel:

They shall draw forth the swords upon the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall profane thy radiance. They shall bring thee down into the pit, and thou shalt die the death of the slain (Arcana Coelestia 4503 Arcana Coelestia 4503[1-11], 9262), and "death" signifying damnation.

[14] In Isaiah:

Hath he smitten him according to the stroke of him that smiteth him? Hath he been slain according to the slaughter of his slain? (Isaiah 27:7).

This treats of Jacob and Israel, by whom the church is signified, "Jacob" the external church, and "Israel" the internal. The temptations of those who are of the church are thus described, which are signified by "Hath he smitten him according to the stroke of him that smiteth him?" And that they should not succumb in temptations and thus perish is signified by "Is he slain according to the slaughter of the slain?" "the slaughter of the slain" signifying perdition by falsities.

[15] "Slaughter" signifies perdition and damnation in other places in the same prophet:

In the day of the great slaughter the towers shall fall (Isaiah 30:25).

"The day of the great slaughter" signifies the Last Judgment, when the wicked are condemned and perish, "towers" signifying the doctrines of falsity.

[16] In the same:

I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant (Isaiah 14:30).

This was said respecting Philistia, by which is signified truth without good, or faith without charity. "To kill the root with famine" signifies to perish utterly from having no good, "root" meaning everything from which a thing lives; therefore it is also said, "he shall slay thy remnant," "remnant" signifying all the remains of the church.

[17] In Jeremiah:

I have heard the voice of the daughter of Zion; she sobbeth and spreadeth her hands, for my soul is wearied by the slayers (Jeremiah 4:31).

Thus is described the grief of a church that is falling from truths into falsities. "The daughter of Zion" is the church; "she sobbeth and spreadeth her hands" signifies grief; "for my soul is wearied by the slayers" signifies by falsities that extinguish spiritual life," "slayers" meaning such falsities.

[18] In Isaiah:

Behold, Jehovah going forth out of His place to visit the iniquity of the earth; then shall the earth reveal her bloods, and shall no longer hide her slain (Isaiah 26:21).

This is said of the day of visitation or judgment, when the iniquities of all shall be uncovered, which is meant by "then the earth shall reveal her bloods, and shall no longer hide her slain;" the "earth" signifies the church, here the evil men in the church; "bloods" are the evils that have destroyed the goods of the church; and the "slain" the falsities that have destroyed its truths; whether it be said that the "slain" signify falsities or those who are in falsities, it is the same, for they are in the falsities and the falsities in them, and the falsities in them are what destroy. The like is signified by the "slain" elsewhere in Isaiah:

What will ye do in the day of visitation and of devastation? They shall fall beneath the slain (Isaiah 10:3-4).

Likewise in Revelation:

In Babylon was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints, and of all that have been slain upon the earth (Revelation 18:24).

What is here signified will be seen in what comes after.

[19] In Isaiah:

I will visit evil upon the world. Everyone that is found shall be thrust through; and everyone gathered together shall fall by the sword (Isaiah 13:11, 15).

This also is said of Babylon. That "everyone that is found shall be thrust through" signifies that they shall perish by evil; and that "everyone gathered together shall fall by the sword" signifies that they shall perish by falsity.

[20] In Matthew:

In the end of the age they shall deliver you up unto tribulation and shall slay you (Matthew 24:9).

In John:

They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the hour cometh that everyone who killeth you will think that he offereth sacred worship to God (John 16:2).

This was said to the disciples; and by "disciples," in the spiritual representative sense, are meant all truths and goods of the church; whence it is clear what is meant in that sense by "they shall kill them," namely, that the truths and goods of the church shall then be destroyed.

[21] In Mark:

In the consummation of the age, brother shall deliver up brother to death, the father the children; children shall rise up against parents, and shall cause them to be put to death (Mark 13:12).

The consummation of the age is the last time of the church, when falsities shall destroy truths and evils shall destroy goods. "Brother," "father," and "children," do not mean here brother, father, and children, but falsity and truth, and good and evil. "Brother shall deliver up brother to death" signifies that falsity shall destroy good; especially that faith alone shall destroy charity, for faith in the Word is called the brother to charity; "the father shall deliver up the children to death" signifies that the good of the church shall perish by the falsities of evil, "father" meaning the good of the church, and "children" the falsities of evil; "children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death," signifies that the falsities of evil shall assault the goods and truths of the church and destroy them.

