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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 230

230. (Verse 15) I know thy works. That this signifies the life of faith alone is evident from the signification of works as being those things that belong to the interior life of man, because works proceed from those things, and are their effects (concerning which see above, n. 157, 185). Here therefore they signify the life of faith alone, because this is treated of in what is written to the angel of this church. To each of the churches it is premised, "I know thy works," and in every case it signifies the things belonging to the church there treated of (see above, n. 98); therefore the quality of the life of faith alone, or of faith separated from charity, is described in what now follows.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 230

230. Verse 15. I know thy works, signifies the life of faith alone. This is evident from the signification of "works," as being the things that are of man's interior life, for works proceed from these and are their effects (See above n. 157-185); here, therefore, they signify the life of faith alone, because this is treated of in what is written to this church. To each of the churches it is said first, "I know thy works," and in every case "works" signify the things of the church there treated of (See above, n. 98); therefore what now follows describes what the life of faith alone is or the life of faith separate from charity.

Apocalypsis Explicata 230 (original Latin 1759)

230. (Vers. 15.) "Novi tua opera." Quod significet vitam solius fidei, constat ex significatione "operum", quod sint illa quae sunt interioris vitae hominis, quia opera ab illis procedunt, ac sunt eorum effectus (de qua supra, n. 157, 185); hic itaque significant vitam solius fidei, quia in scriptis ad hanc ecclesiam de ea agitur. Ad singulas ecclesias praemittitur, "Novi tua opera"; ac ubivis significant illa ecclesiae de quibus ibi agitur (videatur supra, n. 98); qualis itaque vita solius fidei est, seu fidei separatae a charitate, describitur in nunc sequentibus.

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