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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 253 - Author: Emanuel Swedenborg

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 253

253. Verse 21. He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit with Me in My throne, signifies that he who is steadfast to the end of life shall be conjoined with heaven where the Lord is. This is evident from the signification of "overcoming," as being to be steadfast in the spiritual affection of truth even to the end of life (See above, n. 128); but here it means to be steadfast in a state of faith from charity, since charity is here treated of. This is what "overcoming" means; because so long as man lives in the world he is in combat against the evils and the falsities therefrom that are with him; and he who is in combat, and is steadfast in the faith of charity even to the end of life, overcomes; and he who overcomes in the world overcomes to eternity, since man after death is such as his life had been in the world. This is evident also from the signification of "to sit with Me in My throne," as being to be conjoined with heaven where the Lord is; for "throne" signifies heaven, and to "sit with Me" signifies to be together with the Lord, thus conjoined to Him.

[2] In the Word the word "throne" is many times used, and in reference to the Lord it signifies in general, heaven, in particular the spiritual heaven, and in the abstract, Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, since this is what makes heaven. For this reason "throne" is also predicated of judgment, since all judgment is effected from truths. That such is the signification of "throne" in the Word can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Jehovah said, The heavens are My throne (220).

[3] In Ezekiel:

Above the expanse that was over the head [of the cherubim] there was as the appearance of a sapphire stone, the likeness of a throne, and upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness as the appearance of a man upon it above (Arcana Coelestia 9407, 9873); thus "throne" here signifies the whole heaven, for heaven is heaven from Divine truth. (What "cherub" signifies, see Arcana Coelestia 9277, 9509, 9673.)

[4] In Revelation:

Behold, a throne set in heaven, and upon the throne One sitting. A rainbow round about the throne, in aspect like an emerald. And out of the throne went forth lightnings and thunders and voices. Before the throne a glassy sea like unto crystal; and round about the throne four animals, full of eyes before and behind (Revelation 4:2-6, 9-10).

That heaven in respect to Divine truths is here described will be seen in the explanation of these words in the following chapter. There is a like meaning in the following from Revelation:

A pure river and bright as crystal went forth out of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Revelation 22:1).

"A pure river and bright as crystal" was seen "going forth out of the throne," because a "river" as well as "crystal" signifies Divine truth.

[5] "The throne of David" in the Word has a like meaning; since by "David" in the prophetic Word is meant, not David, but the Lord in respect to royalty, which is Divine truth in the spiritual heaven, which is the second heaven. So in Luke:

The angel said to Mary, He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord shall give unto Him the throne of His father David (Luke 1:32).

And in Isaiah:

Unto us a child is born, unto as a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, God, Hero, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace. Of the multiplication of His government and peace there shall be no end; upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to establish it in judgment and in righteousness, from henceforth and even to eternity (Isaiah 9:6-7).

It is clear that here is not meant David, and his throne, on which the Lord was to sit; for the Lord's kingdom was not on earth but in heaven; by "the throne of David," therefore, heaven in respect to Divine truth is meant (See above, n. Psalms 89, in which are also these words:

I have sworn unto David My servant: Thy seed will I establish for ever; and thy throne to generation and generation. Judgment and righteousness are the foundation of thy throne; I will establish his throne as the days of the heavens (Psalms 89:3-4, 14, 29).

That the Lord is here meant by David, see above n. Matthew 25:31).

(That "glory" signifies Divine truth in heaven, see Arcana Coelestia Jeremiah 14:21; 17:12);

which signifies that Divine truth should not be disgraced. The like is signified by Jerusalem being called "the throne of Jehovah;" for "Jerusalem" signifies the church in respect to doctrine; and doctrine is Divine truth.

From this it is clear how these words are to be understood in Jeremiah:

At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of Jehovah, and all the nations shall be gathered unto it (Jeremiah 3:17).

In David:

Jerusalem is builded; thither the tribes go up; and there are set thrones for judgment, the thrones of the house of David (Psalms 122:3-5).

In Ezekiel:

The glory of Jehovah came into the house by the way of the gate whose face was toward the east. And He said unto me, Son of man, behold the place of My throne, and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel for ever (Ezekiel 43:4, 7).