[22] In Luke:

The man who planted a vineyard sent a servant that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. Again he sent another servant; and beating him also, they sent him away empty. Again he sent a third, and wounding him, they cast him out. Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son. But they said, This is the heir; come, let us kill him; and casting him out of the vineyard they killed him (83.

[23] In Daniel:

After sixty and two weeks the Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself (Daniel 9:26).

"The Messiah" also means the Lord in respect to Divine truth (See Revelation 1:18).


1. Photolitograph has "rari;" see n. 386; AR 323, also AE 280.

Apocalypsis Explicata 315 (original Latin 1759)

315. "Tanquam occisum." - Quod significet a paucis adhuc agnitum, constat ex significatione "occisi", cum de Domino, quod sit quod non sit agnitus; hic quod Humanum Ipsius sit Divinum a paucis agnitum, nam dicitur "Agnus stans tanquam occisus", et per "Agnum" significatur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum (ut mox supra, n. 314, ostensum est): hoc simile est cum eo quod de Domino dictum est supra, cap. 1 vers. 18, "Et factus sum mortuus", per quod significatur quod rejectus (de quo videatur supra, n. 83). Per "occidi" in sensu spirituali seu interno non intelligitur occidi quoad corpus sed quoad animam; et occiditur homo quoad animam quando non amplius in aliquo bono fidei est, tunc enim nulla ei vita spiritualis est, sed pro illa mors, quae mors spiritualis vocatur; at vero cum de Domino dicitur "occisus", non significatur illud, quia Dominus est ipsa Vita, et dat cuivis vitam spiritualem; sed significatur quod vel rejectus, vel quod non agnitus sit; est enim sicut nullus apud illos qui non agnoscunt, et magis apud illos qui negant. Ipse Dominus quidem agnoscitur in ecclesia, et quoque Divinum Ipsius, sed quoad Humanum sicut solus homo, et non sicut Deus; inde est quod non agnoscatur Divinum Humanum Ipsius: hoc itaque est quod intelligitur per "Agnum stantem sicut occisum." Sed quod Dominus etiam quoad Humanum Deus sit, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae (n. 280-310), et videbitur ad finem hujus operis, ubi id manifeste demonstrabitur.

[2] Illi qui ex sensu litterae Verbi solum cogitant, et non simul ex doctrina genuini veri, non aliter sciunt quam quod per "occidi" in Verbo intelligatur occidi quoad corpus; sed quod intelligatur occidi quoad animam, constabit ex locis quae inde mox adducentur. In confesso enim est quod Verbum in suo sinu sit spirituale, tametsi in sensu litterae est naturale; ac spiritualiter occidi est perire quoad animam, quod fit apud eos qui non recipiunt vitam caeli, quae vocatur "vita aeterna", et quoque simpliciter "vita", et sic quibus loco ejus est mors quae est damnatio; et quia hoc in confesso est, sequitur quod per "occidi" in Verbo intelligatur perire ex falsis et malis. Dominus autem spiritualiter dicitur "occisus", quando negatur verum et rejicitur bonum quae ab Ipso: apud hos etiam nec agnoscitur; nam qui negat et rejicit illa quae ab Ipso, etiam negat et rejicit Ipsum, Dominus enim est apud hominem in suis veris et bonis.

[3] Sed hic agitur de Divino Humano Ipsius; quod hoc non adhuc agnoscatur, notum est; causas dicam: una est, quia gens Pontificia omnem Divinam potestatem, quae est Domino etiam quoad Humanum, in Primatem suum transtulerunt, nolentes audire quod Divinum fuerit, quia ex Humano Ipsius: altera est, quia illi qui non ex illa gente sunt fidem solam fecerunt unicum salutis medium, et charitatis vitam nullum; et qui hoc faciunt, non percipere possunt Humanum Domini aliter ac humanum alterius hominis; quapropter etiam caece manent in doctrina Trinitatis ex fide Athanasii, nec possunt illustrari.

[4] Quod "occidi in Verbo significet spiritualiter occidi, constare potest ex sequentibus locis:

Apud Esaiam,

"Tu.... sicut surculus abominabilis, vestimentum occisorum, confossi gladio;.... nam terram tuam perdidisti, populum tuum occidisti;.... parate filiis ejus mactationem" (14:19-21);

haec de Babele, per quam significatur profanatio boni et veri et inde destructio ecclesiae: comparatur illa "vestimento occisorum qui confossi gladio", quia "vestimentum occisorum" significat abominandum falsum conspurcans et destruens illa quae ecclesiae sunt, qui ideo dicuntur "confossi gladio", quia "gladius" significat falsum destruens verum: inde dicitur, "Terram tuam perdidisti, populum tuum occidisti"; per "terram" intelligitur ecclesia, et per "populum" illi ibi qui in veris sunt, quos occidere est destruere per falsa: "Parate filiis ejus mactationem" significat quod perdenda sint eorum falsa ("filii ejus" sunt falsa).

