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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 146

146. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna. That this signifies that to those who conquer in temptations will be given the delight of heavenly love from the Divine Human of the Lord is evident from the signification of him that overcometh, as being those who conquer in temptations; for such are treated of in what is written to the angel of this church (as may be seen above, n. 6:31-58).

That it is the Lord Himself who is meant by manna and by bread, He plainly teaches, for He says,

"I am the bread of life that came down from heaven."

That it is the Lord as to the Divine Human, He also teaches when He says,

"The bread which I will give is my flesh."

[2] The Lord taught the same when He instituted the holy supper:

"Jesus took bread, and blessed, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat, this is my body" (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19).

To eat of this bread is to be conjoined to Him by love, for to eat signifies to appropriate and be conjoined, as said above; and love is spiritual conjunction. The same thing is signified by eating in the kingdom of God, in Luke:

"Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdom of God" (14:15).


"Ye shall eat and drink at my table in the kingdom of God" (22:30).

In Matthew:

"Many shall come from the east and west, and shall recline with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom" of God (8:11).

(That by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is meant the Lord, may be seen, 6:27).

[3] (That the Son of man is the Lord as to the Divine Human, may be seen above, n. The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.) It is called delight, and by this is meant the delight of love; for all the delight of life is from love.

[4] Because it is the delight of heavenly love that is signified by eating of the hidden manna, it is therefore called the bread of the heavens in David:

"Jehovah commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of the heavens; and rained down manna upon them to eat, and gave them of the corn of the heavens" (Heaven and Hell 13, 133, 139, 140, 284-290).

[5] This delight is also described by correspondences in Moses:

The manna was "like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like a cake made with honey" (Arcana Coelestia 3038, 3373, 10248, 10249: that white is said of that truth, n. 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319; that cake signifies the good of heavenly love, n. 7978, 9992, 9993; that oil signifies that love itself, n. 886, 3728, 9780, 9954, 10261, 10269; hence its juice signifies its delight, because the taste is therefrom and the taste is the delight and pleasantness, see n. 3502, 4791-4805. But more may be seen concerning these things in the explanation of chap. xvi. of Exodus in Arcana Coelestia.) The reason why the delight of celestial love is signified by eating of the hidden manna, although by the hidden manna the Lord as to the Divine Human is signified, is that it is the same thing whether we say the Divine Human of the Lord, or the Divine love, for the Lord is Divine love itself, and what proceeds from Him is Divine good united to Divine truth; both belong to love, and are also the Lord in heaven. Therefore to eat of Him is to be conjoined to Him, and this is effected by love from Him. (But these things may be better understood from what is said and shown in the work, Heaven and Hell 13-19, 116-125, 126-140; and also in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 210-222 and 307.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 146

146. To him that overcometh, to him will I give to eat of the hidden manna, signifies that those who conquer in temptations will have the delight of heavenly love from the Lord's Divine Human. This is evident from the signification of "overcoming," as being those who conquer in temptations (for it is these that are treated of in what is written to the angel of this church, see above, n. John 6:31-58).

That it is the Lord Himself who is meant by "manna" and by "bread," He plainly teaches, for He says, "I am the bread of life which came down out of heaven." That it is the Lord in respect to the Divine Human, He also teaches when He says, "The bread that I will give is My flesh."

[2] The Lord taught the same when He instituted the Holy Supper:

Jesus took bread and blessed it, and gave to the disciples, and said, Take, eat, this is My body (63.

[3] It is called "hidden manna," because the delight of heavenly love, which those receive who are conjoined to the Lord through love, is wholly unknown to those that are in a love not heavenly; and this delight no one is able to receive except he that acknowledges the Lord's Divine Human; for from this the delight proceeds. Because this delight was unknown to the children of Israel in the wilderness, they called it "manna," as appears in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold, I will cause bread to rain from heaven itself for you. And in the morning the dew lay round about the camp. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold upon the face of the wilderness a small round thing; and when they saw it, they said, This is manna? (what is this)? Moses said unto them, this is the bread which Jehovah giveth you to eat. And the house of Israel called the name thereof manna (The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.) The term "delight" is used, and the delight of love is meant, for every delight of life is of love.

[4] As it is the delight of heavenly love that is signified by "eating of the hidden manna," therefore it is called "the bread of the heavens" in David:

Jehovah commanded the skies from above, and opened the doors of the heavens; and He rained down upon them manna for food, and gave them corn of the heavens (Heaven and Hell 13, 133, 139, 140, 284-290).