(That "Jerusalem" signifies the church in respect to doctrine, thus Divine truth in the heavens and on the earth, for this makes the church, see Matthew 25:31; and in David, Psalms 122:3-5).

Again, in David:

Jehovah, Thou hast executed my judgment; thou sattest on the throne a judge of justice; thou hast rebuked the nations, thou hast destroyed the wicked; Jehovah shall sit for ever; He will prepare His throne for judgment (Psalms 9:4-5, 7).

[6] It is also said in many places in the Word, not only that the Lord is to sit on a throne, but that others also shall sit upon thrones, but still these "thrones" do not mean thrones, but Divine truths. Thus in the first book of Samuel:

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth on high the needy from the dunghill, to make them sit with princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory (Arcana Coelestia 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272, 3858, 3913; likewise "twenty-four" because that number is the double of the number twelve, and arises from it by multiplication, n. 5921, 5335, 5708, 7973.

That "the elders of Israel" signify all in the church who are in truths from good, n. 6524, 6525, 6890, 7912, 8578, 8585, 9376, 9404;

likewise "the Lord's twelve disciples," n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 3858, 6397;

likewise "the twelve tribes," n. 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335, 7836, 7891)

[7] From this it can be seen what was represented by the throne built by Solomon, thus described in the first book of Kings:

Solomon made a great ebony 1throne, and overlaid it with pure gold. There were six steps to the throne; the head of the throne was round; and behind it were hands on either side near the place of the seat, and two lions standing near the hands; and there were twelve lions standing upon the six steps on the one side and on the other; there was not the like made in any kingdom (1 Kings 10:18-20).

Here "ebony" 1signifies Divine truth in ultimates; "the head being round," the corresponding good; "the gold with which it was overlaid" Divine good from which is Divine truth. "The six steps" signify all things from first to last; "the two hands" all power; "lions," the truths of the church in their power; "twelve," all things. As "throne," in reference to the Lord, signifies heaven in respect to all Divine truth, so in a contrary sense it signifies hell in respect to all falsity. (In this contrary sense "throne" is mentioned Revelation 2:13; Isaiah 14:9, 14:13; 47:1; 2:22; Daniel 7:9; Luke 1:52)


1. The Latin has "ebony"; the Hebrew is "ivory."

Apocalypsis Explicata 253 (original Latin 1759)

253. [Vers. 21.] "Vincens, dabo ei sedere Mecum in throno meo." - Quod significet qui tunc permanet ad finem vitae, quod conjunctus erit caelo ubi Dominus, constat ex significatione "vincere", quod sit permanere in affectione veri spirituali usque ad finem vitae (de qua supra, n. 128); hic vero in statu fidei ex charitate, quia de illa agitur; (quod "vincere" id significet, est quia homo, quamdiu vivit in mundo, in pugna est contra mala et inde falsa quae apud illum; et qui in pugna est et permanet in fide charitatis usque ad finem vitae, is vincit; et qui in mundo vincit is vincit in aeternum, quoniam homo post mortem talis est qualis fuerat quoad vitam in mundo;) et ex significatione "sedere Mecum in throno meo" quod sit conjunctus esse caelo ubi Dominus, per "thronum" enim significatur caelum, et per "sedere Mecum" significatur una esse cum Domino, ita conjunctus Ipsi.

[2] In Verbo pluries memoratur "thronus", et per illum, cum de Domino, significatur in genere caelum, in specie caelum spirituale, et abstracte Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, quia hoc facit caelum; inde etiam "thronus" dicitur de judicio, quoniam omne judicium fit ex veris. Quod illa per "thronum" in Verbo significentur, constare potest ex sequentibus his locis:

Apud Esaiam,

"Dixit Jehovah, Caeli thronus meus" (66:1);

apud Davidem,

"Jehovah in caelis firmavit thronum suum" (Psalms 103:19);

apud Matthaeum,

"Qui jurat per caelum, jurat per thronum Dei, et per Ipsum qui sedet super illo" (23:22):

quod per "thronum" hic significetur caelum, patet, nam dicitur quod "caeli thronus Ipsius"; "firmavit in caelis thronum suum"; "qui jurat per caelum, jurat per thronum Dei": non quod Jehovah seu Dominus ibi sedeat super throno, sed quia Divinum Ipsius in caelis dicitur "thronus", et quoque quandoque apparet ut thronus illis quibus spectare datur in caelum. Quod Dominus ita visus sit, constat apud Esaiam,

"Vidi Dominum sedentem super throno alto et elato, et fimbriae Ipsius implentes templum" (6:1);

quod "fimbriae Ipsius impleverint templum", significat quod Divinum Verum procedens impleverit ultimum caeli et ecclesiam, per "fimbrias" enim Domini significatur in genere Divinum Verum procedens, et in specie illud in extremis caeli et in ecclesia (videatur supra, n. 220 [a]).

