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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 203

203. (Verse 7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write. That this signifies those of the church who are in the faith of charity is evident from the things written to the angel of this church, understood in the internal sense. For, as said above (n. 20), by the seven churches are not meant seven churches, but all who belong to the church, or all things pertaining to man which constitute the church; for by seven in the Word are meant all persons, and all things, because by each number mentioned in the Word is signified something either of thing or state, as is very evident in this prophetic book, in which numbers are so frequently mentioned. The same is evident from Ezekiel (chap. xl.-xlviii.), where the new temple and the new earth are described, which is done by measures given in numbers. By the new temple and the new earth is there meant the New Church, and by each number or each measure is signified something belonging to the church. (That all numbers in the Word signify things and states, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 263.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 203

203. Verse 7. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, signifies those of the church who are in the faith of charity. This is evident from the things written to the angel of this church understood in the internal sense, for (as was said above, n. Heaven and Hell 263.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 203 (original Latin 1759)

203. (Vers. 7.) "Et Angelo in Philadelphia Ecclesiae scribe." - Quod significet illos ab ecclesia qui in fide charitatis sunt, constat ex illis in sensu interno intellectis quae ad Angelum hujus Ecclesiae scripta sunt, nam (ut supra, n. 20 dictum est) per "septem Ecclesias" non intelliguntur septem ecclesiae, sed omnes quicunque ab ecclesia sunt, seu quaecunque apud hominem faciunt ecclesiam; per "septem" enim in Verbo intelliguntur omnes ac omnia; nam in Verbo per unumquemvis numerum significatur aliquid rei aut status, quod admodum evidenter constare potest in hoc Libro Prophetico, in quo quampluries memorantur numeri; et quoque apud Ezechielem (cap. 4048), ubi Novum Templum et Nova Terra describuntur, quod fit per mensuras in numeris; per "novum templum" et per "novam terram" intelligitur ibi nova ecclesia, et per unamquamvis mensuram seu unumquemvis numerum significatur aliquid ecclesiae. (Quod omnes numeri in Verbo significent res et status, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 263.)

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