[5] Apud Jeremiam,

"Erunt confossi Jehovae in die illo a fine terrae ad finem terrae" (25:33);

per "confossos Jehovae a fine terrae ad finem terrae", significantur illi apud quos destructa sunt omnia vera ecclesiae per falsa; "confossi Jehovae" significant illos apud quos destructa sunt, et "a fine terrae ad finem terrae significat omnia ecclesiae.

[6] Apud eundem,

"Propterea da filios eorum fami, et defluere fac illos super manus gladii, .... ut homines" 1

rari "fiant, occisi morte, juvenes eorum percussi gladio in bello" (18:21);

"filios dare fami, et defluere facere super manus gladii" significat, exstinguere vera ecclesiae per defectum cognitionum veri, et per falsa; "filii" sunt vera, "fames "est defectus cognitionum, et "gladius" est falsum destruens verum: "ut homines 2

rari "fiant, occisi morte", significat quod affectio veri et inde sapientia nulla; "homines" significant affectionem veri et inde sapientiam (videatur supra n. 280): "juvenes eorum percussi gladio in bello" significat quia vera sunt destructa per impugnationes falsi; "juvenes" sunt vera, "gladius" est falsum destruens, et "bellum" est impugnatio ejus.

[7] Apud Ezechielem,

"Transite per" Hierosolymam, "et percutite, nec parcat oculus vester, .... senem, juvenem, et virginem, et infantem, .... occidite ad perditionem: sed contra ullum virum, super quo signum, ne appropinquate" (9:5, 6);

haec dicta sunt a "viro induto linteis" seu ab angelo ad alios angelos, ac audita a Propheta; per quae non intellectum est ut transirent per Hierosolymam et percuterent et occiderent senes, juvenes, virgines et infantes ad perditionem, sed per "Hierosolymam" intelligitur ecclesia quoad doctrinam, et quod prorsus vastata sit quoad omnia bona et vera quae faciunt illam; per "senem" intelligitur sapientia quae est boni, per "juvenem" intelligentia quae est veri, per "virginem" affectio eorum, et per "infantem" omne bonum et verum nascens, in specie bonum innocentiae per quod omnia ecclesiae apud hominem nascuntur; per "virum super quo signum" ad quem non appropinquarent, significatur verum ex bono.

[8] Apud eundem,

"Ut lapident 3

eas lapide, discindant 4

eas gladiis, filios 5

earum et filias 6

earum occidant, et domos 7

earum igne comburant" (23:47);

haec dicta sunt de Samaria et de Hierosolyma, quae ibi vocantur "Ohola" et "Oholiba", per quas significantur binae ecclesiae, nempe spiritualis et caelestis, hic illae ecclesiae per falsa et mala devastatae: "lapidare lapide, et discindere gladiis", significat destructionem veri per falsa, "lapidatio" enim significabat poenam et mortem propter violentiam illatam Divino Vero, similiter "discissio per gladios"; " 8

filios et filias occidere" significat destruere omnia vera et bona ("filii" sunt vera et "filiae" bona); "et domos igne comburere", significat omnia quae sunt amoris et charitatis destruere per mala amoris sui et mundi; "domus" sunt interiora hominis, ita quae ejus amoris sunt, hic quod destructa; "ignis" est amor in utroque sensu.

[9] Apud Jeremiam,

"Jacuerunt in terra, plateis puer et senex, virgines meae et juvenes mei ceciderunt gladio; occidisti in die irae tuae, non pepercisti" (Thren. 2:21);

agitur etiam ibi de ecclesia devastata; "jacere in terra et in plateis", significat a malis et a falsis destructos; "puer et senex, virgines et juvenes ceciderunt gladio", significat, hic ut supra, omnia bona et vera cum intelligentia et sapientia; exstinctio eorum significatur per "occidisti in die irae tuae, non pepercisti"; "dies irae" significat ultimum statum ecclesiae, quando judicium. Tribuitur Jehovae quod occiderit, hoc est, exstinxerit illa, sed est ipse homo; sensus litterae est talis ut tribuatur Jehovae quod est ipsius hominis (videatur n. 2447, 5798, 9

6071, 10

6991, 6997, 7533, 7632, 7643, 11

7877 7679, 7710, 7926, 8227, 8282, 8483, 8632, 12

9010, 9128, 9306, 10431).

