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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 185

185. I know thy works. That this signifies those things that constitute their life, is evident from the signification of works, as being those things, both good and evil that make up the life of man. The reason why works signify those things that constitute the life is, that they are the effects of the life, for they proceed from it; if the life be good the works will be good, but if the life be evil the works will be evil. The life which is in works is the intention of the will and of the thought thence, and this life is the life of man's spirit, for the spirit in man intends and thinks. Without this life in works, works would be mere movements like those of an automaton; hence it is that the wise do not look at the works, but at the life in the works, that is, the intention. This is especially the case with the angels who are in attendance on man; they do not see his works, but only the intentions of his mind, and thence conclude what is the quality of his state. From this it is evident that by works, in the spiritual sense, is meant the life; and because the life of man is varied, and depends principally upon his love, therefore his love is chiefly signified by works (see above, n. 98, 116). This now is the reason why it is said to the angel of each church in the beginning, I know thy works: by this is meant, that the Lord knows all that pertains to a man's life, and its quality as to love.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 185

185. I know thy works, signifies the things that are of their life. This is evident from the signification of "works," as being the things that are of man's life, both the good and the evil. "Works" signify the things that are of life because they are the effects of life, for they proceed from the life of everyone. If the life is good the works are good, but if the life is evil the works are evil. The life that is in works is the intention, which is of the will, and of the thought therefrom; and this life is the life of man's spirit; for it is the spirit in man that intends and thinks. Without this life in works they would be only motions like those of automatons. For this reason the wise do not look at the works, but at the life that is in the works, namely, at the intention. This is especially true of the angels who are with man; they do not see his works, but only the intentions of his mind, and conclude therefrom what the man's state is. From this it can be seen that "works" in the spiritual sense mean the life; and as the life of man is diverse, depending mainly upon his love, it is his love that is especially signified by "works;" see above (n. 98, 116). This is why it is said to the angel of each church in the beginning, "I know thy works;" which therefore means that the Lord knows the whole life of man, and its quality in respect to love.

Apocalypsis Explicata 185 (original Latin 1759)

185. "Novi tua opera." - Quod significet illa quae eorum vitae sunt, constat ex significatione "operum", quod sint illa quae vitae hominis sunt, tam bona quam mala. Causa quod "opera" significent illa quae vitae sunt, est quia sunt effectus vitae, nam a vita cujusvis procedunt. Si vita bona est, sunt opera bona; si autem vita mala est, sunt opera mala. Vita, quae in operibus, est intentio quae est voluntatis et inde cogitationis; et haec vita est vita spiritus hominis, nam spiritus in homine intendit et cogitat; absque hac vita in operibus forent opera solum motus quales sunt automatum. Inde est quod sapientes non spectent ad opera, sed ad illam vitam in operibus, nempe ad intentionem: hoc imprimis faciunt angeli qui apud hominem; illi non vident opera ejus, sed modo intentiones mentis ejus, et inde concludunt ad quale status hominis. Ex quibus constare potest quod per "opera" in sensu spirituali intelligatur vita; et quia vita hominis est varia, et pendet principaliter ab ejus amore, ideo amor ejus per "opera" principaliter significatur (ut supra, n. 98, 116). Haec nunc causa est, quod ad Angelum cujusvis Ecclesiae in principio dicatur, "Novi tua opera"; per quod ideo intelligitur quod Dominus noverit omnem vitam hominis, et qualis est quoad amorem.

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