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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1209

1209. And a voice came out of the throne.- That this signifies unanimity of the whole heaven, is evident from the signification of a voice coming out of the throne, as denoting the unanimity of the whole heaven, namely, to glorify the Lord; for by the throne is signified the whole heaven, by reason of the Lord being upon it, and the Lord being heaven itself. The angels, of whom heaven consists, do not constitute anything of heaven from their own proprium, but it is the Divine which proceeds from the Lord in them, which makes heaven. Hence it is, that a voice out of heaven signifies unanimity of all in the heavens, or of the whole heaven. That a throne, where the Lord is treated of, signifies heaven, may be seen (n. 253, 462, 477).

[2] Continuation [concerning the Vegetable Kingdom].- 4. There are three forces inherent in everything spiritual - the active, the creative, and the formative.

The existence of the active force is plain, because the Spiritual proceeds from the primal source of all forces, which is the Sun of heaven, and this is the Divine Love of the Lord; and since love is the essential agent, the living force, which is life, proceeds from it.

[3] The creative force is that which produces causes and effects from the beginning to the end, extending from the First, through intermediates, to the last. The First is the very Sun of heaven, which is the Lord; intermediates are spiritual things, in the next place are natural things, and then terrestrial things, from which the productions are finally derived. And since this force in the creation of the universe extended from the First to the last, therefore it still extends in the same way, in order that the productions may be continual; for otherwise they would cease. For the First continually regards as an end that which is last; and unless the First provided for the last continually from itself, through intermediates, according to the order of creation, every thing would perish. The productions therefore, which are chiefly animals and plants, are the continuations of creation. It does not affect the point that those continuations take place by means of seeds; it is still the same creative force which produces them.

[4] The formative force is the ultimate force from ultimates; for it is the force which produces animals and plants from the ultimate substances of nature collected in the earth. The forces inherent in nature from its source, which is the sun of the world, are not living but dead forces. They are not unlike the forces of heat in men and animals, which keep the body in such a state, that the will by means of its affection, and the understanding by means of its thought, which are spiritual, may enter by influx, and perform in it their own operations. They are again not unlike the forces of light in the eye, which merely cause the mind, which is spiritual, to see by means of its own organ; since it is not the light of the world that sees, but the mind by means of the light of heaven. It is the same with plants. He is much deceived who believes that the heat and light of the sun in the world operate further than to open and dispose things proper to nature to receive influx from the spiritual world.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1209

1209. Verse 5. And a voice came forth from the throne signifies the unanimity of the whole heaven. This is evident from the signification of "a voice coming forth from the throne," as being the unanimity of the whole heaven, namely, in glorifying the Lord; for "throne" signifies the whole heaven because the Lord is on it, and the Lord is heaven itself. The angels of whom heaven consists do not make anything of heaven from what is of their own; but it is the Divine with them that proceeds from the Lord that makes heaven; and this is why "a voice out of heaven" signifies the unanimity of all the heavens, or of the whole heaven. (That a "throne," when the Lord is treated of, signifies heaven, may be seen n. 253, 462, 477)


[2] 4. In everything spiritual there are three forces, an active force, a creative force, and a formative force. The active force, because it is spiritual, proceeds from the fountain of all forces, which is the sun of heaven, and that is the Lord's Divine love, and love is the active itself, from which the living force which is life proceeds.

[3] The creative force is the force that produces causes and effects from beginning to end, and reaches from the First through intermediates to the last. The First is the sun of heaven itself, which is the Lord; intermediates are things spiritual, afterwards things natural, also things terrestrial, from which finally are productions. And as in the creation of the universe that force proceeded from the First to the last, so afterwards it proceeds in like manner in order that productions may be continual; otherwise they would fail. For the First continually regards the last as an end; and unless the First looked to the last continually from itself through intermediates according to the order of creation, all things would perish; therefore productions, which are especially animals and plants, are continuations of creation. It does not matter that the continuations are effected by seeds, it is still the same creative force that produces. Moreover, it is according to the observation of some that certain seeds are yet being produced.

[4] The formative force is the last force from ultimates, for it is the force that produces animals and plants from the ultimate materials of nature, which are collected in the earth. The forces that are in nature from its origin, which is the sun of the world, are not living forces but dead forces. These do not differ from the forces of heat in man and animal, which keep the body in such a state that the will by means of affection, and the understanding by means of thought, which are spiritual, can flow in and do their work in it. They do not differ from the forces of light in the eye, which simply cause the mind, which is spiritual, to see by means of its organ, the eye. The light of the world sees nothing, but the mind by the light of heaven. The same is true of plants. He that believes that the heat and light of the sun of the world do anything more than open and dispose the things proper to nature that they may receive influx from the spiritual world is very much deceived.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1209 (original Latin 1759)

1209. [Vers. [5] "Et vox e throno exivit", - Quod significet unanimitatem universi caeli, constat ex significatione "vocis e throno exeuntis", quod sit unanimitas universi caeli, nempe ad glorificandum Dominum; per "thronum" enim significatur totum caelum, ex eo quia Dominus super illo est, ac Dominus est ipsum caelum; angeli ex quibus caelum, ex suo proprio non aliquid caeli faciant, sed est Divinum, quod procedit a Domino apud illos, quod facit; inde est quod per "vocem e caelo" significetur unanimitas omnium in caelis, seu universi caeli.

(Quod "thronus", ubi de Domino, significet caelum videatur [supra] , n. 253, 462, 477.)

[2] (Continuatio [de Regno Vegetabili; hic de Viribus] .)

(4.) Quod tres Vires insint omni spirituali, Vis agendi Vis creandi, et Vis formandi. – Vis agendi, quia spirituale, procedit a primo fonte omnium virium, qui est Sol caeli, ac ille est Divinus Amor Domini; et amor est ipsum agens, et inde procedit vis viva, quae est vita.

[3] Vis creandi est vis producendi causas et effectus a principio usque ad finem, ac pergit a Primo per intermedia ad ultimum; Primum est ipse Sol caeli, qui est Dominus; intermedia sunt spiritualia, dein naturalia, tum terrestria, ex quibus ultimo sunt productiones: et quia illa vis in creatione universi perrexit a Primo ad ultimum, ideo illa postea similiter pergit, ut productiones continuae sint; alioqui desinerent: Primum enim continue spectat ultimum ut finem; et nisi Primum ultimo continue a se, per intermedia secundum ordinem creationis prospiceret, omnia perirent: quare productiones, quae sunt praecipue animalia et vegetabilia, sunt creationis continuationes. Non refert quod continuationes fiant per semina; usque est eadem vis creatrix, quae producit: quod etiam quaedam semina adhuc producantur, ex quorundam experientia est.

[4] Vis formandi est vis ultima ex ultimis, est enim vis producendi animalia et vegetabilia ex materiis Naturae ultimis, quae in tellure congestae sunt. Vires, quae insunt Naturae ex ejus origine, quae est sol mundi, non sunt vires vivae, sed vires mortuae; quae non sunt aliae quam sicut sunt vires caloris in homine et in animali, quae tenent corpus in illo statu ut voluntas per affectionem, ac intellectus per cogitationem, quae sunt spirituales, possint influere et agere suos actus in illo: nec sunt aliae quam sicut sunt vires lucis in oculo, quae solum faciunt ut mens, quae spiritualis est, per id suum organum videat; lux mundi nihil videt, sed mens per lucem caeli. Simile est cum vegetabilibus; qui credit quod calor et lux solis mundi aliud operentur quam ut aperiant et disponant propria Naturae ad recipiendum influxum ex spirituali mundo, multum fallitur.

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