[10] Apud Amos,

"Exscindam judicem e medio" Moabi, "et omnes principes ejus occidam cum illo" (2:3);

per "Moabum" in Verbo intelliguntur qui adulterant bona ecclesiae; per "judicem" qui exscindetur, et per "principes" qui occidentur, significatur bonum quod adulteratur et vera quae inde falsificantur ("judex" est bonum, et "princeps" est verum).

[11] Apud Sachariam,

"Vox ejulatus pastorum, quod devastata sit magnificentia eorum. .... Sic dixit Jehovah Deus meus, Pasce oves occisionis, quas possessores earum occidunt. ...Pavi oves occisionis propter vos, miseri gregis" (11:3-5, 7);

per "oves occisionis quas possessores earum occidunt" significantur qui in bono sunt et per falsa doctrinae seducuntur; "oves" dicuntur qui in bono charitatis sunt, "pastores" sunt qui docent vera et per illa ducunt ad bonum.

[12] Apud Davidem,

"Occisi sumus omni die, reputati sumus sicut grex mactationis. Evigila...Domine, ...ne desere in perpetuum" (Psalms 44:23, 24 [B.A. 22, 23]);

"occisi sumus omni die" significat quod ex nobis semper labamur in falsa et seducamur per illa, cumprimis tempore cum falsa regnant; inde patet quid significat "grex mactationis"; ut elevemur ex illis a Domino, significatur per " Evigila Domine, ne desere nos in perpetuum."

[13] Apud Ezechielem,

"Evaginabunt gladios super pulchritudinem sapientiae tuae, et profanabunt splendorem tuum, in foveam demittent [te] , et morieris morte confossorum" (28:7, 8):

haec de principe Tyri, per quem significatur intelligentia quae ex cognitionibus veri, hic illa exstincta per falsa; "evaginare gladios super pulchritudinem sapientiae tuae" significat exstinctionem ejus per falsa; "demittere in foveam" significat immersionem in illa; "et mori morte confossorum" significat interitum et damnationem; "confossi" significant illos apud quos omne verum est exstinctum (videatur n. 4503, 9262), et "mors" significat damnationem.

[14] Apud Esaiam,

"Num juxta plagam percutientis illum, percussit eum? Num juxta caedem occisorum ejus occisus est?" (27:7);

haec de Jacobo et Israele, per quos significatur ecclesia, per "Jacobum" ecclesia externa, et per " Israelem" interna; tentationes illorum qui ab ecclesia ita describuntur, quae significantur per "Num juxta plagam percutientis illum percussit eum?" Et quod in tentationibus non succubuerint et sic perierint, significatur per "Num juxta caedem occisorum occisus est?" "caedes occisorum" significat perditionem per falsa.

[15] "Caedes" significat perditionem et damnationem etiam alibi apud eundem,

"In die caedis magnae cadent turres" (30:25);

"dies caedis magnae" significat ultimum judicium, quando damnantur et pereunt impii; "turres" significant doctrinas falsi.

[16] Apud eundem,

"Occidam fame radicem tuam, et residuos tuos occidet" ( 13


haec de Philisthaea, per quam significatur verum absque bono, seu fides absque charitate: "occidere fame radicem" significat perire prorsus ex non bono; "radix" est omne ex quo vivit: quare etiam dicitur, "residuos tuos occidet"; per "residuos" significantur omnia reliqua ecclesiae.

[17] Apud Jeremiam,

"Audivi.... vocem filiae Zionis; suspirat et expandit manus, .... quia delassata est anima mea ab occisoribus" (4:31);

ita describitur dolor ecclesiae labentis a veris in falsa: "filia Zionis" est ecclesia; "suspirat 14

et expandit manus" significat dolorem; "quia delassata est anima mea ab occisoribus" significat a falsis quae exstinguunt vitam spiritualem ("occisores" sunt illa falsa).

[18] Apud Esaiam,

"Ecce Jehovah exiens e loco suo ad visitandum iniquitatem terrae...; tunc revelabit terra sanguines suos, et non celabit amplius occisos suos" (26:21);

haec de die visitationis seu judicii, quando omnium iniquitates retegentur, quod intelligitur per "tunc revelabit terra sanguines suos, et non celabit amplius occisos suos"; "terra" significat ecclesiam, hic malos ibi; "sanguines" sunt mala quae destruxerunt bona ejus, et "occisi" sunt falsa quae destruxerunt vera ejus: sive dicas quod "occisi" significent falsa sive illos qui in falsis sunt, perinde est, quoniam illi in falsis sunt et falsa in illis, ac falsa in illis destruunt. Simile per "occisos" significatur alibi apud Esaiam,

"Quid facietis die visitationis et devastationis?.... Infra occisos cadent" (10:3, 4):

tum in Apocalypsi,

"Sanguis prophetarum et sanctorum inventus est in" Babylone, "et omnium qui occisi sunt in terra" (18:24);

quid per haec significatur, videbitur in sequentibus.