[5] This delight is also described by the correspondences in Moses:

The manna appeared like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like cakes made with honey (Arcana Coelestia 3038, 3373, 10248, 10249; that "white" is predicated of that truth, n. 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319; that "cake" signifies the good of heavenly love, n. 7978, 9992, 9993; that "oil" signifies that love itself, n. 886, 3728, 9780, 9954, 10261, 10269; its "juice," therefore, signifies the delight of that love, because the taste is therefrom, and the taste is the delight and pleasantness, see n. 3502, 4791-4805. But more about these matters may be seen in the explanation of chapter 16 of Exodus in The Arcana Coelestia.)

[6] The delight of heavenly love is signified by "eating of the hidden manna," when yet by "the hidden manna" the Lord in respect to the Divine Human is signified, because it is the same whether you say the Lord's Divine Human, or the Divine Love, for the Lord is Divine Love itself, and what proceeds from Him is Divine good united to Divine truth; both are of love, and are also the Lord in heaven; consequently "to eat of Him" is to be conjoined to Him, and this by love from Him. (But these things may be better understood from what is said and shown in the work on Heaven and Hell 13-19, 116-125, 126-140; also in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 210-222, 307)

Apocalypsis Explicata 146 (original Latin 1759)

146. "Vincenti dabo (illi) edere de manna abscondito." - Quod significet "is qui in tentationibus vincunt, jucundum amoris caelestis ex Divino Humano Domini, constat ex significatione "vincentis", quod sint qui in tentationibus vincunt, nam illi sunt de quibus in Scriptis ad Angelum hujus Ecclesiae agitur (videatur supra, n. 130); ex significatione "dare edere" quod sit appropriari et conjungi per amorem et charitatem (de qua n. 2187, 2343, 3168, 3513, 5643); et quia dicitur "de manna abscondito", per quod intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum; per "edere" de illo hic significatur jucundum amoris caelestis, nam hoc appropriatur a Divino Humano Domini illis qui recipiunt Ipsum amore et fide; et ex significatione "mannae absconditi", quod sit Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum; quod id sit "Manna" constat ab Ipsius Domini verbis apud Johannem,

"Patres nostri ederunt manna in deserto, sicut scriptum est, Panem e caelo dedit eis quem ederent Panis Dei est qui de caelo descendit et dat vitam mundo:... Ego sum Panis vitae: patres vestri ederunt manna in deserto, et mortui sunt: hic est Panis ille qui e caelo 1

descendit, ut qui edit de eo non moriatur. Ego sum Panis vivus qui e caelo descendi; si quis ederit ex hoc Pane, vivet in aeternum. Panis quem Ego dabo Caro mea est" (6:31-58).

Quod Ipse Dominus sit qui intelligitur per "Mannam" et "Panem", Ipse aperte docet, dicit enim, "Ego sum Panis vitae... qui e caelo descendi"; quod sit Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, etiam docet dicendo, "Panis quem Ego dabo Caro mea est."

[2] Idem docet Dominus cum instituit Sanctam Cenam,

"Jesus accipiens panem, et benedicens, et dedit discipulis et dixit, Accipite, comedite, hoc est Corpus meum" (Matthaeus 26:26; Marcus 14:22; Luca 22:19);

edere de hoc pane est conjungi Ipsi per amorem, nam "edere" significat appropriari et conjungi, ut supra, et amor est conjunctio spiritualis. Idem hoc significatur per "edere in regno Dei", apud Lucam,

"Beatus qui edit panem in regno Dei" (14:15);

apud eundem,

"Edetis et bibetis in mensa mea in regno" Dei (22:30);

apud Matthaeum,

"Multi ab oriente et occidente venient, et accumbent cum Abrahamo, Isaco et Jacobo in regno" Dei (8:11);

(quod per "Abrahamum", "Isacum" et "Jacobum" intelligatur Dominus, videatur n. 1893, 4615, 6098, 6185, 6276, 6804, 6847);

et apud Johannem,

"Non operemini cibum qui perit, sed cibum qui permanet..., quem Filius hominis dabit vobis" (6:27);

quod "Filius hominis" sit Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, videatur supra (n. 63).

