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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 215

215.I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. That this signifies the time of the Last Judgment, when those who are in the former heaven must be visited, that then these must be saved is evident from the signification of the hour of temptation which shall come upon the whole world, as denoting the time of the Last Judgment; and from the signification of trying them that dwell upon the earth, as being visitation upon those who are in the former heaven, when those who are in faith from charity, and who are here treated of, will be saved, which is meant by its being said, "I also will keep thee." That these things are said of the Last Judgment is evident, for it is said, "the hour of temptation which shall come upon the whole world," when they that dwell upon the earth shall be tried. But because the Last Judgment, also the former heaven and its abolition, and the new heaven and its formation, are treated of in the small work, The Last Judgment, and further mention is made of the same in the following pages, we shall for the present defer explaining these words more fully.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 215

215. I also will keep thee in the hour of temptation that is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth, signifies the time of the Last Judgment, when there will be visitation upon those who are in the former heaven, and that they will then be saved. This is evident from the signification of "the hour of temptation that is to come upon the whole world," as being the time of the Last Judgment; and from the signification of "trying them that dwell upon the earth:" as being visitation upon those who are in the former heaven; that those who are in faith from charity, who are here treated of, will then be saved, is meant by "I will keep thee." These things evidently relate to the Last Judgment, for it is said, "the hour of temptation that is to come upon the whole world, when they shall he tried that dwell upon the earth." But as the Last Judgment, also the former heaven and its abolition, and the new heaven and its formation, are treated of in the small works on The Lost Judgment and The New Jerusalem, and will be further treated of in this work, additional explanation of these words is deferred.

Apocalypsis Explicata 215 (original Latin 1759)

215. "Et Ego te servabo in hora tentationis futurae venire super orbem universum, explorare habitantes super terra." - Quod significet tempus ultimi judicii, quando visitandi qui in caelo priori, quod illi tunc salvandi, constat ex significatione "horae tentationis venturae super universum orbem", quod sit tempus ultimi judicii; et ex significatione "explorare habitantes super terra", quod sit visitatio super illos qui in priori caelo; quod tunc illi qui in fide ex charitate sunt, de quibus hic agitur, salvabuntur, intelligitur per "Ego te servabo." Quod haec de ultimo judicio dicta sint, patet, nam dicitur "hora tentationis venturae super orbem universum, quum explorabuntur habitantes super terra": sed quia actum est de ultimo judicio, ac de priori caelo et ejus abolitione, et de novo caelo et ejus formatione, in opusculis De Ultimo Judicio et De Nova Hierosolyma, et de iisdem ulterius agendum est in sequentibus, praeteritur hic amplius illa verba explicare.

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