[19] Apud Esaiam,

"Visitabo super orbem malitiam, ...omnis inventus confodietur, et omnis congregatus cadet gladio" (13:11, 15);

etiam haec de Babylone: quod "omnis inventus confodietur" significat quod perituri ex malo; et quod "omnis congregatus cadet gladio" significat quod ex falso.

[20] Apud Matthaeum,

In consummatione saeculi "tradent vos in afflictionem, et occident vos" (24:9):

apud Johannem,

"Abalienabunt vos a synagogis; immo venit hora, ut omnis qui occiderit vos, putabit cultum sacrum offerre Deo" (16:2 15


haec ad discipulos dicta sunt, et per "discipulos" in sensu spirituali repraesentativo intelliguntur omnia vera et bona ecclesiae; inde patet quid in eo sensu intelligitur per quod "occident" eos, quod nempe tunc destruent ecclesiae vera et bona.

[21] Apud Marcum,

In consummatione saeculi "tradet frater fratrem in mortem, pater liberos, consurgent liberi contra parentes, et occident eos" (13:12)

consummatio saeculi est ultimum tempus ecclesiae, quando falsa destruent vera, et mala destruent bona; per "fratrem", "patrem" et "liberos", non intelliguntur ibi frater, pater et liberi, sed falsum et verum ac bonum et malum; quod "frater tradet fratrem in mortem" significat quod falsum destruet bonum, in specie sola fides charitatem, nam fides in Verbo dicitur "frater" charitatis; quod "pater tradet liberos in mortem" significat quod bonum ecclesiae periturum per falsa mali ("pater" est bonum ecclesiae, et "liberi" sunt falsa mali); quod "consurgent liberi contra parentes et occident illos" significat quod falsa mali impugnabunt bona et vera ecclesiae, et destruent illa.

[22] Apud Lucam,

Homo qui plantavit vineam "misit servum ut de fructu vineae darent illi, sed coloni percusserunt eum et emiserunt vacuum; addidit mittere alium, et hunc etiam percutientes.... emiserunt vacuum; addidit mittere tertium, et hunc vulnerantes ejecerunt. Tunc Dominus vineae dixit, Quid faciam? mittam Filium meum dilectum. ...Sed dixerunt, Hic est heres; venite, occidamus Ipsum;.... . et ejicientes Ipsum extra vineam occiderunt" (20:10-16; Marcus 12:2-9):

haec de ecclesia apud Judaeos instituta dicta sunt; ac per illa describitur perversio et falsificatio omnis veri, quod illis ex Verbo, per traditiones et per applicationes ad se. Singula ibi sensum spiritualem continent, nam quicquid Dominus locutus est, spiritualiter etiam locutus est, quia ex Divino. Per "vineam" quam homo plantavit, significatur ecclesia quae in veris; per "servos" quos ter misit, intelligitur Verbum per Mosen et prophetas illis datum; ter dicitur, quia "tria" significant plenum et completum; quod "percusserint eos, vulneraverint, et emiserint vacuos extra vineam", significat quod falsificaverint et perverterint vera quae ibi ("emittere vacuos extra vineam" significat quod deprivaverint Verbum suis bonis et veris): per "Filium dilectum" intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum, qui inde etiam vocatur "Verbum"; quod "ejecerint Illum extra vineam et occiderint" significat quod non modo Ipsum, sed etiam omne Divinum Verum quod ab Ipso. (Videatur etiam supra, n. 83.)

[23] Apud Danielem,

"Post septimanas sexaginta duas excidetur Messias, sed non Sibi" (9:26);

per "Messiam" etiam intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum (videatur n. 3008, 3009); quod "Ille excidetur" significat non solum quod Ipse, sed etiam omne Divinum Verum apud illum populum; "sed non Sibi", significet quod revicturum sit apud illos qui in nova ecclesia; simile quod supra, capite primo Apocalypseos,

"Et qui vivens, et factus sum mortuus, et ecce vivens sum in saecula saeculorum" (vers. 18).


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