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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 147

147. And I will give him a white stone. That this signifies wisdom and intelligence is evident from the signification of a white stone, when it is from the Lord, as being reception from Him and influx. And because it denotes reception and influx from the Lord, it also denotes wisdom and intelligence from Him; for those who receive from the Lord, and with whom the Lord inflows, are in wisdom and intelligence. The reason why to give a white stone signifies these things is, that, formerly, in judicial proceedings the votes were given by means of stones; affirmative votes were expressed by white stones, and negative by black stones, hence by a white stone is signified the reception of wisdom and intelligence.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 147

147. And will give him a white stone, signifies wisdom and intelligence. This is evident from the signification of "a white stone," when [it is given] by the Lord, as being reception from Him and influx; and as it is reception and influx from the Lord, it also is wisdom and intelligence from Him, for those who receive from the Lord and with whom the Lord flows in, are in wisdom and intelligence. "To give a white stone" signifies these things, because formerly in public decisions the votes were taken by means of stones; white stones indicating the affirmative opinions, and black stones the negative; therefore by a "white stone" is signified the reception of wisdom and intelligence.

Apocalypsis Explicata 147 (original Latin 1759)

147. "Et dabo illi calculum album." - Quod significet sapientiam et intelligentiam, constat ex significatione "calculi albi", cum a Domino, quod sit receptio ab Ipso et influxus; et quia est receptio et influxus a Domino, est quoque sapientia et intelligentia ab Ipso; nam qui recipiunt a Domino, et apud quos Dominus influit, illi in sapientia et intelligentia sunt.

Quod "dare calculum album" illa 1

significet, est quia in judiciis colligebantur suffragia per calculos, sententiae affirmativae per calculos albos, et negativae per calculos nigros; inde per "calculum album" significatur receptio sapientiae et intelligentiae.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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