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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 162

162. (Verse 21) And I gave her time to repent of her whoredom; and she repented not. That this signifies that those who are in falsities neither turn themselves to truths, nor by truths, is evident from the signification of repenting of whoredom, as being to turn from falsities to truths; for whoredom signifies the falsification of truth; and to repent is to turn from such falsities, because repentance is an actual turning from falsities to truths, and dissociation and separation from the former (as may be seen above, n. 143). Also from the signification of her not repenting, as being that they do not turn themselves from falsities to truths. These things are said concerning Jezebel, but they are to be understood of those who, from the delight of the loves of self and of the world, have falsified truths and adulterated goods; for in the prophetical parts of the Word one person is named, and thereby are meant all those who are of such a quality.

[2] Something shall be said briefly concerning the circumstance that those who falsify truths in themselves by applying them to the delight of the love of self, do not afterwards turn themselves to truths. Man, from his Spiritual or Internal, and from his Intellectual, sees the truths which pertain to the church from the Word, but he receives them there only in proportion as he so loves them as to be willing to do them. When man thus wills to do them, his internal or spiritual man calls forth and elevates to itself from the natural man and its memory the truths which are therein, and conjoins them to the love of his will; thus the internal spiritual man is opened, where the interior or higher mind dwells, and is successively filled and perfected. But if he suffers the natural delight, which is the delight of the love of self and of the world, to predominate, he then sees all things from that delight, and, in this case, if he perceives truths, he applies them to his own love, and falsifies them. When this is the case, the internal spiritual man is closed, because it is accommodated to the reception of such things as pertain to heaven, and cannot endure truths to be falsified. Wherefore, when truths are falsified, it contracts and closes up, like a fibril when touched with a prickle or sting; and the internal being once closed, the love of self or the love of the world reigns, or both together, and they form the external or natural man altogether in opposition to the internal or spiritual man. This is why those who have falsified truths by applying them to the delights of the love of self and of the world cannot afterwards turn themselves to truths. This is what is meant by these words,

"I gave" to the woman Jezebel "time to repent of her whoredom, and she repented not."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 162

162. Verse 21. And I gave her time that she might repent of her whoredom, and she repented not, signifies that those who are in falsities therefrom do not turn themselves to truths nor by means of truths. This is evident from the signification of "repenting of whoredom," as being to turn oneself from falsities to truths; for "whoredom" is the falsification of truth, and "to repent" is to turn oneself away from falsities; for repentance is an actual turning from falsities to truths, and dissociation and separation from falsities (See above, n. 143); also from the signification of "she repented not," as being that they do not turn themselves from falsities to truths. These things are said of Jezebel, but those are meant who from the delight of the loves of self and the world have falsified truths and adulterated goods; for in the prophecies of the Word one person is named, and by that person are meant all of that character.

[2] Something shall be here said briefly about this statement that those who have falsified truths with themselves by applying them to the delights of self-love do not afterwards turn themselves to truths. Man sees from the Word the truths of the church from the spiritual or internal man and from its intellectual, but he does not receive them therein except to the extent that he loves them so as to wish to do them. When man so wills, his internal or spiritual man calls forth and elevates to itself, out of the natural man and its memory, the truths that are there, and conjoins them to the love that is of his will; thus the internal spiritual man, where man's interior and higher mind resides, is opened and is successively filled and perfected. But if man permits the natural delight, which is the delight of the love of self and the world, to have dominion, then he views all things from that delight; and if he then sees truths he applies them to his own love and falsifies them. When this is done the internal spiritual man is closed; for as this is suited only to the reception of such things as are in heaven, it cannot bear that truths should be falsified; consequently when truths are falsified it contracts itself and closes almost, as a fibril does when touched by a prickle. When the internal is once closed, the love of self reigns, or the love of the world, or both together; and they form the external or natural man altogether in opposition to the internal or spiritual man. For this reason those who have falsified truths by applying them to the delights of the love of self and the world are unable afterwards to turn themselves to truths. This is what is here meant by these words, "I gave to the woman Jezebel time that she might repent of her whoredom, and she repented not."

Apocalypsis Explicata 162 (original Latin 1759)

162. (Vers. 21.) "Et dedi illi tempus ut resipisceret a scortatione sua, et non resipuit." - Quod significet quod qui inde in falsis sunt, non se convertant ad vera et per vera, constat ex significatione "resipiscere a scortatione", quod sit a falsis se convertere ad vera, "scortatio" enim est falsificatio veri, ac "resipiscere" est se convertere ab illis, nam resipiscentia est actualis conversio a falsis ad vera, ac dissociatio et separatio ab illis (ut supra, n. 143); et ex significatione "non resipuit", quod sit quod non a falsis ad vera se convertant. Haec dicta sunt de Isabele, sed intelliguntur qui ex jucundo amorum sui et mundi falsificarunt vera et adulterarunt bona; nam in propheticis Verbi nominatur una persona, et per illam intelliguntur omnes qui tales.

[2] Paucis dicetur de eo, quod qui apud se falsificarunt vera applicando ad jucundum amoris sui, postea se non convertant ad vera. Homo ex spirituali seu interno homine, et ex ejus intellectuali, videt vera, quae ecclesiae sunt, ex Verbo; sed non recipit illa ibi, nisi quantum amat illa usque ut velit facere illa: cum homo hoc ita vult, tunc internus seu spiritualis homo ex naturali et ejus memoria evocat et elevat vera quae ibi ad se, ac conjungit illa amori qui est voluntatis ejus; ita aperitur internus spiritualis homo, ubi est mens hominis interior et superior, et successive impletur et perficitur. At si homo patitur ut naturale jucundum, quod est jucundum amoris sui et mundi, praedominetur, tunc homo ex illo jucundo videt omnia; et si vera, applicat illa suo amori, et falsificat: quod cum fit, clauditur internus spiritualis homo; nam hic, quia ad receptionem talium quae in caelo sunt accommodatus est, non sustinet falsificari vera; quare cum falsificantur, se contrahit et claudit, paene sicut fibrilla aculeo tacta; quo semel clauso regnat amor sui aut amor mundi, aut uterque simul, ac format externum seu naturalem hominem prorsus in oppositum interno seu spirituali homini. Inde nunc est, quod qui falsificaverunt vera applicando ad jucunda amoris sui et mundi, postea non possint convertere se ad vera. Haec nunc sunt quae intelliguntur per ea verba, "Dedi" mulieri Isabeli "tempus ut resipisceret a scortatione sua, et non resipuit."

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