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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 172

172. I will put upon you none other burden. That this signifies that they should take heed of this alone is evident from the signification of laying a burden upon those with whom the internal can be conjoined to the external, as being that they should carefully take heed of that, because the delights of those two loves are the sole reason why the internal of man, which looks to heaven, is closed; and, this being closed, there can be no conjunction of it with the external, which looks to the world, nor any influx from heaven. It is said burden, because man's proprium, which is to love himself more than God, and the world more than heaven, resists.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 172

172. I put upon you no other burden, signifies that this alone should be guarded against. This is evident from the signification of "laying a burden" upon those in whom the internal can be conjoined with the external, as being that they should carefully guard against this, since the delights of these two loves are the sole cause of the closing of man's internal, which looks to heaven. When that is closed there is no conjunction of the internal with the external, which looks to the world, nor any influx from heaven. It is said "burden," because man's proprium [what is man's own], which is to love self above God and the world above heaven, offers resistance.

Apocalypsis Explicata 172 (original Latin 1759)

172. "Non impono super vos aliud onus." - Quod significet quod hoc solum cavendum sit, constat ex significatione "imponere onus" super illos apud quos internum conjungi potest externo, quod sit ut id sollicito caveant, quoniam jucunda binorum illorum amorum solum faciunt ut internum hominis quod spectat caelum claudatur; quo clauso non datur ulla conjunctio ejus cum externo quod spectat mundum, nec aliquis influxus e caelo. "Onus" dicitur, quia proprium hominis, quod est amare se prae Deo, et mundum prae caelo, renititur.

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