[3] Apud Ezechielem,

"Super expansum, quod super capite" cheruborum, "quasi aspectus lapidis sapphiri, similitudo throni, et super similitudine throni similitudo quasi aspectus Hominis super illo superius" (1:26; 10:1);

quod "thronus" apparuerit in aspectu lapidis sapphiri, erat quia "sapphirus" significabat Divinum Verum procedens a Divino Bono Ipsius, et inde spirituale verum pellucens ex caelesti bono (videatur n. 9407, 9873); ita "thronus" ibi significat totum caelum, nam caelum est caelum ex Divino Vero. (Quid "cherubi" significant, videatur n. 9277 fin. , 9509, 1


[4] In Apocalypsi,

"Ecce thronus positus in caelo, et super throno Sedens;.... iris circa thronum [similis] aspectu smaragdino;.... et e throno exibant fulmina, tonitrua et voces;.... ante thronum mare vitreum simile crystallo;.... circum thronum quatuor animalia plena oculis ante et retro" (4:2-6, 9, 10);

quod hic describatur caelum quoad Divinum Verum, videbitur in explicatione illorum verborum in capite sequente. Similiter in sequentibus in Apocalypsi,

"Purus fluvius et splendidus sicut crystallus exibat e throno Dei et Agni" (22:1);

quod "purus fluvius et splendidus sicut crystallus" visus sit exire e throno, erat quia "fluvius" significat Divinum Verum, et quoque "crystallus."

[5] Simile in Verbo significatur per "thronum Davidis", quoniam per "Davidem" in Verbo Prophetico non David sed Dominus quoad regium, quod est Divinum Verum in caelo spirituali, quod est secundum caelum, intelligitur:

-Ut apud Lucam,

Dixit Angelus ad Mariam, "Hic erit magnus et Filius Altissimi vocabitur, et dabit Ipsi Dominus [Deus] thronum Davidis patris Ipsius" (1:326, 7]);

quod hic non intelligatur David et ejus thronus, super qui. Dominus sessurus, patet; nam regnum Ipsius non fuit in terra sed in caelo; quare per "thronum Davidis" intelligitur caelum quoad Divinum Verum (videatur supra, n. 205). Simile intelligitur in Psalm is Davidis, ubi Ipse de throno et regno suo loquitur; ut in toto Psalmo 793, 4, 14, [29]);

quod Dominus ibi intelligatur per "Davidem", videatur supra (n. 205). Simile etiam significatur per "thronum gloriae", ubi de Domino, "gloria" enim significat Divinum Verum: ut apud Matthaeum,

"Quando venerit Filius hominis in gloria sua, et omnes sancti angeli cum Ipso, tunc sedebit super throno gloriae suae" (25:31);

(quod "gloria" significet Divinum Verum in caelo, videatur n. 4809, 2

5922, 8267, 8427, 9429, et supra, n. 33 3

). Inde patet quid significatur per "thronum gloriae" apud Jeremiam,

"Ne deturpes thronum gloriae tuae" (14:21; et cap. 17:12);

"non deturpare thronum gloriae" significat ut non Divinum Verum. Simile significatur per quod Hierosolyma dicatur "thronus Jehovae"; per "Hierosolymam" enim significatur ecclesia quoad doctrinam; doctrina est Divinum Verum. Inde patet quomodo intelligendum quod dicitur apud Jeremiam,

"In tempore illo vocabunt Hierosolymam thronum Jehovae, et congregabuntur ad eam omnes gentes" (3:17);

apud Davidem,

"Hierosolyma aedificata est;.... eo ascendunt tribus, .... et ibi sedent throni ad judicium, throni domus Davidis" ( 4

Psalm. 122:3-5);

apud Ezechielem,

"Gloria Jehovae intravit in Domum via portae cujus facies versus orientem;.... dixit ad me, Fili hominis, ecce locum throni mei, et locum volarum pedum meorum, ubi habitabo in medio filiorum Israelis in aeternum" (43:4, 7).

