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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 245

245. And anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see. That this signifies that the understanding may be in some degree opened is evident from the signification of eyes, as being the understanding (concerning this, see above, n. 152). Hence by anointing the eyes that thou mayest see is signified that the understanding may be opened. It is said to anoint with eye-salve, because by eye-salve is signified an ointment made from flour and oil, and flour signifies the truth of faith, and oil the good of love. (That flour signifies the truth of faith, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 2177, 9995, and that oil signifies the good of love, n. 3728, 4582, 4638.) This is thus said, because the understanding sees nothing of truth unless the will is in good; for the truth in the understanding is nothing else but the form of the good which is in the will.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 245

245. And anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see, signifies that the understanding may be somewhat opened. This is evident from the signification of "eyes," as being the understanding (See above, n. 152); therefore "to anoint the eyes that thou mayest see" signifies that the understanding may be opened. It is said "to anoint with eye-salve," because "eye-salve" means an ointment made out of flour mixed with oil, and "flour" signifies the truth of faith, and "oil" the good of love. (That "flour" signifies the truth of faith, see Arcana Coelestia 2177, 9995; and that "oil" signifies the good of love, n. 3728, 4582, 4638.) This is so said because the understanding sees nothing of truth unless the will is in good, for truth in the understanding is nothing else than the form of the good that is in the will.

Apocalypsis Explicata 245 (original Latin 1759)

245. "Et collyrio inunge oculos ut videas." - Quod significet ut aliquantum aperiatur intellectus, constat ex significatione "oculorum", quod sint intellectus (de qua supra, n. 152); inde per "inungere oculos ut videas" significatur ut aperiatur intellectus: dicitur "collyrio inungere", quia per "collyrium significatur unguentum factum ex farina cum oleo, et "farina" significat verum fidei et "oleum" bonum amoris; (quod "farina" significet verum fidei, videatur n. 2177, 9995, et quod "oleum" bonum amoris, n. 3728, 4582, 4638); hoc ita dicitur quia intellectus nihil veri videt nisi voluntas sit in bono, verum enim in intellectu non aliud est quam forma boni quod est in voluntate.

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