[3] Quod dicatur "manna absconditum", est quia jucundum amoris caelestis, quod accipiunt illi qui per amorem conjuncti sunt Domino, prorsus ignotum est illis qui in amore non caelesti sunt; et hoc jucundum nemo potest accipere nisi qui Divinum Humanum Domini agnoscit, ex hoc enim illud procedit. Quia hoc jucundum ignotum fuit filiis Israelis in deserto, ideo vocabant illud "man", ut constat apud Mosen:

"Dixit Jehovah Mosi, Ecce ego faciam ut pluat vobis panis ex ipso caelo;... et mane fuit stratus ros circa ipsa castra; cumque elevasset se stratus ille ros, ecce in superficie ipsius deserti tenue rotundum quod videntes dicebant, Man hoc?" (Quid hoc?)... "Dixit Moses eis, Hic est panis ille quem dat vobis Jehovah ad comedendum... Et vocavit domus Israelis nomen ejus Man" (Exodus 16:3 ad fin.);

et apud eundem,

Jehovah cibavit te "manna, quod non noveras, nec noverunt patres tui, ut doceret te quod non per panem solum vivat homo, sed per omne enuntiatum oris Jehovae vivat homo" (Deuteronomius 8:3).

Quod hoc jucundum, quod intelligitur per "man", ignotum fuerit filiis Israelis, erat quia in jucundo corporeo prae aliis gentibus erant; et qui in hoc jucundo sunt, prorsus non scire possunt aliquid de jucundo caelesti. (Quod filii Israelis tales fuerint, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 248.) Jucundum dicitur, ac intelligitur jucundum amoris; nam omne jucundum vitae est amoris.

[4] Quia est jucundum amoris caelestis quod per "edere ex manna abscondito" significatur, ideo id vocatur "panis caelorum" apud Davidem,

"Jehovah praecepit aetheribus desuper, et Ostia caelorum patefecit, et depluere fecit super eos man in cibum, et frumentum caelorum dedit illis" (Psalms 78:23, 24);

et alibi,

"Jehovah pane caelorum saturavit eos" (Psalms 105:40);

"panis caelorum" dicitur quia depluebat e caelo cum rore; sed in sensu spirituali dicitur "panis caelorum" quia defluit a Domino per caelum angelicum; in hoc sensu non aliud caelum intelligitur, et non alius panis quam qui nutrit animam hominis; quod "panis" hic in hoc sensu intelligendus sit, constat ex ipsis Domini verbis apud Johannem,

"Quod Ipse sit Manna seu Panis qui e caelo descendit (6:31-58);"

et apud Mosen,

"Quod Jehovah cibaverit eos manna, ut doceret quod non per panem solum vivat homo, sed per omne enuntiatum oris Jehovae (Deuteronomius 8:3);

"enuntiatum oris Jehovae" est omne quod procedit ex Domino, et hoc in specie est Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 13, 133, 139, 140, 284-290).

[5] Hoc jucundum etiam describitur per correspondentias apud Mosen,

Man apparuit "quasi semen coriandri album, et sapor sicut placentae melle subactae" (Exod. 16:31);

et alibi apud eundem,

"Fecerunt ex eo placentas; sapor ejus erat sicut succi olei" (Numeri 11:7, 8).

Man quod tale esset quoad Visum et saporem, erat quia "semen coriandri album" significat verum ex origine caelesti; "placenta" bonum amoris caelestis; "mel" ejus jucundum externum; "oleum" ipsum illum amorem; et "succus" ejus, ex quo sapor, jucundum ejus internum; "pluvia cum rore", in quo fuit manna, influxum Divini veri in quo id jucundum.

(Quod "semen" significet verum ex origine caelesti, videatur n. 3038, 3373, 10248, 10249; quod "album" dicatur de illo vero, n. 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319.

Quod "placenta" significet bonum amoris caelestis, n. 7978, 9992, 9993; quod "oleum" significet ipsum illum amorem, n. 886, 3728, 9780, 9954, 10261, 10269; inde "succus" hujus significat jucundum ejus, quia inde sapor, et "sapor" est jucundum et amoenum, n. 3502, 4791-4805: sed plura de his videantur in explicatione super cap. 16 Exodi in Arcanis Caelestibus.)

[6] Quod jucundum amoris caelestis significetur per "edere ex manna abscondito", cum tamen per "Mannam absconditum" significatur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, est quia idem est sive dicas Divinum Humanum Domini, sive dicas Divinum Amorem; nam Dominus est Ipse Divinus Amor, et quod ab Ipso procedit est Divinum Bonum unitum Divino Vero; utrumque est Amoris, et quoque est Dominus in caelo; inde edere ab Ipso est conjungi Ipsi, et hoc per amorem ab Ipso. (Sed haec melius intelligi possunt ex illis quae in opere De Caelo et Inferno 13-19, 116-125, 126-140, et quoque in Doctrina Novae Ille Hierosolymae, n. 210-222, 307, dicta et ostensa sunt, quae videantur.)


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