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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 173

173. (Verse 25) Nevertheless, that which ye have, hold fast until I come. That this signifies continuance in a state of the good even to visitation is evident from the signification of that which ye have, hold fast, as denoting to continue in a state of love and faith, thus in a state of conjunction of the external with the internal, in which they are capable of being so far as they resist the delights of the loves of self and of the world. For in proportion as man removes those delights from himself, in the same proportion the internal is conjoined with the external, thus more in one and less in another; and from the signification of until I come, as denoting visitation (concerning, which see above, n. 144).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 173

173. Verse 25. Nevertheless that which ye have, hold fast till I come, signifies steadfastness in a state of the good of love and faith, even until visitation. This is evident from the signification of "that which ye have hold fast," as being to be steadfast in a state of love and faith, thus in a state of conjunction of the internal with the external, in which they are capable of being so far as they resist the delights of the loves of self and of the world. For so far as man removes these delights from him is the internal conjoined with the external, thus more in one man and less in another. This is evident also from the signification of "till I come," as meaning visitation (of which see above, n. 144).

Apocalypsis Explicata 173 (original Latin 1759)

173. (Vers. 25.) "Attamen quod habetis retinete donec venio." - Quod significet permanentiam in statu boni amoris et fidei usque ad visitationem, constat ex significatione "retinete quod habetis", quod sit permanere in statu amoris et fidei, ita in statu conjunctionis interni cum externo, in quo esse possunt quantum resistunt jucundis amorum sui et mundi; tantum enim conjungitur internum externo quantum homo removet a se illa jucunda, ita plus apud unum et minus apud alterum; et ex significatione "donec venio", quod sit visitatio (de qua supra, n. 144).

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