(Quod "Hierosolyma" significet ecclesiam quoad doctrinam, ita Divinum Verum in caelis et in terris, nam id facit ecclesiam, videatur n. 3654, 9166, et supra, n. 223 [a, c] .) Quoniam omne judicium fit ex veris, et judicium in caelis ex Divino Vero, ideo "thronus" quoque dicitur ubi agitur de Domino quoad judicium, ut supra (apud Matthaeum, cap. 25:31; et apud Davidem, 5

122:3-5); et porro apud Davidem,

Jehovah, "fecisti judicium meum.... , sedisti super throno Judex justitiae, increpasti gentes, perdidisti impium. .... .Jehovah in aeternum manebit, praeparabit ad judicium thronum suum" (Psalms 9:5, 6, 8 [B.A. 4, 5, [7]).

[6] Passim in Verbo etiam dicitur quod non solus Dominus sessurus sit super throno, sed etiam alii super thronis; verum usque per horum "thronos" non intelliguntur throni sed Divina vera:-Ut in Primo Libro Samuelis,

"Erigit e pulvere depressum, et e sterquilinio extollit egenum, ad faciendum sedere illos cum principibus, et thronum gloriae hereditare faciet eos" (2:8);

in Apocalypsi,

"Viginti quatuor seniores qui coram throno Dei, sedentes super thronis suis" (11:16);


"Vidi thronos, et consederunt super illis, et judicium datum est illis" (20:4);

et apud Matthaeum,

"Vos qui secuti estis Me in regeneratione, quum sederit Filius hominis super throno gloriae suae, sedebitis et vos super thronis judicantes duodecim tribus Israelis" (19:28, et Luca 22:30);

per "thronos" ibi intelliguntur Divina vera, secundum quae et ex quibus omnes judicandi sunt; per "duodecim" et per "viginti quatuor" significantur omnia, et praedicantur de veris; per "seniores" et per "discipulos" etiam significantur Divina vera, similiter per "tribus." Ex his cognitis constare potest quid intelligitur per "thronos" in locis allatis; tum per id de quo nunc agitur, "Vincens, dabo ei sedere Mecum in throno meo."

(Quod "duodecim" significent omnia, et quod praedicentur de veris, videatur n. 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272, 3858, 3913; quod simile "viginti quatuor", quia is numerus est duplus numeri duodecim, et exsurgit inde per multiplicationem, n. 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973. Quod per "seniores Israelis" significentur omnes in ecclesia qui in veris ex bono sunt, n. 6524, 6525, 6890, 7912, 8578, 8585, 9376, 9404; similiter per "duodecim discipulos Domini", n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 3858, 6397: similiter per "duodecim tribus", n. 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335, 7836, 7891.)

[7] Ex his constare potest quid repraesentatum est per thronum a Salomone aedificatum, de quo ita in Libro Primo Regum:

Fecit Salomo "thronum 6

eburneum magnum, et obduxit illum auro puro, sex gradus throno; caput rotundum throno, et post eum manus hinc inde juxta locum sedis, et duo leones stantes juxta manus; et duodecim leones stantes ibi super sex gradibus hinc et inde: non factus est talis ullis regnis" (10:18-20);

per " 7

eburneum" significatur Divinum Verum in ultimis; per " [caput] rotundum" correspondens bonum; per "aurum", quo obductus erat, significatur Divinum Bonum ex quo Divinum Verum; per "sex gradus" significantur omnia a primis ad ultima; per "duas manus" significatur omnis potentia; per "leones" significantur vera ecclesiae in sua potentia, per "duodecim" omnia. Quoniam "thronus", ubi de Domino, significat caelum quoad omne Divinum Verum, ita in opposito sensu "thronus" significat infernum quoad omne falsum. In opposito hoc sensu nominatur "thronus" Supra, cap. Esaias 2:13; Esaias 14:9, 13; 47:1; Haggaeus 2:22; Daniel 7:9; Luca 1:52: et alibi.


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